Chapter Four

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I stood up feeling woozy. My knees tembled beneath me.

How are we there already?

"Courtney, are you okay?",asked DJ, putting a helping hand on my shoulder.

I gave him a ginger smile, "Yeah, just a little tired."

"Are you sure?", he asked in a concerned voice.

I nodded, giving him another sincere smile.

"Please, file single order off the plane.Thank you for flighing Air Canada.",said the intercom, booming the whole plane with voice.

"Wake up Bridge.",said Geoff, keeping a distance as he whispered loudly to her.

She woke up, batting her lashes as she yawned. She then smiled at Geoff.

"Hey honey.",she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh thank god.",said Geoff said Geoff quickly, relieved that she wasn't going crazy.

"Are we in Toronto?",she asked, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, and thank the Lord. That was probably the worst plane ride of my life!",complained Heather, glaring at Leshawna.

Leshawna rolled her eyes, "Girl, that wasn't the most pleasant ride of my life either. Can't we just put off the hatred for a while?"

Heather looked at Leshawna with slits in her eyes, "Do you just want to make an alliance with me so if there's another season so you immeadiatly have an ally?"

Leshawna sighed,"I could care less about that gosh darn show, I just want to be a little more nice with everyone. I haven't seen one of ya'll since the World Tour. And that was one of the worst seasons ever."

"Agreed.",I said, shuffling on my feet.

She gave me an apologetic look and looked back at Heather.

"Are you guys gonna get off the plane or what?",asked the flight attendant behind us.

We all looked around and her eyes looked a little bigger.

"Hey, you are the people from Total Drama.",she said, a little amused.

"Yeah, you want an autograph or something?", asked Heather, flipping her hair.

"Not really, I'm not a fan of asian sluts, black trash talkers, gay Jamacians, PDA enthusiasts, and a preppy bitch who obviously can't live without having a "bad boy" by her side.",she said.

We all got shocked looks on our faces.

"Excuse me?!",said Bridgette.

"Oh how nice, a baby. Did you conceive that on television too?",she responded cockily.

"Whoa,leave em' alone man.",said DJ.

"Sorry, I already have a GBF.", she said, smirking evily.

"Are you being serious?!",asked Heather, spitting her in face.

"As serious as how you screwed Duncan to get back at Gwen.", she said, wiping the spit off her face.

Heather growled.

"Just ignore her. Let's just go.",I said, grabbing my carry on and heading down the aisle.

The rest of the followed me, before the flight attendant got one last thing out.

"By the way, I've always supported Gwuncan. It was so much fun watching you get your heart broken on television. Thanks for riding Air Canada!", she yelled.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, before quickly brushing them away.

I hate that show.


"Is the really the address?!",asked DJ, looking at the building in front if him.

"That's what the text said.",I said, also staring in awe out what was before us.

There was a huge golden gate with a fancy "TD" carved into the center of the gate. Beyond it was acres and acres of lush green grass, and you could see two huge white cottages in the distance.

"I seriously doubt there's gonna be another season now.",said Bridgette.

"You never know, its Chris babe.", said Geoff.

Heather drove up to the intercom, on the white fence that surrounded the property.

"Yo, McClean. It's Leshawna, Heather, DJ, Bridge, and Courtney.", said Leshawana.

"Really now? Quick Trivia. Courtney, what was ypur dare for the season one, Triple Dog Dare?", he asked.

I sighed, "Drink a puree of Chef's mystery meat."

"Correct! Heather, was your head shaved?"

"Anybody who watched the show would know that McClean! You are so lucky I didn't sue!",she said angrily, probably remembering her bald days.

"Well, you're Heather! DJ, what was your fish's name in the third season?"

"Irene man, and I still have her.",he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Correct! And one for the Gidgette crew. Why didn't you kiss Bridgette on her elimination ceremony in season one, and where did you get eliminated in the third season?"

"Well, dude she stunk. Skunks got her good.",said Geoff.

"You still could've kissed me.", she said elbows crossed.

"Sorry babe.",he responded, scratching the nape of his neck.

She scoffed,"The Yukon."

"Correct, and Leshawna, where did you go after you had to build a replica of yours truely in season two?"

"A spa.",she said.

The door then opened, revealing a perfectly paved road leading to another giant manision in between the two cottages.

I was NOT ready for this reunion.


Sooo, chapter four! Sorry about the wait! I'm stressing over the stories on my usual account and this story. So announcement for my other account, I will update once a week with a story of ypur request. My first one will be "Wouldn't it be Nice?" on the request of many of the readers. I'd like to thank all of you for 187 views AND 19 votes! Its only to the forth chapter and you guys are just so wonderful! Hope you liked this chapter and another one coming by Divi ( TDI-muffin )! Thank once again and stay amazing!

°Keep Calm and Be a Prep°

★Jazzy★ ( xx_preppy_xx )

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