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"Come on. Check your mirror." Mal says as we all take a brief pause in our running. I honestly don't know why we chose to run since Carlos and I were the only ones who were silent on our feet. 

"Why? Is my mascara smudged?" I roll my eyes at Evie's response as she instantly looks at the mirror to check her reflection only for the map to be visible. As much as I love Evie I really wished she would stop acting like a ditz when I knew how smart she really was. 

Mal groans in frustration and throws her head back before replying sarcastically. "Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand?"

"Sure. This way." Evie runs off ahead of us and we all follow her around the corner to the entrance of the museum. We all stand at the door and look through the glass, only to duck when we spot a guard looking over a number of monitors.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay comments with a snicker as he points to the wooden spinning wheel that stood in the center of the room. I smirk, amused, as Carlos joins in "Yeah, It's kinda dorky."

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal defends herself before pulling out the spell book her mother had given her, she flicked through it before reciting a spell. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." The guard stood up lazily before walking around the wheel, pausing to stare at it as he scratched his head. This only increases Jay's amusement and he cant help but poke fun towards the purple haired girl with a sarcastic "Impressive."

"I got chills." Carlos whispers to me with a cheeky smile as he nudges my side with his elbow. I smile and ruffle his hair. 

"Okay, you know what? Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal tries again with a different spell, done with the boys teasing. We all watch as the guard prinks his finger before letting out a wide yawn and resting on the podium. 

"Not so dorky now, huh?" Mals victory was short lived when she tries to open the door and finds it locked. "Stand back." I move out of Jay's way and before he can do a flying kick to the door I wave my hand and the doors swing open. Jay wasn't fast enough to stop himself and ended up landing on his back with a groan. I walk in and wave to them over my shoulder as I go off to explore, not really caring about the wand. 

I skip past the villain room but pause when I notice my dad was there. Not seeing anyone around me and no cameras facing my direction I use my magic to shrink his statue down to hand size before finding the God display. 

I hum to myself happily as I place the statue down so my dad was sat with his brothers. I remove the spell and alter the statue to show him in a more realistic light. He was in a jet black traditional toga with his crown of bones. A sword rested in his hand the blade resting on the ground as the white marble of his thrown became lit with his blue flames. He looked menacingly powerful. He looked like the king he is.

I smile happily and take a picture so I could show him next time I was able to visit. I hum and old Greek lullaby to myself as I go to find the others. I hear Evie and follow the sound. "Hey, I found the wand. Let's go. Here it is."

I run after her and Mal follows not to far behind. "Whoo!" Jay yells as the wand comes into view. "Jay, don't! Wait, no! No! Don't!" I say as he goes to reach for the barrier. Instead of listening he simply smirks and reaches for it anyway. The moment his hand hits the force field he is thrown backwards over the railing and a loud siren pierces the air.

"A force field and a siren?" Carlos shouts as he covers his ears. "That's just a little excessive." Jay pipes in and I glare at him. "What did you expect for a powerful magical item?" I yell sarcastically before running for the exit, the others following behind as we try to avoid the guard. 

Just as we were about to leave Carlos picks up the phone and answers as he looks at me panicked. As he talks I flip through the nearby manual to find an excuse he could use. "Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus." He calm down to the end as he reads out what I was pointing to. he hangs up looking proud of himself and I high five him before pulling him out of the building. 

The five of us run together "Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal comments. We make it back to the dorm rooms and I end up doing more paper work before getting ready for bed. 

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