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"Where is she?" Iguro's voice rang out as he stood in front of Uzui's and his three wives. A frown evident on his face as he scanned the destruction that defeating both upper moon six caused.  Following the sound of Tanjiro's voice Iguro found the four with Bailey's body. Pink flames surrounded Bailey's body. She just barely covered by Tanjiro's checkered haori. "Keep going Nezuko the poison is almost gone." Tanjiro encouraged his sister as Iguro stood behind them. "What happened?" Iguro's voice was laced with venom as he looked at condition of Bailey's body. The sickening grey complexion and thick dark veins that protruded all over her body made Iguro's heart tighten. 'That night at the Butterfly Mansion she didn't look like this. She just looked like every other dead person.' Iguro gritted his teeth as he watched the pink flames disappear. "Good job Nezuko you got all the poison out." Tanjiro praised his little sister. Iguro removed his haori and covered Bailey's body handing Tanjiro's haori back to him. Carefully picking up Bailey's body Iguro quickly headed back to the Butterfly Mansion. Kyojuro and Sanemi were waiting at the Butterfly Mansion when Iguro's figured came into sight. Uzui had sent word that Bailey was injured in the battle against the both upper moon six. Bailey's limp grey body in Iguro's arms made both of them stiffen. "Is she dead dead or is this the same as last time?" Sanemi asked Kyojuro who stayed silent as Iguro made his way to a private room in the Butterfly Mansion and laid Bailey down on the bed. "She was in her wolf form when Gyutaro sunk his poison sickles into her to save his sister Daki." Uzui said entering the room. A look of guilt on his face as he watched Iguro finish covering Bailey with a sheet and retrieved his haori. Kyojuro pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. "I'll wait here until she wakes." He said his voice lack his usual enthusiasm. "Rengoku look at her. It's not like last time. If only her blood worked like it did on us humans." Iguro said. Kyojuro shot to his feet and ran out the door in search of Shinobu. "Blood!" He said pointing to a few vials of blood. "Those aren't Bailey's blood." Shinobu said confused. "Human blood? Yes?" He asked leaping forward and grabbing a few vials and running back to the room where Bailey was. Rushing passed the others he gently put the vials on the bed. "Her blood is already in her." Iguro said as if Kyojuro had lost it. "That's not her blood. Shinobu said coming in behind them. Kyojuro opened one of the vials and tried to pour the blood in only to have it roll down her face. "Forgive me." He said before taking the blood into his mouth and pushing it into hers and repeated that with the other vials. After a few moments Bailey's skin started to regain color and the protruding veins disappeared. Relief filled the room as Kyojuro took his seat next to the bed. "Blood. That's why it wasn't safe last time for us. When she dies and comes back she needs blood." Shinobu said as she examined Bailey's renewed complexion. Kyojuro sat in the chair for hours his chest tight with anxiety waiting for her to wake. As a gasp for air sounded from Bailey his body relaxed. Five hours after giving her the blood and returning the color to her skin she finally woke up. "Kyojuro?" She asked sitting up and looking at her surroundings. Images of a Daki screaming for her brother entered her mind and she took a deep breath remembering how she had died before the battle was over. "Where are the others? Are they alright?!" Bailey frantically asked. Kyojuro smiled and nodded. "They are fine." Kyojuro said as he handed Bailey bigger vials of blood. Shock ran through her as she took them in her hand. "Drink so that you don't have to run off again." Kyojuro smiled at her. Bailey uncapped the vials one by one and drank them quickly. Kyojuro's brow arched as she finished the last vial of blood before she turned back to him. "How did you know?" Bailey asked. "It was a guess." He said his enthusiasm returned and his cherry disposition the same as always. "You will rest for a few days then you will have your own mission. The Master has ordered that you be in the presence of a Hashira with every mission from now on." Kyojuro explain and Bailey nodded. "When you left on this mission you didn't bring your nichirin blade. It should stay with you at all times. You won't be able to kill a demon without it." Kyojuro's voice was stern as he put her blade by the bedside. Bailey stared at the blade before returning her gaze to Kyojuro. "I can't die that easily. I may be put to sleep but I'll always wake up. These demons have no clue how to kill me. I'm not afraid of them." Bailey said with a stern tone. "Being trailed along as if I'm some frail child that needs protecting is a waste of time." Bailey got to her feet and pinned Kyojuro to the wall with her super speed one handed. "Just because I don't want to hurt you doesn't mean you are stronger than I am." Her eyes glowed eerily as her eyes locked with his. "I've played by the corps rules and it hasn't gotten us anywhere." Bailey said gritting her teeth. "I'll take the stupid blade but I am no longer playing by your rules." She grabbed the nichirin blade and strapped it to her back. "Bailey!" Kyojuro's hand grabbed her wrist. His grip was firm. She easily shook off his hand and walked passed him. Irritation making her eyes glow gold as she made her way outside. "I will not be ordered around like a dog. I don't need a Hashira to watch me." Bailey yelled as Kyojuro tried to stop her from leaving. "Bailey Stop." Kyojuro said sending a signal to his crow Kaname and stepping in front of her. Bailey frowned at his determination to get her to stay. "I will find Muzan on my own. Now move." She yells letting a furious growl rumble through her chest. "I can't let you do that. If you go I will follow you." Kyojuro said. "Why because your Master doesn't want me running off!" Bailey hissed at him. "I can't see you die like that again!" Kyojuro's voice shook with frustration. "Seeing you in such a state. I can't do that. I didn't know if you would actually wake up this time. The blood was just a guess. When I had to push the blood into your mouth and felt how cold you were I realized-" Bailey pushed him away. "No! Damn it! Don't! You can't!" She yelled as the meaning of his words sunk in. Bailey stumbled to the side away from Kyojuro. "Don't follow me!" She said before she disappeared in the blink of an eye. 'She's faster than I could have imagined. Kaname keep up with her.' He thought to himself as he quickly alerted his Master of the situation.
Bailey sped fast through the forest tears running down her cheeks and anger filling her head but her heart ached. "Why Kyojuro?! Why?" She sobbed clenching her chest.
"Why do you look so distraught?" An unfamiliar voice asked. Looking around Bailey saw a pair of red eyes watching her from the tree line. "Who the hell are you?" She asked readying herself for a fight.

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