Blackened Rhino Part 4

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(Adapted from "Monarch of the World")

After another 30-second recap, we pick up where we left off. Our heroes standing by the ocean, unmorphed and injured from their previous fight, with Derrick Barnett, the man taken by Sagittar and turned into Zoo-Killer, standing before them free with his Morpher in his hand.

Derrick: I uh...I don't know really know what else to say right now.

Benny: That's okay. We're just happy you're safe.

The team nods before the music stops and Caleb makes a confused face.

Caleb: Wait a sec, did we just leave our zords giant-sized?

The music cuts out completely and the entire team looks comedically up into the sky behind them to see that yes indeed, their Megazords are just stuck there.

Maybe for a little more comedic touch, we see a news helicopter near them getting all the footage it can.

Jackie: Dudes, come down! The fight's over!

With a big flash, all of the Cubimals, including Derrick's, shrink and fly down to the team.

Every zord lands in their respective ranger's hands with the Giraffe zord landing in Sylvia's, the Mole in Jackie's, and the Panda in Caleb's.

And as a quick joke, Winston picks up how everyone is holding two zords.

Winston: Man. I need to find my own auxiliary zord.

Sylvia: Sorry for leaving you up there. You guys did great!

Caleb: Especially this little Grizz-I mean...Panda, now, I guess?

The Bear zord then shakes its head.

Caleb: What do you mean?

With a green flash of its eyes and some golden sparks of energy that make the team flinch, the zord transforms back into its original form, rightfully confusing everyone.

Jackie: What!? So, you turned into a completely different kind of zord, you're just back to normal?

The bear zord nods.

Sylvia: Was it like a temporary boost of Link Cube energy or something?

It nods again with a little growl.

Caleb: Well, do you think you'll ever do it again?

The zord then "shrugs". Comedic silence ensues for 2 seconds as the rangers look at each other, still confused and unaware that this is an obvious jab at how Zyuohger just dropped Cube Panda in out of nowhere and pretty much never used it ever again, say for maybe one episode later in the show that may not even be adapted for this.

Jackie: ...Okay then, uh—

He's cut off by the sound of the Black Rhino zord making a truck noise. Derrick turns around to see the 3 zords at his feet, looking up at him with their angry eyes. There's a brief moment of suspense as the Rhino zord's wheels start to rev up, and it then quickly flies up at Derrick...but the tension is quickly cut as the Rhino Cubimal starts to make happy noises as Derrick grabs onto the oddly shaped zord with both arms, pulling it into a hug.

Derrick: (smiles) I-It's all good...We're free.

The crocodile and wolf zords hop onto his shoulders.

Jackie: Right. So, I know you probably have a lot of questions right now.

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