The Omega Project

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~At the Aquabase~

All of the rangers, except Joel and Ryan, are currently looking over Ms. Fairweather's shoulder as she works on Carter's Battle Booster.

"I've developed this simple modification so that from now on, your Battle Boosters will operate the Max Soalrzord by remote," she explains as she turns around in her chair and hands Carter's Battle Booster back to him. "You'll need it to initiate the Omega Megazord," she continues excitedly.

"Omega Megazord?" Dana asks, excited by the idea of a new Megazord configuration.

Ms. Fairweather stands up from her seat and the rangers lean in to get a better look at her computer.

The only one not to lean in, Clara looks down at the floor upset as she realizes that the rangers no longer need her to pilot the Max Solarzord. She knows the new feature and Megazord will be a great asset for the rangers but she can't help feeling like she's going to be left out. Seeing the look on her face, Ms. Fairweather addresses Clara.

"Don't worry, Clara," she says. "I've been working on a new zord for you too. Just like the Max Solarzord, it has its own Warrior Mode. I'm calling it the Zetazord. Both are the very latest in zord technology," she continues and gives the rangers an excited and proud smile.

Excited now, Clara leans in over Carter's shoulder to look at Ms. Fairweather's computer too. On the screen, they watch as Ms. Fairweather's team works on their zords.

She leaves them to it and walks over to talk to another member of her team. Joel finally walks into the room, hiding flowers behind his back. He clears his throat and Ms. Fairweather turns to face him while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Joel," she greets. "Late as usual, I see."

"I was out getting something for you," he says. He's just about to pull the flowers out from behind his back when they are interrupted by Carter.

"Incredible, Ms. Fairweather," he compliments. They others all voice their agreement behind him.

She smiles and turns back to Joel. "You had something for me, Joel?"

"Uuuhhh," he says suddenly feeling nervous now that everyone was watching. He stood there for a second before his morpher beeped. Without thinking, Joel whipped his morpher up to his mouth and didn't realize he still had the flowers in that hand. Quickly, he grabs them with his other hand and puts them back behind his back with a panicked look on his face. After seeing his blunder, Ms. Fairweather and the other rangers burst out laughing.

"Joel, it's Simon," a voice says through his communicator. Realizing it's his younger cousin Simon's, voice Joel panicked expression returns and he quickly crouches down behind the Rescue Rover.

"Simon!" he growls angrily.

"I have to talk to you!" Simon says urgently.

"Simon, how did you access this frequency?"

"I hacked into it. You have to listen to me."

Joel opens his mouth to say something but stops when he sees someone stop in front of him. Looking up, Joel is met with Captain Mitchell staring down at him with a disaproving look.

"Joel? Are you there?" Simon questions. "Joel? Come in. Do you copy?

"A friend of yours?" Captain Mitchell asks.

"Uh, yes, sir, sort of," Joel replies slowly. "Don't worry. I'll make sure it never happens again." Joel salutes the captain with the flowers in his hand. Captain Mitchell looks at them in confusion causing Joel to look at his hand too. He then holds the flowers out to Captain Mitchell and looks at the ground. He grabs them and Joel whips around, getting in the driver's seat of the Rescue Rover and leaving the base. Captain Mitchell looks down at the flowers again before sighing and shaking his head. Behind him, he hears Clara laughing quietly at the exchange.

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