The Queen's Return

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~At Skull Cavern~

"Oh yes. The planets are nearly in perfect alignment," Jinxer states excitedly as he stares through a telelscope.

Batlings holding torches march by Jinxer with Vypra and Loki following close behind.

"Jinxer, it's time to go to Mariner Bay. Get Olympius and tell him to capture the gold ranger," Vypra orders him. "The ceremony will soon begin."

"Yes, Vypra," he says bowing a little. "I'll get him right on it." He walks passed her to inform Olympius.

Once he's out of earshot, Loki turns to Vypra. "Hm, we have to find a way so that we get all the credit and not Olympius."

~In Mariner Park~

Clara decided that she wanted to take a stroll through the park this morning and that's just what she is doing now. Ryan knows she came out here and to call her if they need her. She looks around, enjoying the scenery and watching people hang out with their family or walking their dogs. The peace around her is shattered though when Olympius appears. People start screaming and running away while Clara gets into a defensive state.

"What are you doing here, Olympius?" she demands to know.

"Why, I've come to collect you," he states nonchalantly. "You're needed for the ceremony."

"Name me one good reason why I should go with you."

"I'm not giving you a choice," he growls out and runs at her.

Olympius tries to claw her in the chest but she jumps up and flips over him. She spins around on one foot to kick him in the chest. He blocks it and she drops down, trying to trip him. He kicks her foot away and kicks her again before she can recover. She rolls on the ground but is quick to get back up. Deciding to speed things along, Olympius fires some lasers at her which she's not able to avoid. She lands back on the ground harshly and Olympius steps her chest, pinning her down. She clamps her hands down on his ankle, trying to move his foot but he just presses down harder. He laughs maniacally and teleports them away.

~In the Warehouse Where the Ceremony Takes Place~

Spellbinder laughs. "Hurry up you fools! Everything must be finished before the alignment!" he orders continuing to laugh.

Vypra, Loki, and Jinxer approach Spellbinder.

"Vypra. We are nearly ready to begin the ceremony. The only thing we are missing is one of the traitors."

Just after Spellbinder says that, a flash of light appears and reveals Prince Olympius with a still struggling gold ranger pinned under his foot.

"Excellent!" Loki exclaims. "I will be in charge!"

"You?! I don't think so!" Prince Olympius steps off the ranger.

A couple batlings quickly pick her up by her arms and hold her in place as she continues to struggle against them. "Let go of me, bat-for-brains!"

Ignoring her, Olympius continues. "This is too important and you have failed my mother too many times."

Loki whips around on Olympius and points his staff at his chest. "How dare you talk to me that way?! You need to learn some respect! For your insolence, you will spend the ceremony in the Skull Cavern!" Loki orders. Olympius growls and clenches his fist but stays where he's at. Loki gestures to the others. "C'mon, we're running out of time."

"Yes. Let's go," Spellbinder says. "Bring the girl!" The batlings drag her after him.

"I may not be strong enough to stop them now, but I will be!" Olympius declares. "They'd best not botch this!" he shouts angrily before storming off.

The Gold Rescue RangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz