The Neighbor

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Joe sighed as he kicked off the elevator wall and walked down the hall to his apartment. As he struggled to get his keys out of his backpack without completely taking it off his shoulders, he saw someone out of the corner of his eye.

"Afternoon, Holly," he greeted.

"Hi, Joe," she said softly.

Holly's always been a quiet neighbor. Joe rarely saw her come or go. The few times he ran into her in the hallway, she wouldn't say more than ten words to him. He was the one who usually said most in the conversation.

Holly has lived in the building longer than Joe. He didn't know much about her. But then again, no one knew much about Holly. She keeps to herself. If you believe the gossip that's spread around the building, Holly was in either the Army or the Navy until she was medically discharged. The rumor is that she was taken as a POW in Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran and was tortured. The country changes every version. So does the level of tragedy.

"How's your day going?" Joe asked, trying to be neighborly.

"It's fine," she mumbled as she looked at the keys in her hands. "How's yours?"

"Good," Joe chuckled. "My job is to pretend and that can be quite exhausting."

Joe's stomach did this weird lurch when his comment made Holly smile. His smile dropped when he finally noticed her holding her groceries.

"Would you like some help?" He offered.

"It's okay," she stuttered. "I got it."

Right as she said that, one of the bags broke. "Of course," she mumbled as she leaned down and started picking things up. Joe smiled as he knelt down and started helping her.

"You don't have to," she said under her breath.

"It's no big deal," Joe chuckled. "What kind of knight in shining armor would I be if I walked into my apartment, completely ignoring a damsel in distress?"

"Knight in shining armor?" Joe looked up at Holly to see her with a teasing smile. She giggled as she added, "Damsel in distress? Is that how you see me?"

"No," Joe stuttered. "I was just trying. . . I didn't mean it like that."

"Joe," she chuckled. "I'm messing with you."

She looked up at Joe and he instantly matched her smile. The longer they smiled at each other, the redder her cheeks got. Joe was pretty sure this was the longest conversation they've had since he moved in next door.

The two cleaned up the mess in the hallway and Joe helped Holly carry her groceries into her apartment. Joe followed her down to the parking garage and helped her with the rest of her groceries. As they went back up, they didn't talk.

After putting the bags on the counter, Joe shoved his hands into his back pockets. Holly wrapped her arms around herself and nervously started chewing on her bottom lip.

"Thanks for your help, Joe," she said softly.

"Any time," Joe shrugged. Holly smiled at Joe but got a little nervous and looked away from him.

"Anything else you need help with?" Joe offered, a sudden desire not to leave her.

"No, but thank you," she smiled. Without a word, Holly escorted Joe out. She opened the door for him and he walked through it. He was about to go into his apartment but stopped.

"You sure there's nothing else you need?" Joe asked, in a teasing tone. "Maybe change a few lightbulbs or the batteries in the fire alarm?"

"No," she chuckled. "I think I'm good. But if something comes up or something breaks, I'll be sure to let you know."

"I'd be happy to help," Joe said instantly.

"I'll keep that in mind," Holly smiled. There was a brief moment of silence but Joe broke it.

"Any big plans for the weekend?" He asked in an attempt to keep the conversation going. Joe had a feeling that Holly didn't talk to many people, and he wanted to make sure she knew that she could come to him if she needed anything.

"Not really," she shrugged.

"Really?" He asked. "Nothing fun for the Fourth of July?"

Joe started to unlock his door but froze when he saw the look on Holly's face change.

"Holly," he said softly. "Are you alright?"

"I forgot it was the fourth," she mumbled.

Joe opened his mouth to say something, but Holly quickly slipped back into her apartment, slightly slamming the door behind her.

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