Chapter 12: Hope?

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The front of the bus was quite busted, since the bus had ran into a tree then. If Flower was correct, it was all because it was trying to dodge the masked object who stood in the middle of the road. Flower had never actually took a closer look of the outside of the bus in a while actually! The last time was probably.. when she first woke up from her nap, when this all happened.

Lollipop squats down to examine the front, hand on her chin (?). "Look, it's all busted" Purple Face examines, Leafy makes a face at him. Despite showing less emotion from the trauma of loosing her left eye, she's still surprisingly expressive. Lollipop turns around, staring at Purple Face. "Yeah, you think?" She asks, sarcastically- as she turns her focus back to the bus.

"Maybe.. maybe I can do something about this.." this shocks the three of them. "Do something? As in fix? You can fix the bus?!" Flower asks, in shock. She was filled with excitement, shock and disbelief. She could understand Gelatin.. (actually nah, not him) or Teardrop, but.. Lollipop? She sure wasn't expecting that.

"Yup", Lollipop answers shortly. "Are you lying? Is she lying?" Leafy asks quietly, looking at the two of them. "NO! I do know how!" Lollipop says, a bit upset over the fact none of them trust her. "I had to fix the Freesmart super van a good few times, thanks to Ruby- who acts like she's such a pro at driving but trust me, girl doesn't even own a driving licence" Lollipop says, shrugging.

"Ah, well you just didn't seem the type to know these type of stuff.. but!" Flower 'apologizes', "This is a good thing isn't it? We can finally escape this place!!" Flower says, fueled with hope. Once they leave this place, that can head to the TPOT grounds- and if Two can recover, maybe he can recover Four and the rest! Just thinking of being away from danger makes her oh so happy.

"Yeah sure I guess, but.. what about Gelatin, Teardrop and X..?" Leafy asks, eyes to the ground. "They could still be alive.. I think? I don't know.." she mumbles quietly to herself, but loud enough to still be heard by the other three. "Oh those three! I completely forgot about them haha!" Purple Face exclaims, trying to lessen the tension in the air- but it didn't seem funny to Leafy. Purple Face's big smile turned small when he found out nobody was laughing, he eyes the ground- as if he never said anything.

"Oh yeah, those three. You said you've been searching for them for a while.. right?" Lollipop asks them. "Yup, but we found no traces of them.. they could be dead" Purple Face continues. "But they could also be alive! Which makes this super confusing!" Flower says, holding her head with her hands, in a dizzy manner. "What part makes it super confusing?" Lollipop asks, clearly not getting the point. "If they're dead, we could focus more on the bus, finding help and protecting ourselves from this killer.. but-" Flower starts.

"They could also be alive, so we also head into the forest to find them.. which makes us vulnerable to the crazy madman of an object that wants to kill us for some reason!" Flower says, softly shouting that last part. Lollipop hums in reply, she finally seemed to see the position she's in. "I think.. it's best to work on the bus at the moment, as much as I do care about my alliance- with how you three described this 'killer', they should be dead by now" Lollipop states, Flower shuts her eyes- deep in thought.

"That does make sense- but what about X?" Leafy asks, coughing in between words. Her throats starting to hurt, she hasn't talked this much in a while. "He's a variable, just like Four. He is stronger than the other two.." Lollipop thinks, "sigh.. that's also true.." Lollipop thinks for a bit more, she suddenly points at Flower.

"One." She counts the other two and herself. "Four, we have four objects. We could split this up, two objects can stay and work on the bus while the other two can walk around the forest to look for X" Lollipop says, despite her sarcastic and rude nature.. she's really smart.. well, smarter than these three.

"Ooh! We could do that!" Purple Face says, quite happy their getting somewhere. Lollipop gets up from her squatting position, "So, do we have any tools or.. parts or anything useful?" She asks the three, pointing her thumb at the bus's engine. "I think I've seen some.. in the trunk", Flower says, pointing at the trunk below the windows. "Alrighty then.." Lollipop mutters, as she heads to the trunk. Flower and Purple Face follow her from behind, as Leafy heads back into the bus. Today was tiring, and she really wants a nap.


"Huff, Huff, Huff-"
X huffs as he runs, running where? He doesn't know.. but all he does know, is that he had to get out of there. He has lowered his guard at the worst time possible, maybe he shouldn't have stopped and ate those plums.. no, maybe if he didn't laugh like a complete MANIAC, MAYBE HE WOULDN'T BE STUCK IN THE SCENARIO IN THE FIRST PLACE.

X glances behind him, nobody was there. But just as X slowed down, the masked object jumped out from behind a tree- startling X, the fire from the flamethrower almost hit him. Luckily he had fast reflexes, and started running again. He wasn't cut out for running, when they used to play tag back at the equation playground- he would always be the first one to be tagged first, because he was always the slowest out of all of them. But this time was different, if he got 'tagged', he'd be dead. This kinda fueled X with adrenaline for a while, yeah- but adrenaline doesn't last forever, and he's getting tired.

He glances behind him, they're much farther away.. but they're still chasing, flamethrower in hand. He wasn't looking where he was going, and ran into something. "WOAH- WHO?" The voice cries, in shock. An object?! X didn't have time to look at who he ran into, as he only looked at the masked object, and they were coming.. fast!

"ITS THEM! THEY'RE COMING- RUN!" Is all X could blurt out, before taking the objects hand and running away.

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