chapter 2

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Jihyung gasped, "What on earth- this cannot be happening, this is way before our time! That thing was a time machine?"

Jina squinted her eyes shut and then said, "You mean to tell me we just traveled back in time? That's impossible, Jih, you know that!"

"There's no other explanation Jina, why would Dad look so much younger otherwise?"

"We're 20 years in the past Jihyung- that's what you're saying?" Jina said skeptically, although her mind was wrapping itself around that possibility by the second.

"Yes." Jihyung muttered, looking completely flabbergasted.

"Okay, Jina, no need to freak out, you're okay." Jina tried to convince herself, slowly starting to panic, "All we have to do is wait for Namjoon Uncle to get here. If anyone invented a time traveling machine, it's him. He gets here tomorrow, and then we can get home. No biggie."

"Jina, I know you're scared-"

"I'm not scared, dipshit. I'm trying to get us home, and out of the freaking past."

"Okay, no need to snap my head off, first of all. Secondly, we may have another problem. Have you ever seen that movie, Back To The Future?"

"Of course I have, I'm not-" Jina said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah- well, if Dad's here, that means our other Dad is also here. And, if we mess up, we could change the future. And then- we might not exist at all." Jihyung interrupted, grimacing.

"Great. Another problem for us to deal with. Plus, this is literally a crime/war-fighting compound, full to the brink with spies and shit. Do you think any of them will find it suspicious that we just appeared out of nowhere and aren't properly trained at all?" Jina rambled, flopping onto the bed and covering her face with her hands.

"One, we're pretty well trained, Jina, both our Dads have taught us pretty much everything we need for a full-fledged war. Secondly, we'll talk to Namjoon Uncle tomorrow, maybe provide him with some information and then he'll believe who we are. Then we can go home. We'll be alright sis." He patted her head and then took off his hoodie, throwing it on the second bed. "Get some sleep, we'll worry about it in the morning."

Setting an alarm on his phone for 7 in the morning, Jihyung threw a blanket on his sister and then grabbed one for himself from the closet next to him. He spotted some Bulletproof uniforms next to him and smiled, observing how much they had changed in the future. He switched off the light and then got into the bed, sighing against the pillow. Although he had tried to seem calm in front of Jina, he was totally freaking out. The minimum age for an agent was 18, and although he could pass for it- being 17, Jina was only 15, and he worried about being caught early on in the day, before even getting to meet Namjoon. Trying to clear his mind, Jihyung shook his head and relaxed into the soft mattress, closing his already heavy eyes.


Jina woke up alone in the room to the alarm, spotting a note on her bedside, along with a uniform. The note was from Jihyung and read,

"Couldn't sleep much, so I'm going to the gym. Wear this to fit in. -J"

She chewed on her bottom lip, understanding her brother's distress. She knew he was just worried as she was, even if he didn't show it. She had a quick shower and then made the quick walk to the gym, spotting Jihyung soaked in sweat as he punched a sandbag mercilessly. Approaching him silently, she said,


Jihyung spun on his heels and then relaxed when he saw it was her. "Yeah- thanks."

"You alright?" Jina said, sitting down on a bench next to him.

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