Chapter 30

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I was sitting on the Astronomy tower when it happened. I heard a scream from the boys dormitories, and my head whipped toward the sound. I flew down on silent wings, alighting outside the window. No one saw me. Ron was sitting in his four poster, white as a ghost, with his curtains (Yes, the beds here have CURTAINS) torn and scattered around him. 

He kept staring into space and mumbling "He was here. He got in. He was here. He got in." in a panicked whisper. Harry was trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and the rest of the boys were running around like headless chickens. 

Harry turned to Ron. "Who? Who got in?"

"Sirius Black." 

The whisper filled the room. everyone turned and stared at Ron, silent as death. That was all I needed to hear.

I took off, diving toward the staff room window. I landed, folded my wings, and knocked urgently until a professor, I didn't know who he was, came. 

"Somethings happened in the Griffindor tower boys dorm. Ron's saying It's Sirius Black."

His eyes widened, and he rushed away to alert the other teachers. I took flight again, climbing high into the air above the castle, ignoring the strain on my wings. I circled there, watching the grounds. Something moved out of the corner of my eye.

I twisted in mid air for a better look. Where was it!?!

A  patch of darker shadow, moving across the lawn, hard to spot in the darkness unless it moved. I needed to get down there quick.I needed to see what that was. I inverted my body so I was pointing downwards, then folded my wings, flapping so I pushed downwards. I was falling, out of control, and an instinctual panic tried to make me spread my wings and slow, but I shook it off and focused on remembering where I last saw that thing. 

It was by the lake. My wings came out, half furled, curled against my back to help steer myself towards it. I spread my wings, swooping so I was low against the ground, dangerously low, and going fast. I frantically searched for the shadow. 


A movement, running into the forest. I swooped upward, and beat my wings against the frosty air, rising again so I was above the trees. Damn. It would be harder to spot in the tangled undergrowth. I rose still higher, expanding my field of view, but....


It got away. 


He got away.

Nothing I could do now. 

I raked the Forest with my eyes, trying to see...


I punched the air, mad at myself. How could I LET him get away?

He got away. 

I flew back to my dorm, defeated for now.



The dorm was empty. 


No answer. I was on guard, crouched, eyes watching everything, wings tight against my back.

"Miss Draconis?"

I whirled toward the door, but it was only Professor McGonagall. I relaxed a little.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are in the Great Hall. The school is being searched, and we can't have students in danger after what happened to poor Mr Weasly."

"Is Ron alright?"

"He's fine, if a little shaken. Now, I must insist that you come with me to the Great Hall. Everyone has been worried."

"He got away. I saw something that might have been him, but it was too dark. It went to the forest. I lost it there."

She raised an eyebrow, but otherwise did not comment.

I followed her to the Great Hall, where the night sky that I had been flying in not too long ago was displayed on the ceiling. The floor was lined with purple sleeping bags, and I grabbed one and headed over to where I could see Rons ginger hair poking out of one. I was going to get a lot of questions in the morning.



So, an action packed chapter!

I'm very sorry for not updating, I have been ill, and am on the mend. I feel really guilty....

Target: 8500 reads.

~The G-ster~

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