Chapter 14: Anxiety

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"This isn't good.." Lollipop mumbles to herself, as she stares at the bus from the outside. The bus's engine and everything important at the very least are quite okay as they are situated behind the bus, in the engine bay. However, the steering wheel is- completely um, let's say unfixable in the situation they're in right now, you know- due to the fact they crashed into a fricking tree.

Lollipop puts her fingers to her chin (?), In a thinking position. Fixing the bus right now is not an option, but what is there to do? They are technically situated in the middle of nowhere, could die from hunger or dehydration if they were to try  leaving the bus (since the bus has most of their food sources), and to Lollipops knowledge, there are no phones around here to call for help.

This is stupid. Lollipop sighs to herself, as she just notices a pink petalled flower standing beside her in the same arm position as her.

"..., What are you doing?" Lollipop asks, Flower stares at her- with a stupid expression on her face. "I don't know, what're you doing?" Lollipop face palms to herself, these idiots absolutely cannot function without her. She needs to find some way to bring them to safety. They've done the surviving part for her, now she's got to do the thinking part.

"Thinking.. duh"


"I made a memorial for Four, look" Purple Face says, as he stares at a bunch of sticks on the ground- in the form of their dead host. Leafy sadly shakes her head at this, making Purple Face quite offended. "WELL- I did this with legit no use of limbs so you should be at least proud" Purple Face whines, Leafy gives him a little clap though and that makes him shut up about it.

"I don't see the use of it though" Leafy mumbles, not loud but loud enough for Purple Face to hear. "Why not? The dude needs to have something left so we can remember him" He continues, looking at his work of art on the ground.

"No- but.. can't he just.. get recovered or something..?" Leafy continues, her voice getting slower by every word. "But then who's gonna recover him? Do they even have a recovering center for numbers??" Purple Face asks. Ah, Leafy asked a stupid question. She should shut up now. That didn't help the situation at all.

Leafy shrugs it off as she stares at the sticks on the ground. She asked a really stupid question, numbers can't recover. To her knowledge.


It is 5:32 pm.
Flower finally found both her friends, staring at some sticks behind the bus. Thank goodness, she thought they died or something. "What are you guys looking at?" Purple Face and Leafy glance at eachother before looking back at Flower. "This memorial I made for Four!" Purple Face explains, as Leafy points at this abomination of a memorial.

"I would feel very offended if you ever made a memorial for me". Is all Flower says, while she gets cuts off by offended shouts by the floating purple circle.

.. The sound of leaves rustling stops Flower's happy-go-lucky grinning, as her gaze goes towards a bush that seemed to have been recently moved. Flower runs towards the bush, stepping all over the memorial of Four. The sight of an object running away in the distance, she can't tell the shape but it is an Object!!

Is all Flower yells, as she jumps over the bush and starts sprinting towards the object. Purple Face and Leafy stare at shock, both at Flower and at the completely messed up memorial. "I worked so hard on that.." Purple Face mumbles, as Leafy runs- trying to catch up with Flower.

She doesn't know what she saw, but it must've been something important.


"Where are they?!? Where.. they.."
Flower stops, and catches her breath. That object was fast, it was as if they disappeared! Leafy catches up to Flower, staring at her quietly as Flower looks around hoping to find something out of place.

"Dang it! Leafy, you saw them right??"
Flower asks, Leafy shrugs at this. She didn't see anyone but she did hear the sound of the bush moving, so she kinda did believe that someone was watching them.

But who?
Leaves rustling.

Leafy looks up at the sound.
It was the wind.
The wind was moving the leaves, making the sound.


She looks back at Flower, who is looking through every bush in the area, hoping the object was a coward and decided to hide in a bush or something. Leafy walks towards Flower as she feels a weird feeling, she doesn't like standing in the forest weaponless like this.

What if the object came and charged at her from behind?
The sound of footsteps.

Leafy turns around.
No. It was the sound of her own.


"There really was someone, Leafy! I saw them, they were running really fast too.." Flower complains, kicking a few pebbles on the ground. Leafy shrugs at this, she doesn't mind not finding the object, now she can go back to the bus and safely hide in there again.

She'll make sure not to follow stupid objects into the woods, all weaponless again.


They walk, following the path they took earlier. Luckily enough, Leafy was taking note of where she was running earlier, so they aren't lost. Thank goodness. Flower tries starting up some conversation, but Leafy always ends it with a nod, shake, or a dry reply at the very least.

She is not in the mood to talk.
She wants to be in the comfort of her bus. Right now.

But she does not have the energy to run.
What if they object takes this chance to attack her from behind?

She feels eyes watching her. They might take the advantage of her having no right eye like-- as a blind spot. They could be hiding anywhere.. oh.. she just wanted to get back on the bus.

She starts walking a bit faster, as Flower continues talking about some stuff that don't interest her. The sound of leaves rustling, a bush perhaps? Leafy walks more quicker, she does not have the time to glance back.

She swears she heard someone go 'shush'

She swears she heard the sound of a flamethrower.

She swears she heard footsteps growing louder..

She swears she saw a pair of eyes.


The bus comes into view, they were walking for almost 30 minute's- but it was good to be back to safety. She's safe now. Flower is safe now. They are safe now.

She enters the bus, along with Flower as they shut the door behind them. Locking it, as always. "Where were you two?" Lollipop asks, upon seeing both of their tired faces. "Sigh.. I thought I saw someone and went chasing after them, I'm probably starting to grow crazy.." Flower mumbles, as she sits down on one of the bus's chairs. "Who wouldn't be crazy" Is all Lollipop answers, before Leafy tunes everyone out for a bit.

She's tired.
But she's safe. Very.. very safe.
Leafy thinks to herself, as she peeks through the small curtains on the window she was sat beside.

It was getting dark, her eyes fall towards one bush. A single bush, that she swore.. she swore that there were eyes looking right back at her.

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