A Face From the Past

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~In the Aquabase~

Kelsey comes rolling in to the meeting room, literally, after almost getting into multiple accidents in the hallways. She's the last ranger to arrive as she smoothly rolls into a chair next to Clara, Dana, and Joel. She lifts up a leg and starts to undo her roller blades.

"Looks like I made it just in time. So, what's so urgent?" she asks looking at the rest of the guys who are all standing together.

"We were hoping you might know," Carter says.

The door opens and Captain Mitchell walks in. The rangers that were sitting immediately stood up and at attention.

"Rangers," Captain Mitchell starts, walking further into the room, "I have a very important assignment for you. I want you... to take a day off."

Joel immediately starts laughing. "Nice joke, Captain," he says looking at the others. When they don't react he looks back the captain. "You're kidding, right?"

"Absolutely not," he says seriously. All the rangers exchange looks with one another "You've all worked very hard and you deserve it. Do anything you want." The rangers still stand there for a second looking at each other. "Dissmissed," the captain said in a "get out of here, you crazy kids" tone.

They laugh and cheer a little hugging each other. They all leave but Clara is still standing in the back looking deep in thought. Carter notices this and asks her what's wrong.

"Nothing," she says. "I just don't think I've had a day off since the accident. What should I even do?"

"You haven't had a day off since you were a kid?" Carter asks in disbelief.

"Diabolico always kept me busy. I didn't really have a lot of time to myself until I came here and even now I don't. I used to like cooking but I haven't done it in so long I don't know if I still do." She looks down upset that she can't of anything to do with her time off.

"Well, the others are going to the beach if you want to join them?" Carter suggests.

"Sure. That sounds like fun," She agrees. "I should have a swim suit in my room. Let me go get it. Tell the others I'll meet them in the transport bay"


Clara went back to her room and in the back of her closet she found a swimsuit that miraculously fit her and she was surprisingly comfortable wearing. It is a black one piece suit with gold straps around the waist and neck. She meets up with the others at the transport bay and they head off to the beach.

~At the Beach~

It's been a little while since they arrived at the beach. Clara and Dana have almost completely buried Ryan in the sand, leaving just his head exposed and they are currently piling more sand on his body.

"Boy, the waves are great today," Chad says as he and Kelsey run up to the siblings and stick their boards in the sand.

"Yeah, I wish I could try 'em," Ryan says chuckling and looking down at what his sisters have done to him. Chad chuckles with him. Kelsey shakes her head like a wet dog and every flinches back before laughing.

"Look at Joel," Dana says, seeing him off in the distance. "He's at it again."

Joel is surrounded by girls, flirting and signing autographs when he notices the others looking at him. He points a finger gun at them and winks.

"As fun as this is, I might go see what Carter's up to." Clara stands up and brushes sand off her. She waves to goodbye to her siblings and friends goes to find Carter.

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