Curse of the Cobra

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After waking up that morning, Clara silently walked to Ryan's room and softly knocked on his door. When Ryan didn't open the door after a few seconds, she knocked again just slightly louder. This time, Ryan opened the door shortly after Clara knocked. 

"What are you doing up this late?" he asked her.

"I had a really weird dream. Can I come in?" she asked.

Ryan could see how shaken she is and out of the door to let her in. She walks in and the second the door closes she turns to her brother.

"Let me see your back," she states firmly.

"What?" he asks, slightly nervous.

"Let. Me. See. Your. Back," she repeats more firmly.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I had a dream that I was in Skull Cavern again. Diabolico was there and offered me one more chance to come back or to 'share in my brother's fate.' Obviously I said no and then he gave me this tattoo." She finished, turning away from her brother and lifting her shirt enough to show him the tattoo.

"Yeah," he finally admits. "He gave me one too."

"What are we gonna do? Father's gonna freak out if he sees these on either of us and then he won't let us be rangers. I don't know about you but I'm not going to tell him. Or anyone else for that matter."

"I wasn't planning to either. For now, we should just act like nothing is wrong and look for a solution on our own time."

"Yeah. That sounds good to me. Now I'm going to bed before I'm too tired to get up in the morning."

Ryan chuckles slightly before walking his sister to the door. She returns to her room and the next morning they go about the day like nothing happened.

Also the next morning, Captain Mitchell gives his two oldest the tour of the Aquabase.

"Who designed all this?" Ryan asks as they walk into the testing area.

"The Lightspeed megazords, rescue morphers, blasters, unilasers, the rescue bird, and the rescue rover were all designed by Ms. Fairweather's team." Captain Mitchell explains as Ryan and Clara look around in awe before continuing with the tour. "Carter's going to stop by and take you to the training facility."

"There's a lot to learn," Ryan says.

"Don't worry, you already have what it takes to be a ranger. The rest is just technicalities." They stop and Captain Mitchell looks at the twins for a second. "I can't tell how glad I am to have you two back."

They smile back at him. "Thanks, dad. Us too," Ryan says.

With that Captain Mitchell walks away and the twins' smiles drop before they enter their rooms. The second Clara's door closes, she makes her way to her closet where a mirror is. She pulls up her shirt and stares at her cobra tattoo with a worried expression.

Outside, Carter walks up to her door and is about to knock when he hears her voice. "I can't believe this is happening. Stupid Diabolico."

Curious and knowing it's wrong to look in a lady's room without permission, he peeks through a gap in the door she thought was fully closed and watches as she turns her back further towards the door. He's able to fully see the cobra tattoo on her back before she puts her shirt down and makes her way to the door. Carter quickly takes a few steps back and just in time as Clara opens the door. She freezes a little seeing Carter so close to her door when she was just staring at her tattoo but tries to continue like nothing happened.

"Carter, hey. Are you here to pick me and Ryan up to show us the training facility?" she asks innocently.

"Yeah. I was gonna get you and then Ryan," he says, taking the opportunity out.

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