Headquarters Part 2

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The Master put his lip making everyone go silent. "Kibutsuji has sent pursuers after Tanjiro. Though his purpose may simply be to silence him now that Kibutsuji's shown his tail we've grasped it, I don't want to let go. I also believe something's happening to Nezuko that Kibutsuji never saw coming. Can you try to understand?" the master said. "No, I can't understand, Master. If it were human, I'd be okay with letting it live, but not a demon! Not after all that we the Demon Slayers have gone through! It's unacceptable!" Sanemi said. Then suddenly he pulled out his sword and cut his arm. "Master! I will prove it to you myself! The sheer ugliness of a demon." "Sanemi..." The Master said. The man then let go of Tanjiro and put one foot on Nezuko's box, "Hey, demon! It's time to eat." Sanemi said. Then growling came from the box. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro yelled, "Shinazugawa, it's no good doing it in the sunlight. You have to go into the shadows, or the demon won't show it's face." The man with the snake said. "Master, please forgive this discourtesy." Sanemi said before jumping into the shade and threw Nezuko's box a few feet from him. When he got closer to Nezuko's box, he stabbed it making Nezuko grunt. "Stop it!" Tanjiro said trying to get up but got elbowed in the back by the man with the snake, "Come on out, demon! Look it's the human blood you love so much!" Sanemi said as he stabbed the box again. The box door flipped open and a girl stood from inside it. Bailey's eyes widened as she saw the girl emerge and she stared at Sanemi with drool dripping down her chin, then Tanjiro got free with the help of Tomioka and ran towards the deck. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro yelled. There was stiff silence until Nezuko turned her head away in disgust which surprised everyone, "What happened?" The Master asked the girl. "The demon girl turned her head away in disgust." The girl answered, "So it's proven that Nezuko won't attack a human. Tanjiro." The Master said getting Tanjiro's attention. "I'm sure even after this, there are some who can't accept you and Nezuko. You must prove it to them starting now, that you and Nezuko can fight as Demon Slayers. Go out and defeat a Twelve Kizuki, do that and you'll be accepted by all." the Master said. Tanjiro rose to his feet. "I..." Tanjiro started, "Nezuko and I will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji! Nezuko and I will do it for sure!" Tanjiro said. "You're ill equipped to do so right now, Tanjiro...let's start by defeating a Twelve Kizuki alright?" The Master said. Tanjiro turned red in embarrassment, "Yes sir." Tanjiro said. The other Hashira were trying to contain their laughter, "It goes without saying the Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps have phenomenal skills. After training themselves to they have defeated death And they've also defeated Twelve Kizukis." The Master said.
The flame haired man hummed in agreement having his signature smile on his face. "One more thing Sanemi...Obanai...Don't torment the younger ones too much." The Master said. Now bowed and agreed. "Master there is another matter in which we must speak." The flame haired man said enthusiastically. The Master nodded signaling him to continue. "While out patrolling Shinazugawa and I ran into a woman. This was no ordinary woman, Master. We witnessed her rip a demon's arms off with her bare hands." The flame haired man said and everyone was shocked. Bailey bit the inside of her cheek knowing they were talking about her. "The demon was even frightened. It even asked what she was. She wasn't even affected by my blood." Sanemi said. The Master seemed to think hard. "If she is not on Kibutsuji's side then we must seek her assistance in eradicating the demons that stand as a threat. That being said we can not force this woman to fight with us." The Master said. Bailey let out a breath. "Master, with all due respect she was trying to kill the demon by ripping off its head." Sanemi said. The Master smiled. "Then teaching her about demons and how to properly kill them is a goal. Please allow me Master to find this woman and bring her to headquarters." Kocho said. Bailey scoffed at the audacity of the woman. "With all due respect Kocho. We would not want you to be harmed. Besides Shinazugawa tried to track her down and it appears that the woman has disappeared." The flame haired man said and Sanemi nodded in agreement. Kocho put her hand to her mouth in shock. Bailey rolled her eyes and stepped forward. "Educate me then but I won't have anything to do with harming children!" She yelled rather forcefully sending chills down the hashira's spines. They all turned in shock. 'How did she get this far into the compound!' Sanemi thought as he sweat dropped. "What happened?" The Master asked knowing that the voice he heard was not anyone in the demon slayer corps. "It seems that the woman has infiltrated the compound." The girl said. Bailey walked over and pulled Tanjiro to his feet. The man in white and black gripped her arm trying to stop her. "Drop her arm! Didn't you hear what Rengoku said! She ripped a demon's arms off!" Yelled the white haired man with the gemstone headband. The man in white and black quickly let go of her and backed away. Bailey pulled Tanjiro to Nezuko and grabbed her arm. "Get back in the box and close it." She said while her pupils dilated. Everyone watched as Nezuko listened and once the box was closed Bailey picked it up. Bailey turned and glared at Sanemi as she tugged Tanjiro with her towards the Master. "Tanjiro and his sister may be taken to the Butterfly Mansion. Miss, please allow the Kakushi to take them." Kocho said clapping her hands and the Kakushi rushed forward but stood a distance away from Bailey. Bailey looked at Tanjiro and he nodded to her letting her know it was ok. Bailey gently gave the box to them and watched as they carefully and swiftly transported the two siblings out of the area. "Now then. Miss if you don't mind we have some questions for you." Kocho said to Bailey very intrigued with the woman standing in front of her. Bailey took a deep breath and shook her head. "No. All you need to know is that I am strong. Just give me one of the blades and I will help you kill the demons." Bailey said annoyed. "Normally you would train and enter into final selection to obtain a nichirin blade-" Rengoku started. Bailey rolled her eyes. "You. I'll fight you for your sword." Bailey said pointing at Sanemi. His eyes widened slightly and looked at her stunned everyone stiffened upon hearing Bailey challenge Sanemi. "There's no need for that. We will have you pick an ore and have a nichirin blade made for you. But you will have to train to familiarize yourself with swordsmanship." The Master said. Bailey nodded in agreement. Bailey narrowed her eyes at Sanemi. "Which of our Hashiras would you like to train with Miss." The Master asked. Bailey looked at the hashiras intently.

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