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After getting showered I changed into a white wrap dress that had orange roses on it a flowy sleeves. I wear a pair of white heeled sandals and pulled in my black leather jacket over the top. My school bag was a a green backpack with the spell jar and rose embroidered onto the front pocket.

I did some simple make up to make me look more awake and left my hair down in its natural waves. since I was meeting Queen Belle and King Adam, but had class afterwards I opted to wear a dainty white flower crown that rested securely on my head. I make sure I have some notebooks and pens in my bag along with my already filled water bottle.

Just as I finish there is a knock on the door. I put my bag over my shoulder and grab the files I had completed last night. I open the door and find Alex waiting for me with a travel mug in each hand. "Morning. I didn't know if you liked coffee so I got you a hot chocolate. I hope that's okay."

"Thank you. That's very sweet of you." I take the offered flask after closing my room door and locking it. 

"Did you sleep alright last night. I know being in a new place can be a little unnerving sometimes."

"I slept well I just didn't sleep much, but that it only due to work." I eave the files in evidence before calling out the Pain and Panic as we walk together. Like last night they appear in a cloud of blue smoke and were arguing about who had to wake up dad for a meeting. I smile and clear my throat to get their attention. They both freeze before rushing to catch up with me. Alex had frozen on the spot at the appearance of the two demons. I call his name to get his attention and he shakes his head before following after me and continuing to lead the way. "Alex meet Pain and Panic. My loyal advisers. Pain, Panic, meet Alexander, the Prince of Auradon."

"Please to meet you young prince." The two demons greet and bow in sync in the creepy manor they usually did. Alex bows a little in return looking slightly uncomfortable. "Its a pleasure to meet you both as well."

"Pain, Panic. I need you to take these to father. Also just use Fluffy to wake him. I will also be meeting with the King and Queen this morning and need the both of you present. I would like for them to meet you both so they are aware of who is popping in and out of their Kingdom." I say as I hand them the files. 

"cool. when are we meeting them?" Pain asks looking like her cant wait to cause some mischief while Panic looked, well, panicked. "The King and Queen? Is that really necessary. I don't like meeting new people."

"Now." I say as we seem to reach our destination, if the guards at the doors were any indication. The guards open the door and we walk in Alex slightly ahead of me while Panic and Pain were a few steps behind me. Enough distance to give me space but also close enough to jump in to protect me if needed.  "Ma, Pops. I have a guest who I would like to introduce you to. Queen Enchantria, of the Underworld, along with her advisors Pain and Panic." He introduces us to his parents after giving them both a brief hug. Alex moves to stand off the the side slightly and I walk over elegantly to the two who were sat at a small round table eating breakfast together. I was careful with my approach as they both seemed scared of me, especially Adam. Understandable though, mum did turn him into a giant furry.

I bow after I reach a respectable distance away form them. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I apologies if I am interrupting your breakfast." I keep my expression polite and kind and they both seem to calm down. 

"It's wonderful to meet you too dear. Your not interrupting. Alex explained why you wanted to meet with us, and I a must say it is very honorable and polite of you to stick to such an old tradition." Belle says giving the same warm motherly smile that my own mothers did, effectively making my heart ache already missing them.

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