Chapter One

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Courtney Barlow. You may know me from the Total Drama Series. A show that completely ruined my publicity and repuatation. A show that made me due my hair black. A show that made me become a waitress at a high class restaurant. A show that made me never go back to any guys ever. A show dragging me back for a reunion?!

I stood in my waitress uniform of a white blouse, ironed pencil skirt, and mini apron. I was currently on my break at the time, gasping at the text below me.

-unknown number-
Courtney, it's Chris. Looks like you're coming back for a reunion! And don't think you can find any loopholes in this contract, you gotta go. Text you the deeds later, McLean out-

Tell me this is a sick, cruel prank!, I thought to myself. I might have looked a wild mess, because Bridgette, my fellow Co worker and best friend, snapped in my face.

She was currently carrying a 7-month in her belly, so she had to hold the counter for support. I gasped a bit, my eyes glistening with tears. Don't take me there, I begged to myself, please, don't.

After ten years, the life that I finally rebuild, is ALL about to crash down. "Courtney! Are you OK?" Bridgette nudged at my torso, a hand over her swollen belly and another on my shoulder. "Did you get the text...?"

I nodded. I don't think I could do a Reunion, and knowing Chris, it might turn into a new season! Filled with the people who dispise of her the most.

"Don't worry, Courtney! I'll be there, and Geoff. Even Heather, doesn't that make you a bit happier?" It was true, after World Tour, us two enemies set aside our differences. We even had stuff in common. We weren't the best of friends, but I was one of the only females she could actually tolerate hanging out with.

"I don't want to go there, Bridgette... too much... drama." Bridgette layed a comforting arm on my shoulder. "We'll go together, it will be fun!" Bridgette commented.

"Hopefully your right, Bridgette.." I sighed and ran my fingers across my waist long hair before puttingit back in a bun. My break was over.

"Would you like anything, by the way?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, just to tell you to start packing. The reunion will be in two weeks, but we are leaving tomorrow for Toronto." I nearly choked on air. I wasn't ready to see him yet. Bot now. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. That was probably Chris now telling me to pack.

"W-what about my job..?"

"Don't worry, some of his interns are going to be inour places until we come back. Now canI have some pickle juice and chocolate cake?" I shook my head at her weird cravings. It makes me laugh at times when they get too ridiculous.

I guess I have to suck up this new life of mine. I was s owned my Chris as his little puppet. And the 24 of us will forever be his little puppets.

I sighed and wrote down her abnormal order before walking her to a table. This will be a long two weeks of my life. If not, longer.

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