1.Hurt/Comfort - I love you too, Steve

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Eddie wasn't the type of person who got sad around other people.
He didn't have much friends so he didn't want to loose them by stressing them too much with his overwhelming emotions.
That doesn't necessarily mean he never was sad- he just tried to deal with his sadness and anxiety by himself but today was just too much.
His uncle wasn't home, luckily, but that also meant he was all by himself and his thought what generally never was a good thing.

Since the incidence with vecna, he never really was alone for a long time and spend much time with new people he barely knew.
Perhaps it was refreshing for him to meet them and he was happy that they accepted him by being himself, even if he still was a little scared to out himself, but on the other hand he never had time to process the death of his new found friend Chrissy or the guilt of running away after her death.
The massive persecution of the villagers didn't help with that.
And because he was tracked, he always was on a run.
He often hid at Steve's house because no one would think that the once so popular kid would help a freak like him out and mainly Dustin, robin and Mike would visit them at the house to look after them.
But now and then, Eddie had to go home to get new clothes or simply get his vinyl's so he wouldn't be too bored when Steve had to go and leave him alone.
Right now Eddie was at home by his trailer and pack up some of his things and got kinda sentimental when he found an old picture of him and his uncle.

He sat down on his bed that already was cold because no one laid in there in weeks and felt the feeling of loneliness coming up.
He technically wasn't alone because Steve waited in the van outside for Eddie to pick his stuff but Eddie haven't even told Steve about how he felt.
All the guilt and sadness and loneliness and more.
Eddie felt his eyes getting wet and quickly wiped the tears away with his sleeve.
He stood up and packed up the picture in his jacket pocket and took the rest of his stuff with a bag and went outside to Steve in the van.
He threw the bag in the back and took the seat next to Steve on the side seat.
"Found everything you needed??", Steve asked the break the silence as he started the car.
Eddie nodded and tried to sound happier than he was:"I found everything but the bitches you used to have, Harrington." They both smiled at the joke and Steve tried to look at least a little annoyed wich he totally wasn't.
Eddie and him often made fun about what a person Steve used to be with all those girls, the popularity and the lack of empathy.
Steve answered :" well seems like you have to be my bitch now. I can't live without ,Munson!" They both giggled and Eddie felt his cheeks heat up a bit.
With Steve he felt comfortable- and when they started to flirt in a jokingly way, he felt as if butterflies would life in his stomach without paying rent.
As they both calmed, Eddie had totally forgot about the bad feeling he had before and relaxed.
He only then realized how tensed he actually was before.
Soon after, they arrived at Steve's house and entered it through the backside so no one would see Eddie.
As they got in, Eddie quickly went to Steve's room that they shared to unpack his clothes.

Steve went to the kitchen to get them both a beer and went up to Eddie to give him the refreshing drink.
They both set down to the mattress on the floor next to Steve's bed that he only layed there for Eddie.
None of them would bother to actually share a bed since Steve's bed was king sized but no one was brave enough to ask if they could just sleep together.
Maybe they were just scared because of the massive homophobia in their village and didn't want to get outed like that.
Steve gave Eddie the beer and drank his own.
It was silent between those two until Steve started the conversation again. He had the question in his head for so long and the situation seemed to fit in to finally ask:" how are you actually? I mean- you seem so happy even though your life must be shattered in pieces right now."
Eddie looked at him with big eyes, as if he would've never expected this question and thought for a moment if he should tell Steve about how he felt.
He felt safe with Steve and completely trusted him, but...
Oh fuck it. It was time finally talk to someone about his problems.
He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.
It was clearly harder than he expected it to be.
He closed his mouth again and looked down to his feet.
He tried to find the right words and didn't even notice how long the silence had already set so he jumped a bit when Steve started to talk again:" hello? You don't have to answer. I don't want to pressure you on talking to me about things that you don't want me to be involved in"
Maybe it was the lack of sympathy Eddie got in the past but the way how Steve treated Eddie made him want to directly blow that man.
But of course he couldn't just rip his pants away so he just smiled and held Steve's hand.

