In the Freeze Zone

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~In the Desert~

Ms. Fairweather, her team, and the rangers are all out in the desert testing out Ms. Fairweather's Thermo Blaster. Chad is currently fighting against Olympius and some batlings in a simulation. He wins and the fake enemies and setting disappear.

"Ms. Fairweather, this Thermo Blaster is awesome," he compliments and gives her a thumbs up. 

She smiles and gives him one back. Everyone starts clapping and walk up to him. 

"Very nice, Chad," Ms. Fairweather compliments.

"Compliments go to you, Ms. F."

"You were awesome!" Clara adds. She runs up to him and pats him on the shoulder. "Can I try it out next?"

~In the Demon's Tomb~

Ryan hops down from the rope he used to get into the temple. The last time he was here was when he and Clara defeated that Cobra and released themselves from that curse. He took a couple steps in before holding up his morpher. 

"Rangers, can you read me?" he tries to get in touch with them. When they don't respond, he tries again. "Rangers, come in! This is urgent!" Once again they don't respond and Ryan tries to find a way to get in contact with them.

~Back with the Rangers~

"Thank you, everyone, for a very successful test," Ms. Fairweather says as she and her team start packing up their equipment.

"Thank you," Chad replies. They turn around but are stopped when the monitor on one of Ms. Fairweather's computers turns on and they hear Ryan's voice.

"Rangers, can you read me? Can you read me? This is urgent." The rangers run around so they can see the screen. 

"Ryan! Where are you?" Clara asks him.

"I'm in the Demon's Tomb. I've got to tell you something really important."

"What is it?" Carter asks him.

"Vypra and Loki were here, they opened the tomb." The image starts breaking up and they could only hear bits and pieces of what he says next. "They released... You've got to be careful. He'll be coming back for you... Clara... gonna get... be careful. We may have escaped but they're still..." 

"Who, Ryan? Who'll be back?" Joel tries to ask but the image went completely static.

"We've lost the signal," Ms. Fairweather tells the rangers after she tried to get it back.

"I've got something for you!" 

They look up at the voice but get blasted back by cobra looking monster. 

"I'm Freezard and I'm gonna turn you into icicle rangers!" it laughs.

"That thing brings back some unpleasant memories," Clara says. She remembers her cobra tattoo and helping Ryan defeat a different cobra monster so they could free themselves of the curse. 

The rangers get back up and run up next to Chad.

"This is no test, guys," he says.

"You're right. Let's do it," Carter orders.

"Lightspeed rescue!"

"Gold power!"

They morph and run towards Freezard. Chad jumps up and kicks him in the chest. Freezard returns the favor while Joel flips over him and tries to punch him in the back twice. His punches were ineffective and Freezard threw him back. Dana and Kelsey back flip and try to kick him but he ducks out of the way. Now it's Carter and Clara's turn. With their baton and sword, the duo jump up and slash Freezard in the back. Kelsey and Dana try to kick him again but he blocks them. Clara goes in for another slash but he parries it and her momentum carries her off to the side. Carter tries to punch him but Freezard catches it. Carter turns around and elbows the lizzard in the stomach before turning around again and successfully slashing him across the chest. The others run up to him and pull out their Rescue Blasters.

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