Team OSLO(Vol 3)

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At the beginning of the scene, Leon can be seen heavily breathing before he is shown flying backwards. His back then strikes the ground, and he slides over the ground till he comes to a halt gradually. His eyes were closed, the nerves on his back screaming from being violently scraped by the hard ground, he opened his eyes to find Adam standing next to him, his sword high in the air, ready to turn him into a kabob. Leon instantly rolled back in time for Adam to miss, and he landed a strong kick to the faunus, knocking him back.

Leon: This isn't going to be as easy as I expected...

He pauses for a moment to catch his breath; this fight between him and Adam has been going on for a while, with neither of them truly gaining an advantage, and it was thanks to his apparent confidence with all the hits he was receiving that allowed him to keep bringing the fight closer, but he can already feel himself approaching the limit. He moved his hand to his side and felt something warm and wet. He looked to see what it was and was surprised to find blood leaking out of a deep cut. He wasn't going to question anything since he knew it had to be Adam sword's fault because his aura was still there. He simply has to put up with the pain until Blake is strong enough to flee, but she is still standing there watching the struggle.

Adam: I don't understand, why bother getting in my way?

Adam was approaching up to Leon, and he just moved his eyes.

Adam: Don't you see that I'm doing this for a good cause?

Leon: (scoffs) right, so why are you attacking my school? I'm sure you're aware that many people are dying as a result of your actions.

They begin to circle one another.

Adam: This is how we get what was taken away from us!

Leon: and you think killing people will actually help you? You were all battling for freedom and equality, but now you're nothing but murderers, turning into the monster you never wanted to be!


Leon dodges his attacks as he rushes into fight, grabbing the fuanus by the neck and lifting him into the air before smashing him to the ground. Adam lets out a painful gasp before swiftly turning around and kicking Leon back, rushing forward with his sword above his head and bringing it down on the boy, who manages to grab the blade with both hands.

Adam: I'm not going to hear it from a human who knows nothing!!

He puts more weight on his sword, but is thrown off guard as his weapon is suddenly being push back towards him.

Leon: I used to abuse those who were different, and it took almost losing my life to learn there isn't any difference between our race. Whatever trait we have, we are all still people.

A vision of Ophelia, Sun, and Velvet flashes through his mind as Leon begins to utilize more of his might to drive Adam's sword back, to the point that the fuanus was concerned that he would be cut down by his weapon.

Leon: I don't know what you've gone through, but misusing your past misfortune to devastate others is something I will not tolerate.

In an instant, Leon thrusts the sword above Adam's head, forcing him to lose his balance. The boy then uses this opportunity to his advantage, channeling all of the energy he has gathered during the fight into his fist and beginning to batter Adam with light speed blows. Blake could only watch the battle in the hopes that Leon would win, and it seemed that he would, but just as her friend was about to deliver another strike, Adam screamed in wrath and was able to cut Leon across the chest. He groans as he rolls backwards and onto his feet, narrowly avoiding a hit. As they pressed against one other, the two grimaced. Leon interrupts the fight by landing a strong kick to Adam's midsection, causing him to gasp in agony as he rolls backwards and comes to a halt on one knee. The cat fuanus looks worried as her companion falls and looks at his chest to find blood oozing from the wound.

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