Strange Place

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Bailey opened her eyes and groaned as she slowly blinked to settle her vision. She looked up at the blue sky above she trying to remember what had happened the last night. Visions of the night before slowly crept into her mind. She had been walking down the street on her way to meet a blind date. When she started hearing the ringing of a bell, then everything went black. She lifted herself off the ground and brushed the dirt from her clothes. She looked around confused and sniffed the air. Nothing smelled familiar nor did it look familiar. She furrowed her brows and began to walk. As the sun was setting she reached the bottom of a mountain and a woman who was walking with her children spotted Bailey. "Ma'am, you aren't traveling up the mountain in the dark are you?" The woman asked concerned. Bailey nodded and proceeded to walk. "Please be careful! A lot of people have gone missing on this mountain as of late!" The woman yelled at Bailey before she was about to ascend the mountain. Bailey waved her hand disregarding the woman's warning. The sun set quickly and the trees in the area thickened as she walked up the mountain. 'Where the hell am I?' Bailey thought to herself while walking through a thick forest. She could hear leaves being crunched under footsteps behind her. Rolling her eyes she kept moving forward. Whatever it was would make a mistake if it were to follow her. 'Don't draw attention to yourself! Whatever it is you can handle it.' She said to herself as the footsteps quickened. Bailey stopped and took a deep breath, she could make out two separate pairs and of footsteps. "Miss." A strong male voice rang in the night. "It is not safe here for you at night. Let me or my comrade escort you back to the village where you can rest and continue your journey in the morning." Bailey turned towards the voice. Two men were standing several feet away with their hands on hilts of their weapons. They wore similar outfits but one had a white haori with flames at the bottom that matched his hair. The other had a white haori that wasn't as long and his was white which matched his hair as well. Bailey lifted one brow at the men. "I am capable of taking care of myself." She said as she started to turn around to continue walking. "Miss, We insist!" The man with the bright flame like hair said with a smile. Bailey scoffed and started to walk away until she heard someone approaching at a high speed. Her head shot to the side just in time to see a purple blur moving towards her. As she sniffed the air her hands shot up to her nose and her eyes closed as she scrunched her face in discomfort. 'Disgusting! What the hell is that smell?' She thought to herself as the stench was getting stronger. Suddenly her shoulder stung with pain as she felt blood drip to the ground. The two men drew their swords and were by Bailey's side in an instant. Giggling was heard as it echoed around the forest. "Such a sweet scent. Your blood is so intoxicating it is almost as strong as a Merechi's blood!" The purple demon yelled excitedly. It's black eyes steady on her as she crouched down and hissed in pain. Bailey stood to her feet to find she was being blocked by the flame haired man while the white haired man sliced his arm with his sword. The demon gasped and was on the ground in front of them within seconds. The man with the white hair smiled viciously at the demon as it began to loose its balance. He raised his sword ready to strike. Bailey sped pass both of them and grabbed the demon by it's head and threw it into a nearby tree causing the tree to fall to the ground. The two men watched dumbfounded at the strength she had displayed before them. Just after Bailey ripped both arms from the demon she lifted his head as her eyes glowed gold and black veins protruded underneath her eyes. "Wh-what are you?!" The demon stuttered in fear now realizing that the woman was no an ordinary human as he previously thought. Bailey began to forcefully tug the demons head. "Hey! You have to cut it off with a nichirin sword. Just ripping it's head off won't kill it Idiot!" The white hair man yelled angrily. Hearing this Bailey pushed the demon towards the two men. Before it hit the ground the white haired man swung his sword effortlessly and decapitated the demon slowly turning it to ash. The two men sheathed their swords and turned to where Bailey was only to find the forest around them empty. "That woman. She ripped the demons arms off with her bare hands! The demon, did you hear what he said? He asked what she was." The flame haired man exclaimed while his hand rested on his hilt as he scanned the area. "She must be a demon! Where the hell did she go?" The white haired man said though gritted teeth looking around as well. "If she was a demon then your blood surely would have drawn her to you. We must return to headquarters and report this." The flame haired man said. "You return to headquarters. I'll search for the woman she couldn't have gone far." The white haired man said as he walked over to find her tracks. They both nodded and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile further up the mountain Bailey was already sitting by a small stream cleaning the blood from where the demon attacked her. The wound had healed before she ripped that disgusting things arms off but the blood soaked into her top. Now she would need to get new clothes. Hopefully she would happen upon a small village or town on the other side of the mountain. She sighed then heard a rustling in the bushes. Her head cocked to the side as she heard her stomach growl in hunger. Sniffing the air she could smell rabbits and the white haired man from earlier. She got to her feet and sped off to the side and jumped as far as she could climbing a tree shielding herself up in the branches. The white haired man came to a stop by the stream breathing heavily. "There's no way she made it this far." He said to himself as he looked down at the grass and saw droplets of water mixed with blood. "Caw caw, Sanmei Shinazugawa return to headquarters! Sanmei Shinazugawa return to headquarters!" His crow above him called out. Sanmei clicked his tongue and turned running towards his destination. Bailey dropped down from the tree. "Headquarters?" Her brows furrowed curiosity and against her better judgment sped off following the man's scent.

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