11.hurt/comfort(?)- I'll always stay with you, stupid

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It's been a while since the upside down thing and the village nearly fully recovered ( without the knowledge that it wasn't over yet ).
Most missing people were found and the people were safe, at least, so they thought.
Steve knew that vecna wasn't defeated yet and definitely couldn't get enough sleep in a while.
He was just too scared to sleep- worried that when he woke up, one of the kids or robin would be in danger without his knowledge.
He felt responsible for all their lives since he wasn't able to safe Eddie.
Steve still felt bad for letting Eddie's corpse in the upside down.
Why did he survive the demobats but Eddie couldn't?
Why did Eddie have to play hero? He had warned him not to do so.
He warned him..
But now it was to late, he just layed in bed in the middle of the night and thought about what could've happened if Eddie did what he was told to and he survived.
What could've happened when Eddie survived?
But Steve couldn't finish his thought because he got interrupted by a knock on his door.
He got up and wanted to open it until he realised what exactly was happening.
It was 1am and someone knocked on his door while his parent were on vacation.
He should be alone?
But a 'normal' thief would've just come in so why the knock?
Steve silently freaked out.
He tried to calm himself down but then it knocked again.
He started shacking and knew that if it was one of vecna's retinues, they could just break in- a normal wooden door wouldn't keep them out for too long.
The knocking got more and more aggressive and Steve got more and more panicked.
He shuddered at every small sound he could hear from outside and as he tried to walk backwards, he fell down near his bed.
That was when the troublemaker on the other side tried to break the door with all their strength and it worked nearly immediately.
The wood fell out the hinges on the floor and that was when Steve finally saw who was there.
The figure was just as tall as himself and had long brown hair and their clothes were torn apart.
The skin of it was nearly completely covered on dust and mud but Steve noticed a normal skin colour under it.
The thing didn't attack Steve or anything and that was when he stood up and got a little closer, already having a theory about who it was.
He reached behind the figure to the Lightswitch and turned on the bright light.
The figure fell on his knees and that was when Steve noticed that it was hurt.
He leaned closer and recognized the face and body as Eddie, even though he really seemed hurt.
Be picked him up and dragged him to the bathroom as fast as he could.
His mind couldn't quite understand what was going on but he knew that he had to help fast.
He layed Eddie down so he would lean against the bathtub and searched for the first aid kit in the drawers.
He took out some bandages, spray for wounds ( I didn't know what it's called, sorry ) and some wet tissues to clean up the scars.
He knelt before Eddie and firstly tried to talk to him:„ Eddie? Are you okay?"
Eddie seemed to notice that Steve had asked him something but couldn't respond.
He seemed very tired wich it quite understandable if he was in the upside down all alone for so long.
Eddie just blinked before his head fell down, he desperately tried to sleep.
So Steve adjusted him in a more comfortable position before helping him out of the torn jacket and shirt so he could finally clean his wounds.
He noticed how a dirty piece of cloth seemed to be wrapped around the biggest wound, did Eddie try to do it himself?
He had to remove it carefully, the blood sticking it on Eddie's skin but he didn't seem bothered.
He instantly was asleep as soon as he laid down.
Steve continued with removing the dirt and sticky old blood and then wrapped around new and fresh bandages.
He tried to process it all but only a look into Eddie's muddy and not-dead face made him forget all.
He took another tissue and tried to get rid of the still resting mud but soon noticed that he had to use the shower for that.
They were in the bath already so it wasn't that hard for Steve to get Eddie in the bathtub and turned on the running water.
Eddie slowly awakened from the familiar feeling he had missed for so long and opened his dry eyes.
He saw his new bandages and the water that filled up to his torso.
Steve didn't want the new bandages to be useless so he didn't let the water go up to them.
Right when Steve took the shampoo and got something on his hand to put it on Eddie's hair, he stopped.
He had noticed Eddie's concerned look and tried to smile.
He then continued with washing Eddie's hair and Eddie just watched him with every move he made.
The dirt got out good, to Steve's surprise.
Eddie tried to thank him but his throat was sore and burning, maybe he catched a cold when he was away?
His breathing was uneven and sounded raspy.
Steve placed his hand on Eddie's shoulder and asked:„ do you want something to drink and eat?"
Eddie could only nod.
Steve got up and helped Eddie out of the now dirty water and gave him some towels before going downstairs to make him hot tea and the rests of Steve's dinner.
As he got up with everything, he brought it all to his room.
He went to his closet to get his friend some clothes and got back to him.
Eddie rolled up in the big towel and seemed to have fallen asleep once again so Steve had wake him.
Eddie blinked a few times before Steve said:„ can you walk by yourself? You can rest in my bed then."
Eddie nodded tiredly and followed Steve to his room, the broken door still on the floor.
He felt bad for breaking it but Steve wouldn't open so what was he supposed to do?
The laid down on the bed and curled up in it.
Steve turned off the light for him and went to leave him alone and make a call to tell his child- I mean Dustin what just happened but Eddie started to whimper and reach out to Steve with his still raspy voice.
Steve looked at him confused but sat down next to him on the bed.
The lights from the bathroom and hallway shined into the room so Steve saw enough to give Eddie the tea.
Eddie sat up and took it thankfully and drank it.
It was still a little hot but Eddie had bigger pain than what a hot tea could ever give him so he kept drinking.
Feeling the hot liquid steam down his throat made him feel warm and fuzzy again- something he had missed so much.
His voice still was a bit low but he could finally talk again:„ please stay with me.."
Steve took the cup and set it on the his nightstand.
He then laid next to Eddie, feeling the cold temperature of Eddie's skin so he put the blanket over them.
He hoped that he maybe could help Eddie now that he was back?
But he had to get rid of Eddie's fever and the still bleeding wounds before he could think so optimistic.
He thought everything he knew about removing sicknesses on Eddie and soon finally fell asleep by those thoughts of finally being able to help.
Maybe he could now consider a future with Eddie?
What could really happen now that he was alive?

