Chapter 11

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I rush my way through the frigid air, wrapping my cat robe tighter against my body. The summer Canadian air never fails to be as bipolar as possible. Running as possibly fast as I could without freezing to death, I find Heather's car. Without her keys.

Spare keys, spare keys... I thought, looking under the windshield wipers and on the hood. Obvious places, really. But I didn't care, as long as I was far away as I possibly could be.

I heard footsteps, and a door closing right after the prosecutor. I suck in a breath and froze in my place, seeing Samey walk out. She glances in my direction and waves, her smile pure and happy.

As she walks closer, I can see the dried up tears stain her porcelain like face, her nose and cheeks rosy. My eyes widen slightly. I almost felt bad for not trying to mingle with the others, instead of this whole, Duncan/Trent/Gwen thing. Not really all Trent, because he's a pretty cool guy.

"Are you okay?" I ask in a small voice, unable to not sound weak from my own problems.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just family drama." She replies, sniffling a bit.

I remember. Sierra had a full blog dedicated towards the lesser known love triangle. About her sister Amy and how she basically adopted the name because of her twin sister. Then what happened recently with the scandal with Topher and the twins, apparently a love triangle with the egomaniac. And apparently, Amy disowned her fellow blonde blood completely, changing her name and bounced from their life.

I bit my lip slightly, knowing that the memories flooded through her mind yet again, making her weep out her sorrows. I stretch out my arms and envelopes her in a comforting embrace.

"T-Thank you, Courtney.." She manages to say, her nose wrinkling with each sniff. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She smiles a bit and wipes off her tears with her forearm. "Chris need everybody inside. I have a feeling the challenge tomorrow will be brutal..." She mumbles under her breath, shaking at the thought.

I was about to protest. Anything could be better than being kicked back into where I wanted to leave in the first place. But 10,000,000 dollars didn't lie, and from the looks of things, Chris has the money.

"Fine. I'll go. Only because I know Chris has the money." I say redundantly. She perked up, her spirits brightening.

"Alright! Good!" She cheers and claps her hands. Same old' Samey. She grabs my hand as the two of us walk into the building, not missing a glance at the black and dark brown haired boys kissing against the wall. I roll my eyes as Samey let's out a high pitched giggle.

How long are we staying here again?


The two of us walk in the grand lobby, only accompanied by us and two others. When I spot Gwen and Trent together, kissing, I stiffin.

All the memories of seeing her and Duncan kiss , then of what happened tonight floods my memories. She is a horrible human being. Samey looks at my direction and raises her eyebrows.

I bite my lip. It is called Total Drama. And right now, Bitchy Courtney is coming back. Because I am mad.

"Hey, Samey, I need a minute."

Samey slowly catches on. "Tell me the details later!" She mumbles, then walks off.


I take a few photos of the two, then stuff the phone in my pocket. I walk deeper in the lobby and harshly clear my throat, it echoing throughout the room.

Their eyes widen and they pull away from each other instantly. Trent looks at me, a slight nervous wreck, while Gwen glares daggers.

"Wow. Really Gwenny? The second time. Does Duncan even know about this?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. Her face pales. Looks like she made a big mistake.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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