Finally Normal

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After the interview aired, things got crazy for a while but eventually calmed down. People were excited about the new couple but quickly got over them. It took a couple of days before Holly finally had the courage to leave her apartment.

When she was with Joe, people instantly found them and asked them questions or took pictures. When she was alone, people didn't pay much attention to her. Things began slowly going back to normal.

Even after everything settled, Joe still spent a lot of time with Holly. He still brought food over every night and stayed so late that he ended up sleeping over. It got to the point where Joe didn't even bother going to his apartment. The only reason he went home was to grab a fresh pair of clothes.

Holly was making dinner when she heard the door open. She looked over her shoulder and smiled as Joe walked in. He kicked off his shoes and hung up his jacket.

"Hey, you," he greeted as he walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You know," she laughed as she pulled out a pasta shell and checked to see if it was cooked, "you're lucky I don't lock that door."

"You probably should," he shrugged as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "It could be dangerous, baby."

"But then how will you walk into your girlfriend's apartment like you own the place?" She teased. Joe turned her around, instantly wrapping his arms around her waist. She looked down at her hands pressed to his chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"Well," he laughed, "my girlfriend could give me a key."

Holly looked up at him, her breath getting caught in her throat. She opened and closed her mouth, struggling to figure out if he was kidding or not.

"Are you. . . You really want a key to my place?"

"We could switch keys," Joe offered. "I could have your spare key and you could have mine. Having each other's spare keys could actually. . ."

Holly stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. He smiled as he softly started kissing her back.

"Thank you," she whispered, breaking the kiss.

"For what?" Joe chuckled as he tightened his arms around her.

"For standing by me," she sighed, "through everything. I've been working really hard to get used to your world because I want to be in it."

"And I want you in it," he said softly. "I know it's a lot to get used to. I really appreciate all the work you've put into it."

"It hasn't been easy," she said, her voice dropping, "but I care about you so it's worth it. I want to be in your life so I'm learning."

"And I'm proud of you," Joe whispered. He leaned down and pressed another delicate kiss to her lips.

* * * * *

After dinner, Joe helped Holly clean up. He kept glancing at her, his heart fluttering as he watched her. He's thought about the last couple of weeks. He knew that adjusting to his life would not be easy for her and he'd have to be completely oblivious not to see how much she's worked to adjust to it.

Thinking about how much work she's put into the relationship, made him realize that he wasn't doing as much as he could. He made a silent promise to himself that he would put more effort into their relationship.

Holly sighed as she wiped her hands on the towel and hung it up. She turned around to see Joe had some soap on his chin. She smiled as she grabbed the towel and wiped it off.

"Thanks," he chuckled.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Holly asked.

"Well, I desperately need to shower," Joe sighed. "You okay if I shower here? Your soap smells nicer than mine. You have the special soup."

"It's just soap from Bath and Body Works," she laughed. "And I'm pretty sure I bought some for you."

"You did," he shrugged. "But then I'd have to leave. And I don't want to leave."

"Fine," Holly giggled. "You shower. I need to catch up on episodes of Ted Lasso."

"Sounds good," Joe shrugged. His smirk made Holly's stomach flip. "Or, you could join me."

"Maybe next time," Holly said, with a playful eye roll.

"Fine," he fake-pouted. She leaned in and kissed his pout before turning on her heel and heading to her bedroom.

While Joe showered, Holly watched the end of season 1. She was about to fall asleep when the bathroom door opened. She looked over, her face burning when she saw Joe drying his hair with a towel.

"Last episode?" He guessed.

"Yep," Holly said, clearing her throat and looking away.

Joe kissed her cheek before walking back into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth while Holly finished the episode. She turned the tv off when Joe exited the bathroom.

"I need to get home and do some laundry," Joe laughed as he plopped down onto the bed. "Or at least get some clean clothes."

She reached down and start subconsciously running her fingers through his wet hair.

"Or," she said, clearing her throat, "you could keep some clothes here. . . I have the space."

"I like that," Joe chuckled. Holly laid down next to him, turning so their noses were inches apart.

"What if. . ." Holly stuttered.

"What if what, gorgeous?"

"What if we moved in together?"

Holly held her breath as she waited for Joe's response. Joe was too excited to think of a response. Instead, he grabbed Holly's chin and pressed his lips to hers. He felt her smile as their lips moved in sync.

Joe shifted so he was hovering over her. He briefly broke the kiss to smile down at her. She reached up, put her hand on the back of his neck, and pulled him down to her. The two instantly got lost in the kiss.

Joe slowly slipped his hand under Holly's shirt, making her gasp when his cold hand touched her warm stomach. She broke the kiss, stopping things before they could get too heavy.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said, out of breath from the kiss.

"That, my darling," Joe whispered with a small smile on his face, "is a hell yes."

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