The Great Egg Caper

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~In the Aquabase~

Deciding that enough time has passed, Clara got up to do her morning routine. Once she's done, she leaves her room and meets up with the other rangers in the Galley for breakfast. She sees that all of the other rangers except Kelsey are sitting at a table. Clara walks over to them and pulls out a chair before plopping down tiredly and resting her head on the table.

"Woah, are you okay?" Dana asks her sister.

"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night," Clara replies.

"Had a bad dream?" Carter asks next.

"The worst," she replies simply. She decided not to tell the rangers about Abigor's visit, not wanting to worry them and hoping that it was just a one time thing. Kelsey walks into the Galley and makes her way over to the rangers.

"Hey, guys!" she says in her usual excited tone. "I'm gonna go roller-blading in town if anyone wants to come with!"

"Thanks but I think I'm going to stay here," Clara replies after picking her head up off the table and yawning.

"Yeah, I think I am too," Carter says and everyone nods in agreement and apologizing to Kelsey.

"That's okay," she says and sits down. They eat and then go their separate ways for the day.

While she didn't want to go roller-blading, Clara decided that a walk through town might do her some good while and wake her up.

~In Mariner Bay~

Kelsey is slowly skating down the path while scanning the area for any sign of the thief she was chasing.

"Hey Kelsey!"

She turns in the direction of the voice to see Clara waving her hand in Kelsey's direction and trying to get her attention.

"Hi Clara! Hey, would you mind helping me for a minute. A thief stole some apples from the market and I'm trying to find him."

"Sure. Let's go."

The pair slowly make their way through the park while looking around for the thief. They hear a cry for help and Kelsey skates off with Clara running right behind her. In the distance they see Jinxer and a bunch of batlings that are holding up Kelsey's thief.

"Hey!" she shouts at them. They turn around to see her and Clara coming up to them fast. "Let him go!"

Kelsey, being faster than Clara, reaches them first and punches Jinxer and a couple of batlings in the stomach. They let the thief go and he falls on his butt. He tries to get up quickly but is immediately grabbed by two more batlings. He unsuccessfully struggles against the batlings but their grip remains firm. Jinxer and the batlings regroup and face Kelsey, paying no attention to Clara behind them.

"This doesn't concern you, so just leave!" Jinxer tells Kelsey.

"I don't think so. Lightspeed rescue." Kelsey morphs and starts to fight the batlings.

The two that were holding the thief hide behind some trees and watch the fight.

"Gold power!" The batlings whip around in alarm but are immediately kicked away by the gold ranger. They release the thief and Clara steps between them and the thief. "I know you're a thief but they're a bigger problem right now. Get out of here!" she orders him.

Clara quickly defeats the two batlings before running off to help Kelsey with the rest. Shortly after she joins the fight the other rangers appear and they defeat the rest of the batlings.

"That's not right," Jinxer says. "You rangers are really starting to annoy me."

"Get out of here Jinxer! And I mean now!" Carter orders him.

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