Chapter 15: Can't calm down

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Screams of anguish fills the air.
But why? Your first priority is to investigate the sound, make sure if they're okay.. you jump out of the bus and immediately runs into someone. It was X, you were about to ask him what was wrong.. but..

His eyes were filled with horror, as he keeps glancing behind him. "YOU.. Run.. Four.. he.. get.. everyone- RUN!!" He yells, completely out of breath. You know not to ask questions, as you do as he says. But by then, everyone was already at the bus's door and all was just as confused as you were.

A loud sound of metal, you turn behind and see an object with a mask. It had a huge smile on it, blood. Blood was everywhere. You don't even question it, he holds a weapon in his hands.. an axe, a bloody one.

He starts walking, before jogging, then sprinting towards you. You have no time to react, you immediately start sprinting the opposite way and so does everyone else.. they all leave you, as you continue trying to run away from the crazy object. You run slower than everyone else, because you're a leaf.


You run into the forest. Hopefully he must've lost you.. you crouch down, leaning against a tree. You cover your mouth as you start catching your breath, you don't even know what happened? What happened? Your friends.. what happened to them? You need to save them!

But how.
Maybe you should wait for a few..

Someone grabs onto you, sending you to the ground. "ARGH.."

Your eyes widen, the mask guy steps on you- making it impossible for you to move.. there are many disadvantages of being a leaf. This was one of them.

"Get off me! Get off!!" You yell, the object doesn't seem annoyed at all over your struggles.. and after a while you stop trying. Because.. because you noticed the eyes staring at you from the mask. The eye holes weren't fully covered, which leaves the pupils visible... The pupils stared at you.. stared.. into you.

You automatically freeze up.
He doesn't do anything.
His eyes stare right into you..
It's going to..
He pulls up his axe, but.. the wrong way? He was holding it upside down.


He gauges the stick into your eyeball.
You scream. Slowly, he uses the stick to tear your eyeball apart, tearing your left eye- tearing the leaf. It hurts. It really hurts. But as your eye fills with tears, all you could really look at was the eyes staring at you from behind the mask.

The eyes.. that..-


She jolts up.
Another nightmare.


Leafy covers her face, half of it. She's not used to it, she can never get used to it. Her eye throbs, the left one. She tries to hold it, to cover it perhaps.. but her hand goes through.. because.  Because that part of her is no more.

What time was it anyways?
It was afternoon perhaps. Leafy thinks to herself, she should go eat.


Leafy gets up from the chairs she was sleeping on, that was perhaps not a very good place to sleep. Because her back hurts a bit now. But where was she going to sleep anyways? There were only two foldable bunk beds, and she has to share.

Leafy gets up and walks towards the mini portable fridge in the back. There weren't many food left, the small dry cereal packs that Flower keeps making for herself has only 2 boxes left. There were barely any milk, especially actual water. There were some berries.. some nut mix perhaps. ... What's that?

She reaches into the back of the mini fridge, a glass bottle.. which has ..


750 ml of w.. whisky? What's that? A yellow sticky note sits on the bottle, 'Accidentally bought it, will throw out later, don't drink' with an angry face in the corner. It's liquid, a drink perhaps. Why can't she drink it? Maybe it's supposed to be used for cooking.. but where?.. it did say it was bought on accident.. why didn't they just throw it away? Why shove it at the back of the mini fridge..??

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