"Thank you.. I really want to tell you how I feel but I never really- you know... I never talked to someone about how I feel." Eddie admitted.
Eddie felt his hand get lightly squeezed by Steve and looked up to him.
Eddie rather mumbled:" to be honest, I feel bad.. about everything. I know that it's not my fault that Chrissy is... But maybe I could've saved her? Like El saved max..and no-one will ever believe me that I didn't kill her because I probably did by not saving her."
He felt his tears coming up again and already felt ashamed of saying it out loud.
He looked down again and wiped with his sleeve the tears away like before.
But this time it was way more intense and he couldn't help it but sob.
But then he suddenly felt how Steve loosened his hand from Eddie's and swung it around him by hugging Eddie.
He tried to calm him down by gently fondle his back.
Eddie slowly felt himself calm down a bit and stopped whining.
He automatically layed his arms around Steve too and buried his face onto Steve's neck.

He had stopped crying completely and now only savoured the moment with Steve.
Steve put away their beers and helped Eddie up only to lay him down in his own bed.
He then layed down beside him and after he noticed the look that Eddie have him, he said:" I'm tired. If it's alright to you, you will sleep next to me." He gave Eddie a quick smile and waited patiently before getting to close to Eddie.
Eddie agreed without hesitation and curled into Steve who now layed closer to Eddie to hug him again.

"Good night"

"Good night"


The next morning was silent, too silent for their both liking, but neither of them trusted their voices enough to speak up about last night.
Eddie could finally sleep well after all that chrissy-drama but he didn't know how to thank Steve for it.
Gosh, he didn't even knew if Steve wanted to talk about it? Maybe he just wanted to forget the night he spend with the school-freak?
The thought of Steve not liking him and wanting him gone gave him a headache so he went to te kitchen to get a drink.
Deciding that water was the best choice for now, he walked over to get a glass from the countertop and filled it with the refreshing liquid.
He took a sip or two before turning around only to see Harrington walk in.
It seemed as if he tried to talk, because he switched from looking up to Eddie and down to the ground and opening and closing his mouth so Eddie leaned to the counter and waited for Steve to tell him how uncomfortable he felt with a murderer around him.
But it didn't happen that way.
Steve slowly breathed as he started talking :„ hey Munson... I wanted to talk with you about what happened yesterday?"
Eddie took in a sharp breath, ready to be kicked out, as Steve continued:„ I feel so terribly bad about it. I didn't help you and didn't even talk about it with you so far. I probably should've told you that you did nothing wrong. You are in total right if you think I'm a huge jerk now but I really am sorry."
He would've never expected for Steve to feel bad!
He walked towards him and when he stood close enough to him, he closed the gab between them by laying his arms around Steve's waist and hugging him.
Steve didn't hesitate to hug back and he swore that he felt how Eddie trembled so he looked down to only see how Eddie stood on his tiptoes to hug him.
Steve layed his head next to Eddie's collarbone like Eddie did the day before.
It was nice for him too to feel such comfort and both got overwhelmed, not quite knowing how to deal with that kind of affection.
They loosened up again after some time had passed and got red, not knowing what to do now.
So they just stood there awkwardly until Eddie started talking again first:„ there's something I've been meaning to talk to you for quite a time now, Harrington..."
He felt unsure about his next words so he luckily got interrupted by Steve:„ I-i think I know what you want to say.. and I do too. I like- love you, Eddie."
There was something so satisfying for Eddie to hear Steve call him by his first name and he nearly ignored the fact how Steve literally confessed to him while calling him by his name.
He could only smile and whisper:„i love you too, Steve"
Both started smiling like stupidly inlove middle schoolers and closed the gap again- this time not by a hug, they kissed each other.

*1778 words*

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