The next morning was quite.
Eddie wanted to spare his voice until he was healthy again and Steve didn't know what to talk about with Eddie.
How should he have conversations?
'hey Eddie, how was hell?' didn't seem like a good starter so he just simply asked:„would you like anything to eat? You probably haven't eaten much in a while."
Steve had noticed that every time he mentioned the upside down, Eddie shut his eyes and fidgeted with his rings he still had.
But Eddie agreed, he indeed was hungry.
So they both went down to the kitchen and Steve made some breakfast.
Eddie walked up behind him, placing his hands on Steve's shoulders and peeked from behind.
Eddie's hands slid down to his waist, caressing his fingers along the fabric of Steve's yellow sweater.
Steve was overwhelmed by the situation, nearly burning their breakfast, but he got ahold of the problem and tried to concentrate.
But it was hard concentrating on food when his 'friend' he loved was behind him, holding him the way he did.
He slightly leaned against Eddie's touch and finished cooking.
He turned off the stove and turned around, Eddie now right in front of him.
Eddie seemed to have gotten a little taller when he was away and he had small scars on his neck.
He could feel the other male's breath on his lips and got closer, with the intention of feeling Eddie's skin on his lips.
Eddie seemed to like Steve's idea and leaned into the incoming touch.
Steve finally connected his lips Eddie's who gladly accepted.
But the kiss didn't last long.
Steve moved his mouth to Eddie's jawline and left small kisses all over his neck.
He tried to capture every small sound that Eddie made while he kept kissing down to his collarbone that peeked out from the big shirt that Eddie wore.
But the moment that seemed to last forever, suddenly stopped as the phone rang.
Steve totally forgot about it!
Since the incident with Eddie, robin called Steve every morning to make sure he was alright.
He went to the phone, leaving Eddie standing in the kitchen and let him have a small gay crisis.
( Lol my sense of humour is broke )
He took the phone and answered calmly:„ yes, hello?"
Robin loudly replied:„HEY STEVIE!!! HOW ARE YOU??!"
Way too enthusiastic for Steve's liking but he also liked the way she tried to make everyone happy with it.
He answered with a smile and looked over the corner to see Eddie who happily shook his hands:„ I feel better, and you?"
He said it as if it wasn't a big deal but in reality, it was.
The last few weeks were horrible and he had really bad insomnia.
So robin had to know what was up with him:„ DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!"
„yep! But you'll have to wait until I can tell you and the others." He said.
„But Stevie I-"
Robin got interrupted by someone else's words.
„What will you tell the others?", Eddie asked with a low voice.
Maybe it will now naturally be that deep?
Robin gasped hearable loud and directly asked:„Do you have a gay affair over?! Is that the secret?!!!!"
Steve really didn't want to deal with those kind of question when even himself couldn't fully understand what the kissing before meant so he just hung up.
He sighed and gazed up to Eddie who stood beside him now.
He looked confused but honestly, Steve was too.
So he asked as direct as possible:„ Eddie, I'm still a little shocked that you are alive- and I don't know if the kiss earlier meant something for you or if you are way more confused than I am. I really like you but I didn't know that until I left you..alone."
Eddie gulped and looked down.
„Steve I do like you. Really." He coughed a few times and moved on „ and I am sorry I wasn't here for you earlier-"
Steve didn't let him finish.
He cupped his face in his two hands and pressed his lips on Eddie's.
He then pulled away and replied:„ you really shouldn't be sorry! I was the one that left you there."
Eddie knew that Steve never wanted to hurt him or leave him at this place alive.
But Steve still felt guilty.
„I am fine now, Harrington."
Eddie placed his hands on Steve's waist like before and rested his head in Steve's neck to relax him.
They stayed like this for a while and were both quit until Steve began talking again:„ I don't want to loose you again.. please stay with me."
„ I'll always stay with you, stupid."

(2118 words)
At this point, I don't know what I'm writing anymore.
I wrote this in the middle of a meltdown and am to lazy to rewrite it.
(But I don't want to seem lazy so let's just act as if I'm just really bad at writing :) )

Should I write a part two???

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