Finding The Demon

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As the night came to a close she returned to her shared room with Zenitsu. Tomorrow both of them would look around for the demon. Bailey's eyes snapped open feeling a presence near her. Looking around she could see and smell nothing. Her ear twitched picking up the sound of fabric swishing back and forth but she couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. It seemed to be all around her the sound coming from ever corner in the room. Bailey got to her feet feeling as if she was being watched. "Who's there? I am not afraid of you." She said with her back against the wall. Hearing a commotion Bailey followed the voices down the hall she stopped when she saw Zenitsu holding a woman's arm. Bailey's nose scrunched from the putrid stench emanating from the woman, The Oiran of house Kyogoku named Warabihime. Warabihime raise her other arm her hand balled into a fist and swung it at Zenitsu. Bailey quickly stepped forward grabbing Warabihime's hand before it hit Zenitsu. Warabihime's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Bailey. "Step back." Bailey said with a low tone. Zenitsu released Warabihime's arm. Bailey pushed Warabihime back as she released her arm. "Warabihime. It's time to get ready for your clients." The Master of the house scolded. Warabihime's daze wearing off she put on a fake smile and went to exit the area while walking by a small girl she told her to clean the room up before she returned. Taking one last glance at Bailey, Warabihime disappeared. "Come now. Clients are requesting you to play the piano, which is unfortunate because your beauty surpasses the piano but they are paying a generous amount." The Master said leading Bailey away. As Bailey played the piano she could feel she was being watched. Bailey was on guard as she walked back to the room she shared with Zenitsu to find it empty. 'Where the hell is he? Don't blow your cover! Find him! What was his alias? Zenko? Yes that was it. Zenko.' She thought to herself as she tried to pick up his scent. 'It's like he vanished into thin air. Damn it!' She thought while gritting her teeth. "Zenko! Zenko!" Bailey yelled tearing apart the room. Seething in anger she left the room walking straight for Oiran Warabihime's room. Sliding the door open she stepped in looking around carefully. 'The scent. It's weak. She's not here. Wait what about the others? Tanjiro! Inosuke!' Bailey thought to herself running up to the window and jumping out. Coming to a hault she could hear Tanjiro and followed the sound of his voice. Catching the scent of Warabihime she dashed as fast as she could intercepting the cloth belt that was about to strike Tanjiro in the back. "Miss Bailey!" Tanjiro exclaimed in relief. "You!" Warabihime seethed in anger. Bailey ran as fast as she could and picked Warabihime up by her neck. Warabihime's eyes widened in surprise. 'She's so strong and so fast!' Kicking Bailey back Warabihime was able to land on her feet. "You foolish human!" She yelled. "It's over Warabihime." Bailey yelled. "Warabihime. That alias is now done. I'm Daki Upper Moon 6." Bailey scoffed at Daki's arrogance. "Stupid humans! You and that ugly brat die here!" Daki yelled as Bailey laughed. Bailey ran up and punched Daki into a nearby building. "Human huh?" Bailey seethed. Bailey had never been human. Not even once. But she would give anything for a normal human life. Daki's belt sneaked up behind Bailey and wrapped her in a coil. With her arms bound by her side Bailey had limited movement. Tanjiro struggled to stand using his nichirin blade as a means to support himself. 'Get up! Free Miss Bailey!' He thought to himself gritting his teeth as he pushed his body blood spilling from his shoulder. In the blink of an eye the belt was cut and fell to the ground. Nezuko stood between Bailey and Daki in a defensive stance. Nezuko dashed forward kicking and clawing at Daki. Bailey rushed to Tanjiro biting her wrist open she made him drink her blood instantly healing his wounds. Nezuko crashed through a building Bailey ran at Daki using her claws to give Nezuko time to recover. Daki's Belt impaled Bailey's stomach causing Bailey to fly back into another building. "Miss Bailey!" Tanjiro yelled worried. Bailey jumped from the wreckage of the building uppercutting Daki. Bailey turned to see Nezuko ran passed her and kick Daki to the ground and set her on fire with her blood demon art. Nezuko's bamboo muzzle was gone and her body riddled with what looked to be vines and a horn protruded from her forehead. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro yelled as he ran up to grab her. Bailey pulled him back right before Nezuko's claws racked across his chest. "Stop Tanjiro." Bailey hissed as she eyed Nezuko. Nezuko kicked Daki into a building the scent of fresh blood floated on the air and Nezuko dashed towards it. Bailey and Tanjiro followed quickly after her. Right before Nezuko could attack a woman Tanjiro jumped onto her back and use his nichirin blade to restrain her so she couldn't bite anyone. Bailey was on guard as Daki walked in most of her flesh still burned off and slowly healing. "Look what you did to me you ugly brat!" Daki yelled before a blue blur rushed passed her and her head fell to the floor. Bailey rolled her eyes as the female demon started to cry and Uzui started to insult her. Bailey tuned them out as she looked to where Tanjiro and Nezuko were as he struggled while trying to sing her a lullaby. "Brother! Brother!" Bailey's attention was pulled to the female demon as she cried out 'Brother'. Bailey's nose twitched as the scent of rotting flesh filled the air and Daki's shadow began to take a rise from the floor. 'This scent is stronger.' Bailey thought as she step in front of Uzui. "Ah man." A scratchy voice sounded from the green haired figure standing in front of them. "Look at you. Oh look at your face! You must be a ladies man! And her why she can out shine even my sister." The male demon said as he watched both Uzui and Bailey. Daki cried hearing her brother say that about Bailey before the male demon helped attach Daki's head back onto her shoulders. "Gyutaro please let's kill them all. That one right there is a Hashira! I don't think she is a Hashira but she is strong. Stonger than other demon slayers." Daki cried with tears running down her face. "Is that so." Gyutaro said turning towards Bailey and Uzui. "Let's see how strong you really are." Gyutaro ran toward Uzui with his sickles ready to strike. Uzui dodged effortlessly as Gyutaro swung his sickles. Bailey gritted her teeth watching as Daki sent her belts after Bailey. "I've had enough of your pretty face! I'm going to enjoy devouring it slowly!" Daki said as she laughed but her laugh was cut short as the blood drained from her face as Bailey's eyes began to glow gold and veins protruded down her face. Bailey jumped forward and shifted into her wolf form mid air. Daki's eyes widened and she stood there in fear. In all her years as a demon she had never seen anything like this. "Brother!" Daki screamed the fear rippling off her making Gyutaro turn instantly seeing Daki being tackled by an abnormally large black wolf. Gyutaro who was fighting Uzui, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke jumped towards Daki and the wolf quickly closing the gap and embedding his sickles deep into the wolf's back. Bailey howled and whined in pain and she snapped down onto Daki as Gyutaro continuously stabbed her until she collapsed to the ground and Bailey's world turned to darkness. "No!" Uzui's voice rang through the dark. Bailey's body slowly returned to her human form as her skin turned grey and veins protruded all over her body. As Uzui, Tanjiro and Zenitsu fought off Daki and Gyutaro, Inosuke scooped up Bailey's body and quickly hid her away before returning to the battle.

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