Strength of the Sun

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~At the Aquabase~

Ms. Fairweather and Captain Mitchell approach one of the members of her team.

"David," Ms. Fairweather addresses him, "bring it up on the screen."

"When will it be ready to come online?" Captain Mitchell asks.

"It's ready now," she says before lowering her voice to a whisper. "The only problem is Ryan and Clara." He sighs through his nose in response.

Ryan and Clara are walking by in the hallway and overhear Ms. Fairweather talking.

"Without the Titanium and Gold rangers, the Max Solarzord is useless." The two sneak up close to the door to eavesdrop more. "It has a sophisticated weapons system that I designed specifically to be operated by the Titanium and Gold rangers."

"Well right now there is no Titanium and Gold rangers," Captain Mitchell says. Ryan steps forward about to say something but Clara pulls him back by the arm. "Let's just hope we can manage without it."

"You're right, Captain Mitchell. I'm afraid hope is the only thing we have right now." She puts the disc in a case. Ryan and Clara shake their heads and leave back the way they came. The alarms start blaring and the rangers quickly make their way to the lift. They run into Captain Mitchell who debriefs them but the rangers suddenly stop. He walks up behind them wondering what's going on when he sees Ryan and Clara standing in their way. It's silent between the eight of them. The twins silently ask for permission to go but Captain Mitchell shakes his head, telling them no. Ryan looks at his father pleadingly while Clara's eyes narrow in frustration and she looks off to the side. 

"Rangers, go," Captain Mitchell orders. The rangers leave and the twins silently walk away.

They end up watching the fight from the corner of Rescue Ops, near the doorway. They can't do anything but watch worriedly as the rangers fight against Falkar and Thunderon. The girls lure Falkar away and bury him in rubble before rejoining the guys. Tricking him, the rangers defeat Thunderon using their V-lancers. Diabolico makes Thunderon go giant and the rangers hop in the Supertrain Megazord to fight him. Falkar and Diabolico watch the fight from below but Diabolico decides to make Falkar grow to fight the rangers with Thunderon.

Back in ops, Ms. Fairweather voices her concern. "Captain, those monsters are too powerful for the Supertrain."

"Well, we've gotta come up with something else then." After a bit he makes an order. "Reroute all power to the Supertrain." 

"Captain, energy levels are falling."

"Put all reserves online."

Ryan looks down at his morpher. His twin looks down and hers before quickly looking up at him. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

He looks at her. "Let's go."

The two slip out of Opsand into Ms. Fairweather's lab, grabbing the disc and putting it in the computer. Then they step into the elevator and morph, entering their zord.

"Titanium ranger to Ms. Fairweather. I'm gonna need a little help here." The zord takes off down the track.

"Ryan, Clara! Get back here! That's an order!" Captain Mitchells says.

"But Dad, they need our help," Ryan counters.

Ms. Fairweather goes back to one of the computers and helps the twin operate their zord. They soar towards the rangers and blast Falkar and Thunderon off the Supertrain Megazord.

"Huh? Who's that?" Carter asks.

"It's us guys," Ryan says.

"We got you covered," Clara pipes in.

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