Chapter 10: Purple candy

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Everyone looks at the voice, it was Leafy. She seemed shocked..why was Lollipop here? "Damn, what the hell happened to you?" Lollipop asks, "oh, Leafy! You're awake!" Purple Face fly's to her, "how was your nap?" He asks. Leafy stares, she shrugs.

"Anyways, Lollipop appeared earlier so we were kinda just explaining stuff to her" Flower told Leafy, "how..are you even?.." Leafy asks. "Stupid air thing dropped me in a desert" Lollipop said, "it was so hot.." she dramatically says. Even after knowing the situation, she doesn't seem to scared about it.

"So there's just you three huh?" She asks, the three of them nod. "What about X? My alliance?" She asks, Gelatin and Teardrop.. it's been a while since they thought about them. "We..don't know where they are" Flower mutters, "Purple Face says that X is alive, but it's been three weeks so..I'm not sure.." It's already been three weeks since they met Purple Face.. a month. "Our main goal for now is to find X, maybe because he is a variable- kinda like Four..he might be able to recover Four? And the rest if they died.." Flower says, "if we can- we can get out of here and never come back!" She says.

"But you haven't found him yet?" Lollipop asks, sitting comfortably in the bus driver's seat. "Umm..yeah" Flower mumbles. "Then what about Plan B?" Lollipop asks, "plan..B?" Flower asks. Lollipop face palms, "If X ends up dying? Whats your next plan?" The two stays silent as Leafy continuesly stares at Lollipop. They haven't thought about that, "what? You didn't think he'd die?" She asks.

"I.." Flower thinks about it, Lollipop was right. What if X dies? Whats next? None of them can fix the engine of the bus- let alone drive it. "God, you guys are pathetic" Lollipop jokes, "it's alright, your saviour Lollipop is here" she jokes again. She doesn't seem to notice how serious this situation is. "First of all- can I see what's up with the bus?"

POV change
Teardrop and Gelatin continue to walk around the forest. They've been walking for 4 hours, but none of them knew that. "You know TD.. maybe we should rest for a bit, im getting tired" he says. Teardrop stops, Gelatin sits down on the grassy ground. Teardrop follows, sitting beside Gelatin. She reviews the notes she wrote earlier while Gelatin catches his breath. "Are we..any close to an exit out of here??" Gelatin asks, silence. Gelatin forgot TD was mute. "Umm..tap me once if yes, Tap twice for no" Teardrop taps his arm two times, Gelatin sighs. "Is it night time?.." he asks. Teardrop taps him once, she them takes out another sticky note and writes something on it.

"Maybe we should..sleep for now" he says, "I think we're too deep in the woods for that dude to find us" he says. Teardrop looked startled, 'who?' She wants to ask him..but she can't, she tries writing the question on a sticky note but Gelatin lays on the ground. "I'll try to get some sleep..goodnight TD.."

Teardrop looks at her already sleeping friend. He must be tired, poor Gelatin. She decide to sleep as well, she closes her eyes. She holds onto her sticky notes tightly.

The sound of birds chirping wakes up the tired Teardrop. She wakes up, where is she? She sees the notes in her arms, surprisingly none seemed to have blown away. She reads it as Gelatin wakes up, he stays silent for a bit before trying to open his eyes. His eyes are white, he starts breathing heavily- to the point Teardrop could hear him. He starts panicking, "Teardrop?? TEARDROP?!? WHERE ARE YOU??!" He yells.

She is Teardrop. She walks to him and touches his shoulder. He flinches, "WHA WHO- ARE YOU?!" He falls, trying to look for the person who touched his shoulder. She tries to calm him down, "I- is that you..Teardrop?" He asks, not feeling any pain. She remembers this, she taps him once. That means yes.. right?

Gelatin stays silent for a bit, he giggles. "Oh..that's..yes right?" He calms down. He sits up, Teardrop stares at him. "I..I can't see anything, everything is black" he mutters. " something wrong with me?" He asks. " I blind?.." he mutters, Teardrop looks at him. She points three fingers at his face, he doesn't even seem to notice- continuing to mumble..afraid. She shakes her head, writing it down on her sticky note.

"What are we going to do..If I can't see..and you're mute...HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO LEAVE??!" He yells, startling Teardrop. He sobs, it hurts him. Teardrop doesn't know what to do, it doesn't say anything in her sticky notes about it."I want to go home.." Teardrop panics, what does she do? "I don't like this.." Teardrop side hugs him, "What if he comes..? What are going to do.." Teardrop hugs him, Gelatin stops mumbling.

He hugs Teardrop back.

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