Chapter 8: Lost hope

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Flower sits on the bottom bunk of the foldable bunk beds. Leafy and Purple Face 'talks about stuff' in front of her, by talk I mean Purple Face speaking and Leafy just nodding every five seconds. Flower on the other hand, doesn't pay attention to the conversation. She's been thinking, other then X..who else could possibly be alive?..

Four is..well dead, she saw his corpse herself. Gelatin and Teardrop are nowhere to be found..who knows if their dead. Once they find X..then what? It's not like X can just magically fix the bus and they suddenly find a recovery center and then BOOM! everything is normal again!..

This is real life, those thing can't happen. Flower hugs her knees tighter, what will she do? Out of everyone, she was the only one not to be harmed by this..crazy killer. That mean she should be helping them not..whatever she's doing. Shes not even helping.. she wants to sleep, but it's still evening. It's best not to waste good time but, she's been searching for days. What if X is dead? No one would know, until they see the body themselves.

She decides to forget about these thoughts, she'd listen to whatever the other two are talking about. "Leafy, what is your opinion on popcorn?" Purple Face asks, Flower stares in confusion but Leafy doesn't bat an eye. She tilts her head in a 'they are okay I guess'. "Thats cool, I like popcorn too" they must really be trying to forget about their situation but..that's..really random.

"Popcorn?.." Flower asks, Purple Face and Leafy look at Flower. They seem to have forgotten that she was there. "Um yeah! Me and Leafy were talking about our opinions on popcorn! Wouldn't it be great to eat some once all of this is over?" Purple Face asks, Flower seems confused but smiles warmly.
"Yeah, it'd be great"
They spoke about food for the rest of the day.

The next day,
Purple Face wakes up from the second bunk bed, Leafy and Flower share a bunk bed. Leafy being top and Flower being bottom. Purple Face doesn't usually wake up early but he hears knocking. He forgets the situation he's in and floats to the door that's making the noise. Just as he was about to open the door, he remembers..

What if that's the killer?
The knock continues, then stops.
Yesterday, Flower, Leafy and Purple Face promised to never ever open the blinds of the doors windows, just in case the killer was there. Who could it even possibly be?! Purple Face, scared floats back to the back. "Flower, Leafier. Wake up!.. there's someone knocking on the door" and just as fast as she slept, Flower was wide awake. Jolting up, she stares at Purple Face. "What" she asks, Leafy stays asleep. She must have not heard.

"Yeah, there was someone knocking earlier.." "did you check the blinds?" Flower asks, getting off the bed. She grabs her bat, "well no, I promised yesterday not to open them!" Purple Face answers. "And I'm no promise breaker!"
Flower mutters something under her breath. She walks slowly to the door that Purple Face said the knock came from, holding the bat with her left hand, she opens the blinds with her right hand.

All she sees is a purple circle, the face stares right at her.

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