Chapter 36

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I was just explaining the whole transforming into a dragon thing to Harry when Ron and Hermione returned from their shopping spree.

"We come bearing sweets!" Ron tipped a mountain of brightly wrapped packages into my lap.

 I picked one up. "Chocolate FROGS? I mean, I get the chocolate, but..."

Harry smiled. "I had the same reaction. Their pretty nice, really. See what the card is!"

Bemused, I unwrapped the package to reveal a brown frog, which looked at me, then hopped to the table.

My draconian instincts kicked in, and I slammed my hand down, catching it mid jump and tossing it into my mouth. It was delicious! Milk chocolate with a creamy texture. Mmmmmm.

I started hunting through the pile on my lap, and found another. This one did not get a chance to even start a hop before I was crunching happily on it.

I looked round. Everyone was staring at me. I chewed again.

"What? I love chocolate!"

There was a moment where everyone was silent. I swallowed.

Harry burst out laughing. 


Hermione joined in. 

"It-its just- Normally, when someone opens their first chocolate frog, they scream and scarper! It MOVES after all. But-but, you just ATE it!" Harry was howling with laughter by the end of this sentence.

"So? Whats so funny about that?"

No one answered. They were all too busy laughing. 

I shrugged, and tried some more wizard sweets. Ooh, jelly beans!!!

I opened the packet, and popped a few into my mouth. These didn't taste like jelly beans... These didn't taste very nice at all... 

I coughed and reached for a glass of water, my face going slightly green. When everyone saw that, they started laughing again. 

"Not.. funny..." I coughed out in between gulps of water. Ron fell out of his chair at that. 

I swallowed several times, and frowned at them all, crossing my arms.

Then I stormed out over-dramatically, pretending to be in a strop with them all, but secretly sneaking a few chocolate frogs into the dorm.



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~The G-ster~

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