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When Maleficent starts talking I stand up with a groan and join my friends. I turn back briefly to see Dad moving over to Mums side and taking the weight of the book off of her legs and onto his iwn. I couldn't help but smile at how gentle dad could be. He was a man, or God, of few words and could be awkward at times, but showed his love for the three of us through physical acts.

Like feeding his daughter and two wives before himself or making sure we were always comfortable. Even things like how her rounded the corners of all the furniture to stop us from bruising our legs when we bumped into them.

"You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy." The dark fairy says as she claps her hands gleefully. Mal looks at her unimpressed as she asks "What's in it for us?"

"Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns." Maleficent answers as she leans against the railing of the raised platform she was on. She was quite short so she liked being up there to further show she believed she was more powerful than anyone else in the room. I almost scoff at the idea. Almost. I had better manners than that.

"Um, I... I think she meant us." Carlos pipes up timidly from next to me as he motions to all of us. I rub his back comfortingly when he steps back in fright at Maleficent's cold dragon glare.

He moves closer to me and I knew he was starting to feel a little unsafe so I stepped in front of him slightly. Not enough for him to feel weak but just enough that Maleficent turned her gaze to me. I stared back, my usual apple green irises now swirling with blue and gold flames. She flinches with such a small movement that only my father and I notice before she turns back to her daughter with a sinister smirk. "It's all about you and me, baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

Mal relaxes her stance and begins to stutter as she tries to please her mother. Again. "Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't..." She rolls her eyes like it's no big deal. "Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Maleficent announces as she raises her arms up into the air and EQ quickly corrects her "Our will."

"Our will, our will." Maleficent says absentmindedly before she snaps harshly in Mal's face "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your lives, missy."

"What...mom...!" The horned fairy squishes Mal's lips together before staring into her eyes, green swirling round both pairs as they see who caves first. "Fine. Whatever." Mal huffs as she looks away, frustrated that she lost.

"I win."

"Evie my little evil-lette in training. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing." EQ says as she draws her daughters attention to herself and the two speak together "And lots and lots of mirrors!" Evie squeals happily before EQ quickly stops her. "No laughing. Wrinkles."

"Oh, well, they're not taking my Carlos, because I'd miss him too much." Cruella says as she finally puts the mirror and hair pick away. "Really, mom?" Carlos asks as he walks over to her looking hopeful. I clench my fist in anger at how easily Cruella manipulated her son. She purposefully raised him so she could use his own emotions to her own benefit and it made me want to burn the dog toy wearing psychopath to ash.

" Well, Yes. Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" She swings her leg up making Carlos catch her foot and he quickly drops it as he looks at the ground, contemplating. "Yeah, maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing." I smile a little at his comment as I calm down a little. "Oh, Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon" Cruella changes her tone to have a soft, almost motherly feel. Carlos turns pale as he frantically shakes his head and steps backwards. He would have continued if he hadn't of hit the wall. "Oh, no! I'm not going!"

"Well, Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store" Jafar says as he goes back to examining what Jay had stollen, including an old oil lamp that he thought held a genie. Rubbing it furiously before growing angry when Jay mentioned that he had already tried

"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow, hmm?" EQ says as she starts plucking Evie's eyebrows, pulling the occasional yelp from the blue haired girl.

"Tria can go. Were not going to stop her if that is the choice she wants to make." Dad says in a bored tone when Maleficent looks over at him expectantly.

"What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge... revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men. Revenge on Hercules and the beast!" she goes to continue but I stop her in order to correct her. "Heracles not Hercules."

She looks confused, but shakes her head and continues with her speech once more "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie! Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches..." Maleficent goes to continue, but is interrupted once more.

This time by Cruella who cackled manically as she squeaked the head of the dog shaped chew toy on her shoulder. "Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby!"

Carlos steps to the side away from her before rushing over to me for safety.

Maleficent shakes her head, becoming more irritated with all of us by the second. She continues on after taking a few deep breathes "And I, Maleficent...The evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince. Villains!"  I scowl when she calls my parents villains. 

Neither one of them were actually evil. I mean yes my father tried to kill his nephew but he was driven mad from being locked in the Underworld for millennias, with no breaks and no way to see the sunlight or outside world. Once he had become reconnected with Olympus all that went away. 

As for my mother all she did was humble some prince who couldn't get off his high horse and realize his looks weren't all that important if his own personality drove people away. I know she could have done it differently but with how my mother described him to be, I doubt it would have worked as well as this method did.

"Our day has come. E.Q, give her the magic mirror." The cape wearing fairy continues. EQ pulls out a small framed mirror the size of her palm that was slightly cracked and had a few small fragment of glass missing. She dusts it off and hands it to Evie. "This is your magic mirror?" Evie questions with a smile as she holds it delicately.

"Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we! It will help you find things." EQ explains as she waves her hands around.

"Like a prince?"

"Like my waistline." My dad snorts at EQ's comment and mum hits him in the stomach with her book.

"Like the magic wand! Hello! My spell book. My book. I need my... that book. Oh, ah! The safe. The safe. Queenie, help me! I never can figure this thing out." I sit back and watch amused 'the evilest villain of all' gets defeated by a freezer. You would think after living here for 20 years she would learn to open the damn thing.

"Voila." EQ exclaims as she gets up and opens the freezer door in one simple movement. "My spell... come, darling. Come. Oh... ooh! Oh, Oh. There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon. Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives." Maleficent says in a somewhat sentimental tone after she gets used to the coldness of the frozen book.

"Like it was yesterday." EQ sighs in a similar tone and Maleficent looks back to Mal. "And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you. Go pack. you have two hours"

With that everyone leaves and I head back to the den with mum and dad. Ruffling Carlos black and white hair as I pass him.

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