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We make it to the library and Alex takes a seat in a large black armchair by a fireplace. I smile and wonder around for a few minutes until I find a book that looked a little interesting. Since the arm chair was big enough for the both of us I sit next to him. He instantly lifts one of his arms and drapes it over my shoulders, the book still held in his hands. I move so my back rested against his side and my legs dangled over the edge of the armchair. I feel him sigh before he rest his head on mine. The both of us too comfortable to move as we got lost in our books.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but I was a few chapters away from finishing when the librarian came over to us. "Sorry to interrupt, but you both missed dinner and the library is closing now. I suggest going to the kitchens to get something to eat." I grab Alex's arm and read his watch. It was 11 meaning we had been sat like this for 5 hours.

"Thank you." I say and sit up, Alex stands and stretches' his back with a series of loud pops while the librarian walks away. "I don't think I've ever been that comfortable while reading." He states almost dreamily and I laugh lightly as I stand. Giving in to impulse I wrap my arms around his neck, his own coming to rest around my waist. Everything with him felt so natural, not forced or rushed. He rests his forehead against mine and smiles. "Saturday at 12. we can have a picnic in the meadow while we draw. maybe even have dinner together afterwards and a movie night." He says as he starts swaying us side to side slightly. 

"Are you trying to spent the whole weekend with me?" I ask teasingly and he pulls away slightly giving me a faux offended look, it only lasts for a moment before it changes to a cheeky look. "Is it working?" I laugh and nod. "Weirdly enough yes." A grin almost splits his face and he places a light kiss to my forehead. 

"how about we get a snack." On que with my words his stomach grumbles loudly making him jump. I snort out a laugh before running off the the kitchen. Alex chasing after me, the both of us missing the amused look the librarian gave us. 

We burst into the kitchen out of breath and laughing. Alex was clinging onto me in an attempt to not fall over. I look up and find Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos all in the kitchen placing something into the over. "Oh, Hey guys." I say as I finally stop laughing, my hands resting on Alex's. 

The others were looking at us in pure shock and Evie soon hides a widening smile as she takes a bowl to the sink to wash it out. Carlos comes over and takes the metal square from my pocket. It was silver and both side of the square where shaped so the centre was slightly puffed up in a point. Carlos takes it over to a table and jumps up, sitting crossed legged as he rolls the square on the surface. The shape allowing it to flip over and over again from the weight. 

I walk away from Alex and open the fridge. Looking at the shelves I pull out a bunch of fruit and some chocolate. I set everything on the table in front of Carlos and use my powers to melt the chocolate. I feel Carlos tug the side of my dress so I move to stand next to him and let him play with the ends of my hair. Alex smiles and the interaction before joining me. 

We both take a strawberry and dip it into the melted chocolate before eating them. We do the same with the cherries and grapes. While we eat Alex talks about the book he was reading it was a Greek book that mentioned my father. I corrected him on a few pronunciations and even told him a few details that were missing from the book. The others sat around listening to us and Carlos ended leaning on me a little and even shared his fidget toy with Alex when he wanted a go. 

We stay until midnight before we all separate to go back to our rooms The four run off before us and I snap my fingers to clear up the mess we made. Alex walks me back to my room his hand not leaving mine, when we reach my door we stayed there for a moment just enjoying the silence as we leant against the door, our foreheads touching. 

"You should go to sleep. You have classes in the morning." He whispers and I hum in response, not wanting to leave just yet. I place a kiss on his cheek and bid him goodnight before going into my room. Alex keeping a hold of my hand until the last possible moment. 

I get ready for bed, ignoring the way my cheeks were starting to hurt from how much I was smiling. I shower and dress into my nightgown. Sitting at my desk I sign the last of the paperwork that Pain and Panic where going to collect in the morning. Once done I climb into bed, feeling impatient for the weekend to arrive I had to wait four more days before our date even started. 

I lay staring at the ceiling and think about what my future would hold. I wanted to bring over the kids and even see if some of the Isle's original inhabitant have reformed enough to come back to society, like my parents and a large number of sidekicks where were forced into submission and went willingly to the isle out of guilt. 

A world where we were united and safe. One where we were free. 

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