The Anniversary

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Things were finally starting to go back to normal with Holly and Joe. Holly continued to meet Joe at his set for lunch and Joe continued to struggle with his protectiveness and his feelings for Holly.

"You going to lunch with Holly?" Natalia asked.

"I am."

"Can I come?" Gaten asked.

"Absolutely not," Joe said instantly.

"Come on, G," Joseph laughed. "Let the guy swoon over his neighbor and obsess over what could never be."

"Hey," Maya said, hitting his arm. "They could 'be'. You know, once he gets the courage to finally ask her out on an official date."

"Alright," Joe cut them off. "Will you lay off, please?"

"Yeah, guys," Joseph teased. "Give the guy a break. He'll ask Holly out when he's ready."

"Thank you. . ." Joe started, but Joseph cut him off.

"Like in ten years," he finished.

"Okay," Joe sighed as he went to his trailer. Joe looked at his watch to see that they were ahead of schedule. Between scenes, he grabbed his phone and called Holly.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, you," Joe said happily. "It's me."

"I know," Holly tried to laugh but it came out forced. "I have caller ID, Joe."

"Right," he laughed. "Anyway, we're still on for lunch today, right?"

"Of course," she said after a few seconds that felt longer to Joe than they probably were. "One o'clock, right?"

"Actually, that's why I'm calling you. We're ahead of schedule so wanna meet around noon?"

"Sure," she said.

"You okay?"

"Of course," Holly said, not convincing Joe at all.

"Holly, what's wrong? You sound weird."

"I'm just a little tired," she sighed. "I had a rough night."

"What happened?"

"Just couldn't sleep," she said shakily.

"Oh," he whispered. "Did your nightmares come back?"

"No," she stuttered. "I just. . . couldn't sleep."

"I'm sorry," Joe said softly. "Anything I can do?"

"No," she said a little quickly. "I'll see you at lunch."

* * * * *

As he filmed, he kept thinking about the phone call with Holly. Even though she said she was fine, Joe knew she wasn't. He knew something was going on, but he was worried about pushing her. He didn't want to risk losing all the progress he's made with her over the last few months.

When they broke for lunch, Joe jogged back to his trailer and changed. He sat on his phone and waited for Holly to arrive. He tried calling her but she didn't answer. He waited impatiently but she didn't show up. His stomach dropped when lunch was over.

"Hey, we're waiting on you."

Joe looked up to see Maya walking into his trailer. "What's wrong?" She asked as she jogged over and sat next to him on the couch.

"Holly was supposed to meet me for lunch but she never showed up."

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "She didn't answer her phone. I talked to her earlier and she seemed off. I asked what was wrong, but she said she was fine. I could tell she wasn't. I'm starting to worry."

"I'm guessing you tried calling her again?"

"Of course I've called her," Joe frustratedly stood up and started pacing. He ran his fingers through her hair. "I don't know what to do."

"Just take a breath," Maya said gently. "Give her some time. Try calling her after the next scene. I'm sure she'll answer."

The second they finished filming, Joe called Holly again. And again, she didn't answer. He called on his way to his trailer, after he changed, and on his way to his car.

Instead of heading home, he went straight to Holly's apartment. He knocked on the door, holding his breath. He tried to resist the urge to knock again when she didn't answer, but he gave in. Several times.

"Come on, Holly," he mumbled.

"She's not there."

Joe turned around to see the neighbor on the other side of Holly, Ms. Jackson, peaking her head out of her apartment.

"Where is she?" Joe asked.

"I don't know," Ms. Jackson shrugged. "But I don't think it's good."

"What do you mean?"

"An ambulance was here earlier."


Without waiting for her response, Joe turned on his heel and ran out of the building.

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