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Steve stopped being so toxic and masculine since he was out of school.
Of course he still had his own strong believes of manliness like letting a woman through the door before he went in himself but that were just gentlemen-standarts.
He recently discovered that he also loved to actually experience maybe not so manly things like helping the girls to do their nail polish or act like a motherly figure for his little nuggets.
He helped them with school work like he wished his mom would've done it or packed their lunch.
That was actually one of his favourite things to do!
He had cooked for himself since his parents had stopped being there when he was 12, so his skills improved throughout the years of learning.
So now that he did it for his kids, he really made effort for it to be yummy so they would never experience the feeling of being ignored or left out.
Another bonus for them to feel special was that he put little notes into their lunch bags.
He normally wrote stuff on them like "hope you like it :)" or "have a great day" and the kids normally would be ashamed of all the affection but they did appreciate them.
So those lunch notes developed to regular notes for every small reminder they would need.
He would remind them when the next movie night was or what time he would pick them up for other events with them and he even started to give those notes to his other friends as well.
Robin became nearly daily a note that said "you are a part of the boobie supporter group"
And Eddie became notes about the music recommendations he gave Steve.
" *Certain song* is so amazing, thx!!"
" *Certain song* is virgin music"
Eddie even had a small folder in his cabinet where he hung every note he got from Steve. (obsessed? Never)
Steve visited Eddie regularly so he of course had seen the notes but he found it rather sweet than creepy.
The knowledge that his notes actually we're comforting for his metalhead friend was overwhelmingly euphoric for Steve.
He always got existed when he gave him another note- it was addicting for Steve to see Eddie smile at only a piece of paper that he wrote on.
And since he had listened to another of Eddie's recommendations lately, he wanted to give him his review.
He took a small peace of paper and wrote "better than the other trashy stuff" on it but it seemed to be too mean for his liking so he added a small smiley in one, and a heart in the other corner.
He took it and went down to his car, he had work to attend now so he had to pick up robin.
After he picked her up and both went in the video shack, he only waited for his friend to come in like every day.
The days were boring for him, until Eddie would come and entertain him with his bad flirts and theories about nerdy stuff that Steve didn't understand anyway.
But he still loved the company.
So when eddie entered, Steve's mood suddenly brightened.
Today was even more boring because robin haven't slept well and Steve covered her shift while she slept just around the corner beside one of the shelves filled with trashy romance movies.
So he was even more happy to see Eddie.
„Heya Stevie wonder, how are ya?" He asked just as happy as Steve was.
Steve leaned over the counter and gave Eddie the note while answering:„ I'm definitely doing better than robin, she fell asleep in the rom-com section."
Eddie laughed out and took the note without even looking at it and stuffed it in his jacket pocket, he could read it later.
The rest of the day went like any other day, they chatted for a while until Eddie had to leave for school.
He was late anyway but at least he went, just like he had promised to Steve once.
And only when he was in his last period, math, he got so bored that he thought back at the note he carelessly threw in his pocket and pulled it out.
He read it and immediately got red, he never got a heart on his note before!
He stared at it for the rest of school, imaging every scenario a heart could mean.
Maybe Steve liked him too?
Or he just really enjoyed drawing random symbols on messages??
He went back to the shack to ask him what he meant with it so his thoughts would calm down about it.
He came with perfect timing because Steve was just about to switch shifts with his co-worker and wanted to go back of his car with a still sleepy robin.
But as Steve glanced up to Eddie, he directly gave robin the keys and told her to wait for him in his car and went to Eddie.
„Hey man, are you alright? Should I drive you home?"
Eddie wanted to ask him about the note so badly but his throat felt dry.
He wasn't able to just give Steve the paper and ask what it meant so he just awkwardly stood there and said nothing.
Steve noticed how overwhelmed Eddie seemed and dragged him in his car so he could drive him home.
Robin nearly felt asleep in the car too and Eddie still acted weird so the car remained uncomfortably silent.
Only when Steve brought robin in her house he asked again:„are you alright, Munson?"
He looked to the backseat where Eddie sat.
Eddie looked down in the small note in his hands and finally felt safe with his voice to talk.
„I don't know if it means anything, or if I just imagine there to be anything but-the note you gave me-- I am so confused about it?! Am I just being dramatic over the heart?" He wasn't able to stop the words to come flooding out his mouth so Steve had to lay a firm grip with his hands on Eddie's lips from behind so he would finally stop.
Eddie went quite so Steve took his hand away again and went to Eddie to the backseat so they could talk properly with each other.
Steve asked:„ so to be exact, you are confused about what I wrote on the note today?"
„ it's not about what you wrote.. the heart, Steve. You know that I am gay, I just don't understand what vibe you were trying to give me with it." Eddie cleared up.
Steve nodded understanding.
He really didn't think much of it when he made it but now where he thought about it, he really liked Eddie.
He always got so excited when he saw him and his mind mainly raced around Eddie.
He may or may not even had a few not so straight dreams and other certain thoughts about him he usually had about girls.
„ I am so sorry if it made you uncomfortable.. and I may even meant it in a gay way? I don't know.. I don't know if it even was supposed to mean something- but I really like you? I mean the way I like girls."
He had known about his romantic feelings for Eddie but saying it out loud was just different.
He felt confronted with his own sexuality and didn't even know if Eddie was alright with it.
But Eddie just went in for a hug.
„ it's fine, big boy."
He gave him pat's on the shoulder for more comfort.
He knew how isolated you could feel if you noticed you were gay in the 80s so Steve really didn't feel so alone with it anymore (yes he had robin but she was a lesbian and he had feelings for both sex's. He didn't know if she would understand his feelings for a guy)
After the hug ended, Steve tried to stop the uncomfortable silence :„ ugh I'm sorry, you wanted to talk about feelings and I don't really help." He laughed a little.
Eddie cupped their fingers together and looked at him:„ you do can't always help everyone, Steve."
(Bruh let your man Stevie have his mother issues💪💀😍😃👌🤝🐢)
Steve sighed, he knew that Eddie was right but he had those stupidly high standards on himself and who would he be if not the person he wanted to be so badly?
„ I know I have to work on my issues.. but you too!"
They burst out laughing again, it got a running joke in the group that Eddie was emotionally attached to his guitar in a really unhealthy way.
They both collected mental issues like Pokémon cards, they were perfect for each other.
„ let me play therapist for you, maybe we both go grab a coffee tomorrow and just talk?", Eddie asked.
Steve's laugh calmed and formed into a smirk.
„are you using our issues to ask me out on a date?", Steve answered with a question.
„maybe. Is it working?"
They still held hands and Steve could only admit:„ yes it does.. I'll pick you up at 5.?"
Eddie nodded with the biggest grin he could make with his lips.


(1550 words)
Yeh no I really had 0 motivation writing this but I still hope you liked it anyway

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