7. smut - coffee flavoured ice-cream

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Eddie clearly was different from other people.
He didn't give his trust to anybody but when he trusted someone, he acted very different than normal.
He always got flirty around people he was very comfortable around and at the moment, that person he was comfortable with was Steve 'the hair' Harrington.
He made small gestures like winking at him or making comments when they were alone.
He also used nicknames on Steve more commonly than his real name.
Steve didn't seem bothered by it, even flirting back sometimes and making Eddie all flustered about it.
But that one time were they went to Steve's kitchen to get ice from the freezer, Eddie may have crossed the line.
Steve was just prepping the ice by using his knowledge from when he worked at scoops ahoy and putting the ice-cream into two bowl's as Eddie walked up to him.
Just as he stood right behind him, Steve noticed how close his friend was and tried to turn around.
This was the only thing he could do since there wasn't any space for any other movements.
Eddie placed his hands on the countertop so Steve couldn't get away from the position and leaned closer to his ear before whispering:„ you come here often, darling?"
Cheesy pickup line but Eddie honestly didn't know what else to say.
Steve could feel Eddie's breath on his neck and began to feel his blood starting to boil.
Eddie forgot about it all being a stupid joke of him as he noticed Steve's shaky breath and how Steve slightly pressed against his grip.
His brain wasn't connecting with his body anymore.
Eddie's lips got closer to the skin right Infront of him and placed them right under his ear.
He kissed all around his neck and jawline before pulling away to look at the mess that Steve has become.
But Steve wasn't the kind of person to just give up his so called dominance (I freaking love that word- it's so funny😂😭) so he placed his hands on Eddie's waist to pull him closer again.
„how about I help you shut up for a while?" He suggested before finally kissing his significant other.
Steve switched they're places with one move so Eddie was the one that was pressed against the counter.
Right when it was starting to get interesting, Steve loosened the grip and went to one of the drawers to get spoons while talking:„ but now we gotta eat the ice before it melts."
He turned around again and saw Eddie's frustrated expression.
He put the spoons in the bowls and kissed Eddie on the cheek:„we can continue later, I promise."
That made Eddie motivated to eat as fast as he could.
They both went up to Steve's room again and sat together on his king-sized bed.
Eddie loved Steve, but his taste in ice cream was just horrible to look at.
„how could you eat ice cream with coffee flavour when you have a fridge full of strawberry and chocolate ice?" He asked, honestly concerned if he chose the wrong man to fall for.
„i worked in an ice-cream shop for nearly a year, I think I know much more about ice cream than you, sweetheart. I only keep other flavours because robin and the kids are to scared to try something new like you." Steve laughed.
Eddie didn't want to be called scared so he leaned closer to Steve who just had a spoonful of coffee-ice in his mouth and kissed him.
He licked over his lips and sat on his place again.
He grinned at Steve and answered in a satisfied undertone:„ You are right.. it really tastes good!"
Steve started blushing like hell.
He put away both their bowls and kissed Eddie again.
„ what if the ice melts?"
„ I don't care."
Steve pushed Eddie down onto the mattress before he pulled away again.
„just to clarify, I really really really like you-" Steve began but Eddie pulled him down again and pressed his lips on Steve's.
They both smiled into the kiss while Steve placed his hands on Eddie's waist but soon moved them down on his thighs.
He sat up again and began to unbuckle Eddie's pants.
But right after he pulled away his pants, he paused once again.
„do you think this is a good idea? I don't want you to regret it the moment it's over?"
Eddie got up and kissed him again.
„i really really really like you too. So yes, I want it and I swear to god if you don't continue immediately, I'll do it myself."
Steve smiled at him and closed the gap between them again by kissing him, this time more passionate than the kisses before.
Steve unbuckled his own pants now and stripped off his and eddies shirt's.
He placed Eddie under him again like before and travelled down with his hands.
Their kiss got intense and eddies mind got blank.
