The Mighty Mega Battles

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Honestly, I never thought that I would write an author's note. Then again, I never expected to have the courage to post a story I wrote. When I started, I had every intention of finishing this story and I still do. It's just gonna take a lot longer than I expected. I got unbelievably busy these past few months and didn't have access to my phone or my laptop. I still don't have my laptop yet but hopefully I will soon. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around so far. I really appreciate it. Also, since I'm here, I am eventually gonna rewrite this story but that won't be until I finish this one and I will leave this version up. Again, thank you to everyone who has made it this far.
~End of A/N~

The alarm in the Aquabase blares as all six of the rangers run through the halls to the transport bay. They start up their respective vehicles and speed towards the monster in Mariner Bay. Said monster fires a blast at a building which causes it to explode.

"Mariner Bay will crumble before me," he laughs. Suddenly, he hears the sound of blaster fire ring out and sparks erupt from the batlings around him. They all fall to the ground and the monster raises his shield to protect himself against the blasts. He lowers the shield and looks in the direction the blasts came from to see all six of the power rangers morphed and blasters raised.

"That's what you think," Carter says.

"Rangers! Just as I expected," Infinitor says.

"Rescue blasters!" All six rangers fire their blasters at Infinitor. Infinitor redirects them back at the rangers and they fall to the ground, writhing in pain.

"What happened?" Dana asks.

"I don't know," Kelsey replies while examining her blaster.

"Aw man," Joel says after getting up on one of his knees. "Our blasters didn't even scratch him!"

"Yeah," Chad agrees. "I've seen this kind of power before."

"Come on guys, we can do this," Clara says determinedly.

"Yeah," Carter agrees. "Let's take this up a notch. V-lancers!"

The five primary rangers stand up and pull out their V-lancers before firing a Spectra Blast at the monster. Once again, Infinitor reflects the attack back at the rangers who once again fall to the ground.

"Guys!" Clara exclaims before turning back to Infinitor. "Alright, try this on for size. Gold Laser!" She fires her upgraded blaster but the cycle repeats and Clara finds herself on the ground between Carter and Dana. Olympius suddenly appears on a structure above and to the side of the battle.

"Is that the best you can do? How pathetic," he taunts them and Infinitor laughs.

Joel slams a fist on the ground and gets back up. "These guys have gone too far!" He pulls out his V-lancer and rushes towards Infinitor while firing off a couple shots. The monster calmly holds up his shield and returns fire. Joel flips out of the way of the first blast and rolls to dodge the second. He then flips over Infinitor's head and aims his V-lancer at him.

"Go ahead, fire," Infintor taunts the green ranger.

"You may think you're slick, partner, but let me tell you something. I got your number."

"And I've got your's," Olympius says after walking behind Joel. He fires at him. Not having enough time to react, Joel almost gets hit but is tackled out of the way by Clara. Instead of hitting Joel, the blasts hit Infinitor. Not expecting it, Infinitor doesn't have enough time to block them and sparks erupt from his chest and limbs. Meanwhile, the two rangers have made their way back to the other four rangers.

"Now, guys," Joel says.


"Gold Laser!"

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