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i woke up to the distant sound of my tv playing........... weird.

i opened my eyes to see i was in my bed, i thought nothing of it until i realized i fell asleep on the floor last night...

i walked out of my bedroom skeptically, towards the noise. i peered my head out slightly to see kennedy watching tv tiredly. i sighed with relief and made my way towards her, i sat down next to her and she smiled sadly at me.

"you okay?" she frowned.

"i've been better" i laughed softly.

"i saw what happened, i was making rice krispy treats..." she told.
"before clay tried going to your condo i made him finish the rice krispy treats over there. that gave me the opportunity to check on you since i saw you leaving" she explained.

"oh... well thank you" i smiled guiltily but genuinely.

"wanna talk about it?" she smiled back at me.

"god- i just don't know where to start. i didn't think he were gay in any way so the fact that he begged me to have sex with him made me think that he actually liked me; it's not like he's been fucking any other guys. after we did have sex he treated me so fucking amazing that i really thought about considering his little 'we should date' thing. then he lied to my face and now he's with lorelei i heard" i shrugged after venting all that i needed to say.

"mhm, he's a really fucked up person george; and it's not right that he did it to either of us. i can only imagine how many others he's done that to as well. just remember you're so much more worthy and better than him, you go through a lot; i'm proud of you george!!" kennedy said enthusiastically.

"i'm tired, can we go get coffee?" i said trying to ignore the good she said about me.

"that sounds like a good idea" she smiled.

"are we just going to the food court in the workplace?" i asked.

"that's what i was planning on" i giggled.

"if you wanna get dressed you can personally, but ima just go in my pjs" kennedy replied.

"lemme just take some ibuprofen" i said then getting up and towards my medicine cabinet.

"mind giving me one too? i gotta massive headache from staying up all night" she laughed.

"i don't mind one bit! why'd you stay up all night?" i asked confused then handing her two pills.

"i was concerned about you and didn't want you waking up alone, i know how that feels and it's the worst" she smiled sadly to herself.

"it'd be cool if we took turns at each other's condos to watch movies" i said in a jokingly way.

"we should do that!!" kennedy replied then swallowing the pill dry.

"i'm down for that!" i said then doing the same.

i slipped on some crocs and made sure to have my keycard so i could lock the condo on my way out.

kennedy followed me, we made small talk until we got ourselves to the building.

"are you thinking dunkin'?" kennedy asked.

"absolutely, starbucks sucks" i laughed.

"honestly though" she giggled.

thankfully no one was in there since it were so early in the morning, usually everyone would sleep in. kennedy and i went over to the dunkin area i ordered a bacon egg and cheese plain bagel with a black coffee, and kennedy ordered an iced caramel latte with a pink donut. our things were quickly made since of the lack of people in the area.

kennedy and i found a spot in the corner of the court to eat at, it was around nine thirty and more people came in to get their morning meals and drinks.

"i think you're absolutely insane that you just ordered a plain black coffee!" she laughed.

"wanna try? it's really not that bad" i shrugged.

"with no sugar? absolutely not" she shook her head.

"you're missing out!" i shrugged then taking a sip.

"ugh, fine; if it's bad ima make you taste mine" she smirked.

"whatever you say" i giggled then pushing the drink towards her.

she skeptically put the foam cup to her lips and took a tiny sip and immediately made a sour face.

"oh you're so full of it" i laughed.

"that was actually so bad george" she covered her mouth.

"never said you'd like it" i shrugged.

"you're so full of shit" she shook her head then pushing her coffee to me.

we continued bickering until clay the narcissist came walking in the food court, he looked around and saw i was there; immediately making his way towards me.

"i'm gonna fucking perish" she shook her head.

"honestly-" i agreed then watching clay with disgust as he came to the table.

".... can i maybe talk to george for a second..?" he said only above a whisper.

kennedy glared at me to see what i wanted, i shrugged and mouthed 'it'll be quick'. she nodded with a sad smile and left the table, clay was staring at the ground guiltily.

"look.... lorelei and i aren't a thing" he explained.

"oh is that so?" i looked at him with disgust.

"it was mistranslated george i swear, the whole group of us was talking and i said how i really wanted to take you on a date but lorelei took that as 'tell george lorelei was asked on a date by clay'. lorelei is still in denial and i'm sorry if it was shown in an unclear way.

"well why is it that you lied to me?" i didn't believe him one bit.

"about what..?" he looked generally confused.

"you said i was the only person to go in your condo and now i'm finding out everyone said that you told them that, especially kennedy" i stated.

"i didn't wanna scare you away..." he frowned.

"but why lie? i would've been more comfortable if you didn't lie or haven't said anything in the first place" i stated.

"i know, it was very wrongful of me too. i shouldn't have lied to you, i'm very sorry george." clay sighed.

"well why is it that you're actually sorry now? or is that just yet another lie?" i got closer to clay to try asserting dominance.

"because i like you george, i told you this before" he stated.

"why is it that you told every other girl the same thing?" i questioned.

"i- i don't know... but there's something different about you then most people; and i hate how much i love the feeling so much. it's nothing i can explain which doesn't help my case especially since i lied to you. but i hope to gain your trust once again" clay tried grabbing my hand.

"you're a joke" i laughed then looking away.

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