He softly moaned into the kiss while Steve's hand massaged his hardening dick through his boxers.
He backed away only to lay his lips on Eddie's collarbone.
He kissed and licked around this area only to carefully bite in it.
He noticed how Eddie seemed to be turned on by it- maybe that was why he fancied it so much how Ozzy Osbourne bit off a bats head.
Eddie's breath hitched up and he moved the same like Steve's hand around him.
„steve- please..! I need to cum~"
Steve suddenly stopped and pulled his hands away.
Eddie looked up to him, confused and frustrated.
Steve smiled slyly at him before whispering:„ don't worry, you'll cum soon enough."
He stripped off the last piece of cloth they had on and licked his fingers.
He placed his index finger on Eddie's entry and carefully entered into him.
His movements were slow and anything but rough since he didn't exactly know how Eddie liked it but the way Eddie began to moan, he knew he could get a little faster.
Eddie's moans got louder and louder with every thrust he got so Steve entered his middle finger too.
„can I go faster?" Steve asked Eddie with a soft voice.
He really didn't want to hurt eddie at any cost.
Eddie nodded but gasped as soon as Steve thrusted in faster in him.
And with every gasp or moan, Steve deepened his now fast thrusts.
Eddie had to grip onto something to get a hold of the things Steve did to him.
He reached to Steve's shoulder and pulled his painted black nails into his skin.
It definitely would leave red marks but who was he to care about this sort of things?
He was close again and he wouldn't last that long like before.
Steve had also noticed that Eddie was on his edge so he speed up one last time.
Eddie's moans turned into him screaming his partner's name before finally cumming.
He was completely out of breath so he put his hands down again, having a little blood from Steve's shoulders on it.
Steve stood up to get some tissues and cleaned up the places where Eddie's cum was around.
After Eddie catched his breath again, he kissed Steve.
He felt sorry that Steve couldn't get any release so he asked:„ do you want me to uhh.. blow you?"
Steve sat beside him, gently brushing through Eddie's hair and answered:„ you really don't have to. It's completely fine."
Steve smiled at him but Eddie sayed:„ but I want to..!"
Eddie got up with a slight feeling of soreness and sat Infront of Steve.
He gently pushed Steve down before laying his hands on Steve's thighs.
He pulled down his pants a slight bit and Steve's length nearly jumped out and smacked Eddie in the face of he wouldn't have layed his hands on it already.
He started to rub it before he placed his lips on the shaft of Steve's already throbbing cock.
He licked around his member all the way up and down until he looked up to Steve again.
His cheeks were burning red and his eyes were shut.
Steve's head shot back and he moaned slightly as Eddie sucked at his shaft.
He got deeper down every few seconds but soon reached his gagging reflex so he used his hands to satisfy the rest of Steve's dick.
Steve's moans got louder as he told Eddie, he couldn't take it any longer.
Steve's hands played with Eddie's hair and helped him so they wouldn't get in the way.
But he couldn't quite control his body so he often pulled at them wich made eddie moan too.
The moans in his throat vibrated against his length and that lead to Steve to pull harder.
Eddie started wincing at the grip that Steve had on him but still moved on.
Steve put together all his strength to comment:„ hHair-pulliNg kink.?.." he grinned and looked down to the blushing Eddie.
He saw close to cumming so he pulled away Eddie's head since he didn't trust himself to talk again.
But Eddie's hand still was on Steve's cock and continued the movements.
Steve couldn't keep up anymore and came inside Eddie's hand.
Eddie licked on his fingertips clean from the cum and then wiped the rest on Steve's stomach away with the tissue that still layed beside them.
Him and Steve layed together, both a little out of breath until Eddie grinned:„ I tried two new things today, coffee-ice-cream and your-" he couldn't finish his sentence because Steve placed his hand on Eddie's lips to keep him quite.
Eddie giggled and curled up closer to Steve.
Steve moved his hand from his face to his waist and kissed him.
„lets get some sleep, alright?"
They fell asleep in each others arms soon after.

(1649 words)
I can't describe how much I cringe when I write smut as an asexual- but it's fun anyways XD
I'm also way too lazy to wet e correctly so I'll just leave it as raw material

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