Taking Time

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The first month was a little rocky. Holly wasn't used to having someone as close to her as Joe was getting. She wasn't used to people taking her picture and knowing her name.

Joe knew she needed time and was incredibly patient with her. He understood when she needed some time to herself. He understood when she needed to have dates at home instead of nice restaurants. He understood why she was even more nervous to go out in public. Especially after news that Joe Keery was dating someone leaked.

"Hey, Holly," Joe said as he walked into her apartment. "I think I got everything on your list."

Joe walked into the kitchen and put the grocery bags down. He looked over his shoulder and saw Holly walking into the kitchen. Holly sat at the counter, nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

"I'm sorry I made you go to the store for me," she said under her breath. She avoided eye contact and played with her hands. Joe stopped putting away the groceries and glanced over at Holly's shrunken form.

He walked over and stood behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her so she was leaning back against his chest.

"I don't mind," Joe shrugged.

"Did you. . . Did you get cornered by. . . them?"

"I did," he sighed. Holly turned around, her eyes soft.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "If I had gone to the store, then you wouldn't have. . . I'm so sorry, Joe."

"It's okay," he soothed. He grabbed her arms, rubbing her biceps comfortingly. "I can handle them, baby. What I couldn't handle is them cornering you and making you feel uncomfortable."

"That's sweet but. . ."

Joe cut her off by leaning in and pressing his lips delicately to hers. She let out a shaky breath as she started kissing him back. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead on his.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I told you that I would be better with all this. And I'm clearly not."

"Holly," Joe whispered, "it's okay. It takes time to get used to all of this. It's not something you can wake up and be used to. I never expected you to easily adjust. That's why I'm here. I can help you through it, baby."

* * * * *

Things didn't get easier for Holly. As time went on, more and more people found out about Joe and Holly. It got to the point where Holly could barely walk to the parking garage without someone recognizing her.

If she didn't leave her apartment before, it was even worse now. Holly stayed at home all day. Knowing that she was struggling with this sudden and intense attention, Joe was happy to help her.

He made sure to stay at her apartment as much as possible. He picked up dinner on the way home from work and got her groceries. Every time he walked into her place, she instantly apologized and thanked him. And every time she did, he told her he was happy to help her in any way he could.

Holly was sitting on her couch, scrolling through the numerous articles written about her and Joe's relationship. She reached up and quickly swiped the tear that streamed down her cheek.

She locked her phone and tossed it onto the other end of the couch. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. She grabbed the remote and started scrolling through Netflix.

A small smile came to her face when Stranger Things came up on her cue. She didn't hesitate to click play. As episode one started playing, Holly laid down.

She was just finishing season one when the door opened. "Your man is here and he has brought food!" Joe yelled from the doorway.

Holly laughed as she sat up and paused the show. "Good," she called back. "Because your girl is hungry."

Throughout dinner, Joe kept glancing at Holly. His heart sank when he saw her taking slow bites between pushing her food around her plate.

"I'm sorry dinner is so late," Joe sighed. He reached over and grabbed her hand.

"It's okay," Holly shrugged as he squeezed her hand.

"Filming went a lot later than I thought," Joe explained. "Season 4 has some crazy special effects. We usually have to film things several times to make sure we're in the right spots and. . . I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Holly said. "I understand. I used to get home at like 2 AM after running drills and going through formations."

She looked up, her face burning when she saw the way Joe was staring at her. "What?"

"You don't talk about that life much," Joe said softly.

"It's not that easy to talk about," she said under her breath. "I usually get all sweaty and stuttery and. . . panicky."

"Usually?" Joe asked, scooting his chair closer.

"I didn't this time," she said, looking up at him with a shy smile on her face. "This time. . . It was easy to talk to you about it."

"I'm glad."

He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

"I'm sorry all of this isn't easier for you," he whispered. "I know the paparazzi and the articles are a bit much."

"It's okay," she shrugged. "It's part of your life and I want to be in it."

Joe stood up and sat in the chair next to Holly. He draped his arm across the back of her chair and sat as close to her as he could get.

"I want you to be in it," he whispered. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek. He smirked when she sucked in a surprised gasp as he continued kissing her jawline.

Without pulling away from Holly's neck, he grabbed her hand and made her stand up. He finally broke the kiss and pulled her into his chest.

"I really like you, Joe," Holly whispered. "I'm trying really hard to be the girl you deserve but. . . It's harder than I thought."

"You are exactly the girl I deserve," Joe said softly. "And I appreciate how hard you've been trying, but remember, you aren't doing any of this alone. I'm here for you, Holly. Always will be."

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