Chapter Six

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Ugh, I needed some air.

I left Duncan behind in the cabin, who was probably too busy carving skulls on the bedpost to notice.

"Wait Courtney!",he said, following me.

I guess not.

"I just need some air.",I said, smiling my best smile to him.

"Well, I thought we could catch up. ",he said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I don't want to catch up.

"Sure.",I responded, faking happiness.

Damn my mouth.

"Cool, so uh. What do you do for a living?",he asked, walking by my side.

"I'm actually a waitress with Bridgette.",I said, starting to walk foward.

"Waitress? What city?",he asked.

"Does it matter?",I sighed.

"Well, okay then.",he said.

"What about you?",I asked.

"My juvie and jail record is preventing me from getting the best paying job in the world so I'm in a band right now. Not the best pay, but a good way to pick up chicks.", he said.

I rolled my eyes.

Hasn't changed that much.

"Campers! Report to the center mansion! We have some...activities for you to do.",said Chris through the intercom before laughing evily.

"Ugh, I don't want to go.",said Duncan, "Wanna skip?"

Is he insane!?

"Chris will have our heads!",I said.

"So? He already has all of our legal rights. Besides, aren't you trained in law or something?
You're in law school right?",he 3 said.

Law school. My old dream before the dreaded show.

"No, I didn't get into law school.", I said, a tich of anger in my voice.

His eyes widened,"Courtney, I'm sorry."

"I'm going to the mansion. Are you coming or not?", I asked.

"I guess.",he said quietly.

"Okay then, let's go.",I said, walking away.


"Hello campers! Today, we are gonna be intriducing ourselves by name, sterotype, seasons you were in, and current occupation! I know basically none of you have met our Pakitew campers, and a few of the Revenge of The Island Campers. And the rest of the people who aren't in the orginal cast don't know any of the people who weren't in All-Stars. So we'll start working up from season one to season six, which aored four years ago.",said Chris.

"Well do it in the elimination order, so let's start with our ultimate loser. Ezekeial."

"Um did you forget McClean? He got all mutated and is out in the wild somewhere.",said Leshawna.

"Oh yeah! Well, less mouths to feed. Next!",said McClean, smiling his evil grin.

Eva stood up, frowning. She had gotten a bit more girly, now curling her hair and wearing girls basketball shirts with a cancer awareness shirt, and Nike socks and flip-flops.

"I'm Eva. I was sterotyped as the rageaholic man girl. I am now in the college Woman's Basketball League. The only season I was in was Total Drama Island.", she said, sitting back down immeadiatly after she was done.

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