The Short-Nosed Elephant Part 1

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(Partially Adapted from "A G-G-Ghost Appears" and "The Short-Nosed Elephant")

We start this episode with Sentai footage on the Arrow Galion. But similarly, to the last episode, it's "nighttime" on there. The cockpit is shrouded in shadow as we see Insidion's left hand...reaching into the Amoebanoid coin tray connected to Sagittar's throne. He grabs about 5 to 6 coins and holds them up for a quick look.

Insidion: (whispering) These should suffice.

As he says this sentence...he also holds up something new in his right hand. It's some kind of device that he's holding like a blaster, but it looks like an injector. It's mostly silver but with gold highlights on the ends of it, mainly the "needle" part, and has an odd round red piece on top of it.

But then, after he holds up this new device...a sliding door opens revealing Midaria.

Midaria: (whispering) What do you think you're doing?

Insidion: (as she walks over to him) Just making some preparations for a more "experimental" hunt tomorrow.

Midaria: What is that?

Insidion: (as he begins to walk away) The finished prototype of an idea I came up with weeks ago.

But then, we go from Sentai footage to original footage.

We get a shot of this robotic Squidward-like monster about to leave...only for him to stop dead in his tracks at the sound of weapons being pulled out before the camera then cuts back to reveal Midaria holding up her nunchuck-like blasters and aiming them at him.

Midaria: We're not done yet.

Insidion: (sighs) Of course we aren't.

Midaria: It's suspicious of you to do this at night when you could just ask for Amoebanoids in the morning.

Insidion: I'd rather not wake Sagittar over a few coins for private testing.

Midaria: ...What kind of operation are you trying to pull?

Insidion: Something "fresh". I just need a few hours and these coins. Let me have such, and I promise the Rangers will pay for their victories.

Midaria: ...(lowers her weapons) Fine. But if I find out you plan on backstabbing any of us—

Insidion: Very little risk of that I can assure you.

Midaria: Well, forgive me if I'm untrustworthy of a crafty headhunter whose name comes from the word insidious.

Insidion: Fair enough. Now if you'll excuse me...I have a herd to thin out.

While saying the last part of that dialog, he walks out of the room looking much more sinister as the room's shadows engulf his slow exit.


Cut down to Earth the next morning.

Instead of the Zoo or Washi Residence, we're at a brand new location this week. The Evans Residence.

Yep, we finally get to see the home of another ranger. A three-story house in a neighborhood just outside of Dolphin Coast with an attic, a second floor for two bedrooms/bathrooms, and the first floor with a living room, bathroom, garage, kitchen, and backdoor, along with African/Indian style detailing to the walls, animal pictures, family pictures, you get the idea.

Basically, it's a mixture of Lilo's house from 'Lilo and Stitch', and Connie Mahweswaran's house from 'Steven Universe' with some different decor.

Anywho, we see Winston and Hitarthi on their living room couch and Tiana on a chair, except instead of their usual zoo uniforms, the couple is in casual clothing. And in Hitarthi's hand is a box.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Where stories live. Discover now