Chapter Nine

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"Okay guys. We at least need twelve people on our team, so we have Heather, Alejandro, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Trent, Harold, LeShawna myself..." I paused. We need two more people.

"Who else do ee need, sugar?" LeShawna asked.

"We need two more people." I said.reluctantly.

"Now I know y'all don't like them much, but lets get Duncan and Gwen." LeShawna said.

"No way am I going to let weird goth girl on our team!" Heather yelled, throwing her hands in the air for emphasis. "You know that bitch is going to cause nothing but drama with her little 'I didnt do anything!' Act,and her 'I'm the victim!' One too."

Heather did have a good point, but Gwen is is a good swimmer, and Duncan can surely run..

"As muchas I might regret saying this.. LeShawna is right, Heather we need them on this team!"

"What th- are you kidding me, Courtney?!" She glares us two.

"Its probably for the best.." Trent says, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Everybody else(besides Heather)nods in agreement. Heather growled and looked away.

"Fine. But if I punch her, you guys can't stop me." She crossed her arms.

"Fine by us." Bridgette and I said in unison.


We walked ovsr to where Duncan and Gwen were, as they were still looking for a team.

"Yo, guys," DJ said, "we were wonder wonderin' if y'all will like to join our team." Gwen looked up at him with a risen eyebrow, then eyed the team.

"No thanks, I'd rather forfeit." She plaxed her hands on her hips, eyeing Bridgette, Heather and I.

"Listen here, bitc-!" Heather stopped as LeShawna covered her mouth.

"Look, Gwen, we homegirls an everything, but you have turned out to be one of the most stuttiest girls I know. But you know what? You are still my friend. We need you on this team, so whether you like it or not, you have to play. It's either us, or the losing team."

She pointed at Beth and Lindsay's team, they were squealing with Sierra, Cody wrapped around her arms tightly. Noah was reading a book while Sadie and Katie were gossiping and complementing theirselves. Izzy bonged on Owen's head. And tbe rest of the team facepalmed relunctantly.

"Pick a wise choice." Harold nodded.

Gwen huffed. "Fine."

"Woo!" Tyler cheered. "Alright, Gwen!"

"What about you, dude?" Geoff looked at Duncan. Heck, we all did.

"Psh, I'm game." Duncan said, pushing the hair out of his eyes.

"Alright! We might just win this, y'all!" LeShawna said.

Heather mumbled some not-so-nice words under her breath. "Whatever."

"I hope you guys have your teams picked out! You now have ten minutes to get dressed and pick out the ones you want to get moving." Chris said.


Evetyone was dressed and ready to go for the first challenge; the Great Run a Thon.

"Okay, since Brifge can't run, she automatically cant do it.." I said, tapping my chin.

"I think Duncan, DJ, Alejandro and I should do it."Heather stated.

"Why us?" Duncan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because we all are very skillful runners, I've seen howyou guys work and we can all last longer."

"Brilliant as always, mi amour." Alejandro wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Hands off, dweeb!" She shoved him off of her.

"Well, I guess we got that settled, lets win this, guys!" I cheered.

"Cut it out, Courtney. We're on Total Drama, not on fucking Lizzie McGuire." Bridgette glared. "Alright, McClean! We got your damned group all ready! Lets get this show on the road!"

"Hold your horses, Mrs. Trevor!" Chris folded his arms. "May the contestants come to the stand?"

The twelve of them went to the stands, ready to run.

"Ready.. set.. GO!" He shot a pistol into the air, killing a bald eagle.

Chris stared at it while the contestants ran. "Good thing we're not in America.."

Chef shook his head. "You would've been in jail by now."

Three Hours Later

Five people from different teams already dropped out.

But ours didnt, thankfully.

Alejandro and Heather looked as if they were racing each other. Duncan just jogged, and DJ looked as if he woukd pass out, but he still ran!

"Oh Heather, I see those sexy legs of yours didnt give out.. yet." Alejandro said smoothly.

"Bite me." Heather shot back, running even faster to loose him.

Later on, the two hours were up, none of outlr team gave up!

"And Courtney's team is in the lead with 100 points, following Eva's at 75 and Codys at 25." Chris announced.

"Why 'Courtney's team'?" Gwen questioned.

"Because she organised the team." Duncan said, looking at me and nodded with respect.

"Besides, Gwen, she did let you in the team anyway." Trent said, walking over to Gwen.

She stared up at him, a light blush on her face and rolled her eyes, looking away. "Whatever." She mumbled.

"The rest of the thons will be held tomorrow." Chris says. "I would do it today, but I dont want to be in the hot sun anymore"

I raised an eyebrow. While we were sweating like wild men, Chris was in front of a portable air conditioner, with inters waving fans right in front of him and a tall glass of cold water at his fingertips. "Yeah, cause its sooo hot outside for you." I said under my breath.

"So you get the rest of the evening off. And take a shower, you stink!" He grimaced.

At least this thon is over with.

Just.. two more to go.



Yaaayy, done ♡w♡

Follow Jazzy! xx_preppy_xx

Follow me! CITPrincess

Q: One of the Preppy Sisters real name?

A: Divine, also know as Divi Wivi ( Thanks, Jazzfest, love ya!)

Sorry, this was long over due, huh.. ^^

And please, read my parts too, Jazzys parts gets more views,and I started the story. You womt get it if you just skip my part people..

Have a glorious day!

× be preppy ×

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