Chapter 13: "Thank goodness.."

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"Hey- wait, where are we going?!" The object asks, as X continues running. The voice sounds super familiar, but he has no time to sit and think right now. Their still getting chased by the object in the mask, and they need to get away.. fast!

"Teardrop?!? Is this you?? I don't get it, what's happening??" Teardrop? Why would this object.. oh.. Oh! X glances behind him, the poor green jello tries his hardest to open his eyes- but due to the fact he's running and with the fact he's also blind as well.., he can't. "Gelatin- don't worry, it's me.. X! X!!" X reassures him, as they make a corner through the forest.

"X?? Wait what!?" He laughs in relief, it was his first time laughing in a while.. however it wasn't time to be laughing. "TD is going to be so happy.. are you with the rest?" He asks, as X continues glancing behind him. The masked object was still chasing them, but their much more farther away.. he could loose them if he did a few more corners..

"Well.. no, it's just me- but their probably fine.. um.. I hope" X answers back, "Oh! duck!" "Huh? Where?" X shoves Gelatin down, dodging a branch. "Woah!" That branch distracted them to what was up ahead.. which was a steep slope. Catching his balance- X uses this to his advantage, and continues running down the slope whilst making a corner. Surprisingly the masked object doesn't notice this, and  continues running to whatever direction they thought was right.

Once the object was out of view, X starts catching his breath. Thank goodness.. what are the odds he'd run into Gelatin! Hah.. he looks quite hurt, he doesn't seem to be able to open his eyes. "Does your eyes hurt?" X asks, as he holds up his hands- ready to help in any way. "Oh.. I don't think so.. I can't see anymore, it's all black" The hands that X held out before, ends up covering his mouth in shock. The poor boy.. whatever could've happened..?

"Oh.. OH! IS TD STILL HERE? she was with me earlier.." Gelatin asks, frantically looking left and right despite not being able to see in the first place. The hand on X's mouth tightens when he remembers how he found Gelatin in the first place.. didn't he.. what if Teardrop was there..

"X? Where is Teardrop..?" What if.. that masked object.. found her.. and was chasing her instead? X curses himself, as his hands go straight to his head.. holding it hard with stress, he should've payed more attention. That would've explain why they continued running.. right? But he didn't.. but what if.. gosh he was acting badly on instinct.. Four wouldn't have done that.. Four would've made sure he'd gotten both of them.. no.. if Four was still here, he would've made sure none of this happened in the first place!..

Why was he like this?.. "X? Are you still..-"

The sound of footprints running got closer, he had let his guard down! Again!.. X stood up as fast as he could, even though he was useless.. and had nothing on his for defense, he'll still try his best to protect his contestant.. because he's a good co-host.. and that's what good co-host's do.. he thinks as he holds up his fists, ready to attack.

Teardrop stares for a bit, then continues walking back to Gelatin. Teardrop! So she wasn't dead! X stares in shock for a bit, as Td taps on Gelatins head two times. "Eh..? X..?", "Teardrop.. you're okay!" X exclaims, fighting the urge to force the two of them into a bear hug. "Teardrop?! What- Td! There you are hah! Look- I found X!" Gelatin exclaims excitedly, jumping up. "We found someone Td! We're not going to be alone anymore!!"

Teardrop's eyes focus on X, X... Was he important? "I can't believe I found you two- thank goodness.. I thought you guys.. were.." "same for you too! Now that we're here- we should team up!" Gelatin exclaims, back in his usual happy mood.. a mood that's pretty rare for TD to see.

"Since I'm somewhat blind and Td's mute, it's pretty hard to communicate and- it'd be better to team up in the first place you know?" Gelatin says, explaining as if X wouldn't possibly want to team up with them. 'Of course I'd team up with the two of you- I'll protect you two.. I'm your co-host after all!" X says, pointing at himself with his thumb.

Gelatin smiles warmly at these words as Teardrop keeps her poker face, Gelatin and X proceeds to have a conversation while heading somewhere. Where? Td can't remember, but it was something about 'settling down for now..', seems understandable. Teardrop looks back at her notes she made, there were fewer blank sticky notes than the ones with words on them.., once it finishes.. what will Td read next?

'co host yellow X is friend, he will help us leave the forest" oh really? That's good, Teardrop wants to leave the forest already. It's so ugly and boring, and dirty too. She glances at another sticky note, 'make sure to write anything important here'. Why should she? What if she's lazy and not in the mood to? There doesn't seem to be an answer.. ugh whatever.

"Hm? What are those Td?" X asks her, he seemed to notice half way through that she was reading something. Startled, she hides the notes behind her back- refusing to keep eye contact. They were somewhat similar to diaries in a way.. right? If so.. there is no need to show her notes off to random people. "Oh.. hm, it's okay Td! No need to tell me.. if you don't- um or show! Show.. yeah"

X continues looking back in front of him, he reminds himself. He must not lower his guard, he has done that two times already- and almost died once.. now he has two objects to look after.. and he will not let those two die on him, Four wouldn't dare let anyone do that to him or his contestants.. so neither will X!

Yeah.. that's right, X is going to look after these two! And he will make sure nothing bad ever happens to them, no matter wh- "WAH-"

X falls face first into the ground, startling both Gelatin and Teardrop. "Huh- what, X? X?? Are you okay??" Gelatin frantically asks, looking left and right.. despite not being able to see, as Teardrop stared X down, silently. Hm.. perhaps he should also make sure nothing bad happens to him as well..

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