8. fluff - pillow castle

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It was already past everyone's bedtime.
Will, Mike and El slept in Steve's bedroom, Mike, Dustin and Max were in his parent's bed since they were away for their holiday.
Robin and Nancy went early before the big storm came and had their own separate sleepover at robin's since Nancy had constant arguments with her mother lately.
Steve felt really bad for Nancy because he knew how hard it was to have emotional unavailable parents at times but was glad that she had people to talk about it with and was proud to be one of those people.
He knew that the kids would also always go to him if they had a problem which made him uncontrollably cheerful- it nearly made him forget his own problems.
But he didn't only have to play therapist to create great memories with his friends.
For an example:
Right now he layed next to Eddie inside a comfortable mini castle that was build out of pillows.
Eddie already was half asleep by the way Steve slid his hand through his knotted hair, only the sound of big water drops splattering on the glass of the window holding him awake.
Steve also felt his mind drifting into sweet dreams but the moment was to great to not be fully aware of it.
He did his best to stay awake so he tried to sit up but he couldn't quite straighten up his back because the castle wasn't big enough.
„ r'u alright, big boy?" Eddie asked.
He looked down to Eddie and smiled softly before he got down again to kiss him.
Steve answered:„ I've never been better, love." Before melting into the kiss again.
Eddie, being the weirdo he was, used it as an opportunity to bite him.
It was a habit that he used to show affection to a loved one and Steve was aware of that.
So no matter the pain a bite mark gave him, he was greatful to have gotten it.
So now he has a slightly red mark near his jaw and Eddie had to admit, Steve looked quite good with marks.
He leaned in closer and kissed Steve along his jawline down his throat, every now and then leaving bites and hickeys.
Steve hummed silently and gave in the touch.
Eddie felt the vibrations of Steve's voice on his lips and got down deeper to his collarbones.
Steve could feel Eddie's tongue being placed on his bare skin and felt quite a cold shock steaming down his back.
Goosebumps were all around his arms and he was no longer tired.
Eddie's tongue traveled along Steve's bone structure end slowly unbuttoned Steve's Shirt only to stop then.
He layed his head back into the pillow and looked beside him to Steve.
„The kids could come down at anytime. Maybe we should wait with what I think was going to happen when they are home again.?", Eddie asked.
Steve nodded and gave Eddie a small kiss on the nose before asking with a slightly needy undertone :„ but could you please keep kissing me that way?"
He layed his head back again so Eddie had enough room to crawl on top of him.
He continued with what he started and kissed him deeply.
He moved his hands to either side of Steve's waist and held him tight.
He deepened the kiss by licking on Steve's bottom lip, asking for entrance.
Steve happily opened his mouth and let out a huffed moan when Eddie used his tongue to explore his mouth from inside.
Eddie nearly didn't notice how Steve's hands wandered up to his dark long hair to play and twirl it.
Only when Steve tightened his grip and carefully pull at it, he let out a pitched groan out of his lips.
He layed next to Steve and buried his face back down Steve's neck and began to kiss and bite him there again.
Steve's grip loosened and they both entered a comfortable state of half-sleep.
Steve's hand traveled along Eddie's split ends down his back and gently moved his hands up and down in rythm.
He felt how Eddie got slower and slower and then felt salvia dropping on his skin right beside Eddie's lips.
Eddie must've fallen asleep from all this and Steve now really also was tired again.
He kept stroking Eddie's back until he also drifted into his sleep.
He couldn't care less right now that the others would probably find him and Eddie, curled up together in a pillow castle.


(755 words)

I have so many ideas to write but I am way to unmotivated right now-
But I'll try to write more in the future, byeeeeeee

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