Olympius Ascends

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The cocoon flies above the city blasting out bolts of lighting that destroy the surrounding buildings. The rangers hop in the Rescue Rover and Clara on the Rescue Quad and try to follow it. They find themselves having to swerve to avoid being hit when some of the strikes are aimed at them. The rangers get flown out of their vehicles and the cocoon finally stops but not before blasting one last bolt at a building. It blows up and quite a few construction workers are put in danger from the falling debris.

"Ryan, Clara, you two go help those people," Carter orders them.

"You got it," Clara says. Ryan nods and the run off to help the workers. The others morph and follow the cocoon on foot. They run into Vypra, Jinxer, Loki, and some batlings.

"Don't worry about them," Carter says. "Fire!"

They pull out their blasters. Dana tries to stop them but Carter pushes her aside and the rest fire at the cocoon. It exlodes knocking back the rangers and the demons as well as creating a deep  fire-filled crater in the ground between them.

The rangers run up the edge and try to see in the flames. "Did we do it?"

The answer is a resounding no when they hear maniacal laughter come up from the crater. A demon rises up from the flames, still laughing. The rangers take a step back as they look up at the new demon.

"Who is he?" Dana asks.

"I am Olympius," he replies. "Son of Queen Bansheera. Bow down before me now or or will feel my power."

"I'll never bow to you!" Carter shouts, jumping up and tackling him.

Olympius turns into energy and Carter falls back down on the ground. Olympius reforms in the air behind Carter and drops a foot on his chest, pinning the red ranger down. 

"Hey!" Chad shouts, getting Olympius' attention as he and the other three rangers run up. Chad pulls out his V-lancer and tries to blast Olympius. It doesn't work though as Olympius deflects the blasts. He then brings his hands to his chest and shoot a stream of fire at the rangers, knocking them all down.

"No!" Carter shouts. He grabs his blaster from its holster and aims up and Olympius. Unfazed, the demon just grabs Carter's, disarms him, and kicks him away.

"I don't think so," he says. He kicks Carter again and shoots him with his own blaster. Carter falls to the ground in front of the other rangers. Carter gets back up and charges at Olympius again.

He thows a punch but the red demon grabs his fist and claws him in the chest. Carter throws another punch but Olympius once again catches it, this time sending a kick to Carter's legs and tripping him. Olympius grabs him by the shoulder, throws him up in the air, and fires at him, sending him flying into some barrels. The prince of demons jumps in front of the others and captures them in the star on his chest.

"Nice," Vypra compliments. "Very nice."

"Now to complete my collection," Olympius says stalking towards Carter, "all I need is you, Red ranger." Before he can closer, however, Olympius shouts and falls to his knees in pain, gripping his head. Jinxer runs over to him in concern.

"My prince, you mustn't use all your new powers too soon. You need time to get used to them. Come with me, I'll take care of you." Then Jinxer teleports them both back to Skull Cavern with the other demons following.

Carter falls back and rests against some crates, hurt and absolutely exhausted from the fight.

"Carter!" Clara calls out as she and Ryan run up to him and help him up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," he says before realizing. "The others!" He gets himself off Ryan and Clara before stumbling over to where he last saw them. "Dana! Chad! Joel! Kelsey! Where are you?" He shouts looking around. His legs start to give out but Clara is right there to catch him. She puts one of his arms over her shoulder holding onto his forearm with one hand and reaching around him with the other.

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