The Mitchell Twins' Destiny

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~At the Aquabase~

The intruder alarm starts to blare causing everyone to go on high alert. Ms. Fairweather stands up from her desk and walks over to the lift. On it are Ryan and Clara. Ryan and Ms. Fairweather make eye contact and hold it while the lift lifts them up. Once the lift stops moving four guards come rushing in the room and grab Ryan and Clara by their arms. They start to drag them off but Ms. Fairweather puts a hand on one of the guards, stopping them.

"It's okay," she says. "Let them go."

The guards release the twins and they walk by everyone else on their way to their father's office. They don't need to ask for directions since they've already been there before. As they approach, the door opens and Captain Mitchell walks out. He stops when he sees the two and motions for them to step in his office. 

"I knew you would come back."

"We're not here to stay," Ryan starts.

"We came to say goodbye," Clara finishes.

"Goodbye? But why? Now that you know who you really are, there is a place for you right here at Lightspeed."

"That's just it," Ryan says walking over to the fish tank his family seems so fond of staring into. "I don't know who I am. For years, my mind's been posioned with hate and fear." He pauses and turns to look at his father. "I don't know if there's any good left in me. I'm leaving Mariner Bay. I have to find out who I am."

"And you Clara? Will you stay?"

"No. I'm in the same situation as Ryan. I don't know who I am either. I'm less sure if there's good in me than Ryan is. I took to Diabolico's lessons a lot more than Ryan did so for him to say that he doesn't know if there's any good left in him, what hope do I have?" Clara says sadly and looking at the floor. Ryan places a comforting hand on her shoulder as she talks.

"Will you go with Ryan?"

She looks up. "Of course I will. It's not like I have anywhere else to go and travelling with each other would be better than travelling alone." Clara and Ryan share a look and a small smile.They turn and walk out of Captain Mitchell's office without saying anything else.

Captain Mitchell opens the top drawer of his desk and pulls out two silver boxes. He catches up to them in the hallway and calls out to them.

"Ryan, Clara." He approaches them. "You may not know who you are but trust me, I do. Neither of you are evil." They look at the floor to avoid eye contact. "Somewhere inside both of you is a... an ocean of goodness. The day you that you realize that you are truly good, I want you to open these." He holds a box up to each of them and they take them. They continue down the hallway just missing Dana on her way to see them.

"Ryan, Clara! Wait!" But she's too late as the elevator doors close right when she gets there.

~In Mariner Bay~

Ryan and Clara are walking through town each with a backpack on. They stop and Ryan bends down to pick up a large white feather that was laying on the ground. He looks up and notice a playground and smiles fondly watching the children play, thinking back to a time when he was just as happy and carefree as those kids are. A ball comes rolling up to them and Ryan stops it. A little boy comes running up to them.

"Sorry," he apologizes. "My sister, she can't throw very well."

Ryan hands him the ball. "Well maybe you could teach her to throw better," he chuckles.

"Well, she's always tagging along and bugging me."

"You guys have to stick together," he squats down to the kid's height. "Believe me, if she wasn't around you'd miss her.

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