10. fluff- stick-n-pokes

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Steve was invited to go to Eddie's trailer today.
It got pretty common for them to meet up nearly every day but today seemed to be different.
When Eddie was at the video shack earlier he seemed way more excited than usual- he even hugged Steve wich was weird because today Steve wore a shirt with textures and Eddie couldn't stand touching mixed textures.
So it wasn't surprising to him that he found Eddie right in front of his van, waiting on Steve impatiently.
As soon as he gazed up to Steve, he jumped up and ran to him like it was a cliché romance movie and hugged him, nearly running him over.
Steve swung his arms around him and smiled, how could he deserve so much affection?
To Eddie's luck, Steve changed before going to Eddie because he didn't want to discomfort him by wearing something he knew Eddie didn't like.
They both went in and Steve turned around to close the door.
As he turned around again, Eddie was stripping off his crop top.
Steve loved seeing him in crop tops but without it was just better.
He could see every small tattoo and piercing and the scars the demobats left.
He loved his Eddie's body looked.
He stared at it so often and knew everything from in and out ( literally) so he realised it pretty quickly what Eddie wanted to show him.
He had a new small tattoo!
It was still a little red but all in one cute.
It was obvious though that Eddie made it himself because of the imperfections.
Eddie smiled ans asked happily:„ do you like it?"
Steve couldn't take his eyes of it.
The tattoo was right beneath his chest and seemed to be a demobat.
It looked similar to Eddie's other bat tattoo but for sure, it wasn't the same.
Steve reached out to touch it carefully but Eddie backed away a bit.
„Sorry" Steve mumbled but Eddie only smiled and took Steve's hand in his to lead him to the tattoo.
Steve felt on his fingertips how Eddie's skin was a little swollen where the tint was injected and how Eddie got goosebumps as soon as Steve's hand moved along the lines on him.
„I made it myself!" Eddie stated proudly.
Steve couldn't take his eyes off the demobat and his hand stayed where it was as well.
He was curious of what it would feel like if ink got under his skin and if it hurt bad.
He asked without really thinking much about it:„ Could you make the same for me too?"
Eddie quickly nodded and answered:„ like matching stick-n-pokes? I'd love to!"
He had a firm grip around Steve's arm and lead him to his room and pushed him down on his bed.
Steve gazed up to him and saw how Eddie searched for all the utensils to make a stick-n-poke like rubbing alcohol, a needle, ink and paper towels.
Eddie demanded:„ If you want it at the same place as mine, I need you to take off your shirt."
He grinned from ear to ear while talking.
Steve playfully rolled with his eyes before stripping off his shirt.
He layed down again so Eddie had enough space to crawl over him and begin with the art.
Eddie sat with his legs on each side of Steve's torso on him, with his glasses on and a ink-filled needle in his hand.
He quickly wiped away any dirt from Steve's chest with the rubbing alcohol and the paper towel with his other hand.
Now he was ready to start.
He completely did it out of his head, without any sketches but they were just teens who didn't care if a stick-n-poke would look bad later on.
A stick-n-poke would disappear anyway.
Steve felt a slight pain but nothing worse.
It actually was better than expected.
He didn't even concentrate on the pain, he just stared at Eddie for the whole session.
The way Eddie's hair fell into his face and he bit his lip and tried to do his best and not mess up had something unreal in Steve's eyes.
After about half an hour had passed like this, Eddie finally was finished and stood up again, very much to the dislike of Steve.
He wiped any blood or ink from Steve before putting away his utensils again.
In that time, Steve stood up as well and went to the mirror on Eddie's closet.
The tattoo was very red but it already looked amazing for Steve.
A smile creeped on his face and he had to touch it.
It hurt a bit but he could definitely take some pain for that.
Two arms suddenly hugged him from behind and he honestly scared himself for a sec but soon noticed that it was just Eddie.
„do you like it?" He asked.
Steve leaned in Eddie's hug and reached for him and kissed him.
„I love it." He smiled.
He turned around to see Eddie properly and cupped his face in his hands.
„I love you." He admitted.
Eddie grinned and kissed him again.
Eddie's hand still layed on Steve's waist and after he pulled away, he stated:„ I love you too, Harrington."
This was Steve's first tattoo and the first time they Sayed "I love you" to each other and it definitely wouldn't be the last time.


(907 words)

Two Oneshots in one day? Wooooow
Also idk if half an hour is a long time for a tattoo because I only have one that is self-made and really small XD

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