Handy-Dandy Joe

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Joe woke up and instantly felt someone on his chest. He looked down and smiled when he saw Holly asleep with her head over his heart. He resisted the urge to move that piece of hair out of her face. Instead, he gently and slowly got out from under her. He made sure she was lying down comfortably before leaving her room.

He started to head to the kitchen but stopped when he saw Holly's front door. The hinges and the lock were broken. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he assessed the damage.

"Damn," he mumbled.

"You really went all Hulk-smash on that thing," Holly chuckled from behind him. Joe turned around and nervously smiled.

"I'm sorry," he sighed. "I was just. . . You were screaming and I didn't know if you were hurt."

"Joe," Holly smiled as she cut him off. She glanced at her door before looking at Joe. "I never did like that lock."

"It's actually easy to fix," Joe stuttered. "You just need some new hinges and a new lock. I can run to the hardware store. It should only take me about an hour to fix."

"I can come with you," Holly said. There was something about the look in her eyes.

"It's okay," he shrugged. "I can go. We're not filming today."

"I don't mind," Holly stuttered. "It's my door."

"True, but it's my mess." He thought about it for a second before adding, "How about I run to the store and you can help me when I get back?

"Are you sure?" She asked. "I don't want to make you feel like you have to."

"I don't mind, Holly." He softened his eyes, trying to figure out how he could convince her. "Let me do this for you. Please?"

"Okay," she whispered. She quickly added, "Only if it's not a hassle or anything."

"It's easy," he reassured her.

She nodded, still looking like she was debating something. Without looking at him, she turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen. He laughed before following her.

"What are you doing?"

"It's 8 in the morning," she said as she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. "Usually people eat breakfast in the morning."

"You don't have to. . ."

"Stop," Holly said as she turned around. "You helped me last night. And you're gonna help fix my door. . ."

"That I broke," Joe added.

". . . so the least I could do is make you breakfast," Holly finished.

Holly and Joe made breakfast together and ate in silence. Joe didn't mind. He knew that Holly wasn't much of a talker. In fact, he was surprised by how much she had spoken to him already.

"The hardware store is just. . ."

Holly was cut off by Joe's phone. He sighed, sending her an apologetic look before standing up and going into the other room.

"Hey, Max," Joe greeted his manager.

"Where the hell are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm guessing you forgot," he chuckled. "You and the cast of Stranger Things have an interview in an hour."

"I'll leave now," Joe sighed. He hung up the phone and slowly walked back into the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," Joe cleared his throat. "The thing is. . ."

"Work?" She asked when he struggled to continue.

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