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As they entered the gates of the Butterfly Mansion Bailey's eyes landed on a man wearing a mask and a sunflower-patterned haori and a large, woven hat with hanging floral wind chimes, Hotaru Haganezuka. "Haganezuka. Nice to see you again." Kyojuro said with his usual bright smile. Bailey nodded towards Haganezuka. "Are you Bailey? You look so ordinary. I was hoping to see the blade turn a bright red." Haganezuka said a bit down. "She is anything but ordinary Haganezuka." Kyojuro said proudly. "If you say so." Haganezuka said still feeling a bit down. "Just give me the stupid blade!" Bailey said in an irritated voice. Haganezuka twitched and almost pounced on Bailey until her nichirin blade turned a deep blood red. "I-it turned red!" Haganezuka said happily throwing himself at Bailey. Bailey stood there as Haganezuka praised her because the blade had turned red. 'All of this for a blade changing color?' She thought to herself. Bailey growled irritated that she was being bear hugged by him. Hearing her growl Haganezuka released her and happily said goodbye to them before going in search of Tanjiro whom had lost his because of throwing it at Akaza as he fled into the forest. Bailey shook her head at the man as he left. "I will gather the other Hashira and send word to the master of your return." Kyojuro said. Bailey nodded and walked over to the forest. She stood there for a while just before walking behind a tree and stripping down and transforming in a huge black wolf with blue eyes. Kyojuro and the others returned moments later. "Well . Where is she?" Uzui said looking around but not spotting Bailey anywhere. "Bailey!" Kyojuro called her name waiting for her to come into view but instead was met with an ominous deep growl. The Hashiras stiffened caught off guard. "How did a wolf get here?" Shinobu asked looking at the wolf that was twice the size of a the wolves in the nearby forest. The wolf's blue eyes landed on Kyojuro. Slowly it walked over to him and sat beside him. Everyone stared in shock. "Looks like you have a flashy new pet Rengoku!" Uzui said with a small laugh. The wolf growled and narrowed its eyes at him and he looked at it with his head tilted. "If I didn't know any better I'd say this wolf has the same temper as Bailey." Uzui said scratching the back of his head. The wolf then looked to Kyojuro and he stared at the blue eyes deep in thought. The wolf tugged on his sleeve leading him to a pile of clothes. Looking down Kyojuro's eyes widened upon seeing the familiar clothing. Kyojuro squatted down and started to pick the clothes up until the wolf gripped them in its mouth and let out a growl. Tugging the clothes from Kyojuro's hands the wolf growled then it's eyes shifted over to the others than back to Kyojuro. Kyojuro stood and turned his back and the sound of snapping bones could be heard from behind Kyojuro. The Hashiras cringed at the sound of so many bones snapping consecutively before hearing a familiar voice. "If you took my clothes I would've bit you." Bailey said coming out from behind Kyojuro fully dressed. She smirked and looked towards the others. "That's only one of the things I can do." Bailey smirked. "I'm super fast. I'm super strong. I'm also very hard to kill and I can heal people." Bailey said. "It is true. Bailey saved me from an upper rank demon with whom she went hand to hand combat with." Kyojuro said putting his hand on Bailey's shoulder. "Will your healing work on the Master?" A woman's frantic voice came from behind them. Amane Ubuyashiki's purple eyes filled with hope while looking at Bailey. "I can't cure someone who is cursed." Bailey said killing the hope in Amane's eyes. "But I can help a little. I don't know to what extent but it will help." Bailey said and Amane quickly took her hand and everyone followed to the Ubuyashiki home where the Master laid in bed. Bailey took a seat near the Master. "I need a knife and a bowl." Bailey said and Amane clapped her hands for her daughter to get what was needed. Once Bailey had what she needed Bailey cut open her hand and let her blood drain into the bowl. The Hashiras watched as her hand healed quickly and Bailey picked up the bowl of her blood. "Here you need to drink this." She said to the master who was laying silently. The Hashiras' eyes all widened at the realization of what was happening. "His body is very weak right now." Amane said with worry. "Then put it in your mouth and push it into his. That's what I had to do with Kyojuro to save his life." Bailey said and Kyojuro's eyes widened and heat rushed to his face feeling everyone's eyes on him. Uzui clapped Kyojuro on the back with a grin. Amane took Bailey's blood in her mouth and slowly pushed it into Kagaya's mouth. After a moment the purple curse mark started to recede up Kagaya's face. The Hashiras' eyes widened in amazement watching their Master intently. Amane's hands covered her mouth in shock watching her husband's condition change before her eyes. Kagaya's eyes slowly opened and he stared at the wooden ceiling in the room. "Amane. I-I can see." Kagaya said in disbelief as he slowly sat up on his mat. "Kagaya!" Amane threw her arms around him and cried tears of joy. Tears rolled down the Hashiras' faces for their Master's returned health. "Miss Bailey thank you." Amane said pulling her into a hug. Bailey stiffened and pulled away and nodded and walked out of the Ubuyashiki home. Sanemi got up and followed Bailey outside. "Wait. I didn't-" Sanemi started to say before Bailey raised her hand stopping him. "You don't need to explain. It wasn't your fault." She said bluntly. "Shinjuro tried to kill me because he saw what should be impossible." Sanemi looked at the ground regretting using the head butt completely. "Just know next time I won't go easy on you." Bailey said with a smirk. Sanemi's eyes widened 'That was her going easy on me?' He thought to himself. The Hashiras emerged from the Ubuyashiki home Uzui was teasing Kyojuro and Kyojuro's face remained flushed and heated. "So she saved your life with a kiss huh? We're her lips soft? I might ask her to be my fourth wife seeing how flamboyant she is." Uzui said with a hearty laugh. Kyojuro and Sanemi both hand tick marks on their heads. Bailey rolled her eyes and shook her head at the nonsense spewing from Uzui's mouth. "Shut up Tengen!" Sanemi yelled. Bailey stared at Uzui with irritation and anger letting her eyes glow gold and the veins protruded down her face. Uzui stopped and the others started in awe. Uzui sweat dropped holding back his excitement with how awestruck he was. "Bailey if you don't mind I would like to take samples of your blood to analyze. Maybe there's a way to turn you back into a human." Shinobu said sweetly. "You can have the samples but I was never a human. I also want you to make emergency vials for all the Hashira here that way if they are severally injured they can heal themselves." Bailey said before following Shinobu back to the Butterfly Mansion with everyone following behind. Iguro was thinking of how to ask Bailey if her blood would heal his scars but his first impression he gave wasn't the best as he completely ignored her so that he wouldn't have to train her.

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