3.Fluff - family

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"IT'S A NEVER ENDING STOOORYYYYYYYYYYYY" Lucas, Erica and will screamed as loud as they could, outside of Dustin's house.
The others , Mike, Steve and Eddie, sang(rather screamed) the next part :„AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
They tried to cheer him up a bit because him and Susie had their first fight, so they all came over to sing his favourite song and bring him tons of candy bars in the back of Steve's car.
Soon Dustin opened, still looking a little sad but he was glad his friends came over, and they all entered his home with all the candy.
Dustin got way happier as he recognised his favourites '3 musketeers' bars and took them all.
He then lead the others to the living room so they could watch a movie and talk it all out.

It was quite for a while, nobody really knew how to cheer him up, so they just pulled out Dustin's favourite movie they brought (aka. Stole) from the video shack that robin and Steve worked in and out it in the Video-Player.
As they all sat there, Dustin right between Steve and Eddie, who he layed curled up against.
Dustin nearly forgot how bad he actually felt.
He wasn't just happy for the gifts he got, he genuinely was happy that his friends finally all were together with him and weren't fighting or anything.
Apparently, those moments got rare since will was lost but he tried not to think too much about the bad things that happened since then.
It still was hard to accept the fact that nothing will be the same like it was when they were all just little kid as who wanted to say DnD.
An the other hand, if nothing of the upside down would've ever happened, he'd probably never would've gotten so close with Steve.
Steve was, beside Lukas and Eddie, his favourite person.
It was like a little family that they build up to, where Steve is the mom, Eddie's the dad and Lukas the brother.
While Steve would always safe him from dangerous situations and drive him to school, Eddie would show him secret codes to always win a battle in hellfire and Lukas was his support when he needed it.
He still loved his other friends and they all had a boundary but those three were his little patchwork family.
What would he do without them?
What would he do right now if his family wouldn't have come over to watch that movie with him to cheer him up?
He didn't know and honestly didn't want to know.
He was just happy to have them, even though it nearly could have never been that way if those demobats would've really killed Eddie.
To their all luck, demobats can't kill.
And now, his 'mom' and 'dad' had matching scars!
He could feel Steve's arm that slung around his shoulder and hugged him tightly, as if Steve had read his mind right now.
Dustin also noticed how Eddie curled up on the couch and layed his head on Dustin's shoulder where Steve's hand rested.
Eddie's long brown hair tickled him a bit.
He was definitely comforted now, knowing that no matter what happened, just like the demobat-thing, they would always go through it together.
And he was no longer scared on talking with Suzie.
But he couldn't just tell her that he was sorry with his walkie talkie,she deserved that he would come over to her in person and talk it out with her.
He turned his gaze to Steve who's eyes layed on Eddie's nearly completely fallen asleep body, and whispered:„ hey Steve, could you help me out with something?"
Steve stoped his stare and now looked down to Dustin and smiled warmly :„ everything for my favourite. What exactly do you need?" His words sounded as if he rubbed honey on it.
He tried to be extra friendly, knowing that Dustin needed the comfort right now.
Dustin, the kid he was, used this chance to get what he wanted with puppy eyes:„ would you drive me to Suzie tomorrow? I want to apologize to her. I don't want to do it on phone- that would be an asshole move."

Steve wasn't happy about Dustin's usage of words but understood what he meant.
To be exact, he was the one that teached Dustin how to be a gentleman like fighting for the person he loves.
So he nodded.
Now that Dustin thought about it, that didn't seem right with him anymore.
Of course Steve was right with that but he didn't even do it himself??
He heard how him and robin were talking about Eddie and it didn't seem as if Steve was even trying to get him!
He even sayed that he should give up.
Talking about Eddie, he fell asleep by now and lightly snored into Dustin's ear.
He felt Steve's hand moving again, brushing over Eddie's hair over and over again.
Dustin started whispering again :„ can we take Eddie with us then? You could tell him how much you like him too."
Dustin smiled to Steve, knowing his side mission was now to get them together.
Steve huffed and looked back at the TV, cheeks burning, but still nodded.

The rest of that evening was rather uninteresting.
They finished the movie and all made themselves comfortable there to sleep.
Dustin, Steve and Eddie stayed on the couch because Eddie already slept on top of them, mike and will went to Dustin's room and Lukas and Erica sat on each armchair beside the couch.

The new day began with everyone beside Eddie and Steve leaving.
They packed their last few things together and went inside Steve's car.
They were ready to drive to Suzie as Dustin started to panic again.
What if Suzie needed more time for herself? Or what if she didn't want to be with him anymore because he needed to long to respond again??
They were nearly there, only half an hour away fr her house as he started to overthink it all.
Eddie seemed to notice his concern and asked if he was alright.
Dustin couldn't even answer properly and started to breath uncontrollably.
Steve stopped the car and they all got out, breathing in fresh air to stop Dustin from completely freaking out.
After he catches his breath again, Eddie asked again :„ are you alright now, little one?”
Dustin sat down on the backseat from the open car and looked to the ground.
„what if it won't go as planned? Maybe she doesn't want to see me.." he said.
Eddie knelt down Infront of him and looked him straight in the eyes.
He tried smiling a bit:„ I promise that nothing bad will happen. She will be very happy to see you. And when something goes wrong, Steve and I will be right beside you."
Dustin was calm again and smiled at the two of them.
He nodded and sat down properly on the backseat as the other two went in the car as well.
The time went by fatser than before and soon later, they were infront of Suzie's house.
Dustin wanted to go alone first so he got out of the car and gave Steve a last look to signalize him that now he should talk with Eddie.
He went to the door and knocked.
He looked behind him one last time and saw how both looked to him cheeringly and gave him thumbs up.
Then the door opened.

One of Suzie's siblings (he guessed her name was Eden) opened and looked at him.
„i uh am here to see Suzie." He tried not to stutter much but probably failed because he was so nervous.
She nodded and screamed into the house "Suzie! Someone wants to see you!" She then just left with the door open.
Dustin didn't know if he should go in or wait so he just looked inside the house and waited.
Soon after, he heard footsteps on old wooden floors and saw Suzie walking up to him.
She was a gasped as she saw him and nearly turned away again as he stepped in with one foot and started apologizing:„wait!  I'm so so so so sorry for how i for what I said. I really feel bad for it! That's why I drove here, Suzie.."
She started smiling and walked forward him again.
„im sorry too.. but I didn't expect you to come to me because of that! You are so amazing." She was also clearly happy that their fight now wad over and after a few minutes of talking, she invited him in.
He suddenly remembered that the other two still waited in the car and turned around to tell them to come in.
But as soon as he turned around, he backed away and went in with Suzie without even asking.
Steve and Eddie were kissing on the backseat.
Dustin figured it would be best to not disturb them now.


(1500 words)

I just love Dustin sm

Anyways- If I made any mistakes or anything, please give me critic lol

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