Chapter Two

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"Are you ready to go?",asked Bridgette, eating a twinkie while drinking tomato juice.

"Not emotionally.",I sighed, picking up my bags.

"Dudette chill! You won't have to talk to anyome besides us.",said Geoff reassuringly.

I knew who he ment by anyone else.

Duncan and Gwen

"Yeah, just remember that none of those people are worth anything. Duncan's probably a hobo or something and Gwen's probably a prostitute or something.",said Heather, flipping her raven hair.

"Even Alejandro?",asked Bridgette, lightening up the mood.

Heather immeadiatly blushed.

"That kiss was purely strategical! I should've won a million dollars if it weren't for that stupid homeschool!",she screamed furiously.

"You can take it up to McClean when we get there. Come on, our flight leaves in about ten minutes and we're meeting up with DJ at the airport. Bridge baby, are you sure you are okay?",asked Geoff, walking up to his pregnant fiancé.

"Geoffy, I'm fine. I'm seven months pregnant, so I'm not gonna pop a baby anytime soon.",she said reassuringly,finishing off her tomato juice.

"Okay lovebirds, let's go!",said Heather, grabbing her keys off the counter and walking out the door.

I sighed, and followed her. I was NOTready for this reunion.

We got to the airport quickly, but not without Bridgette puking off the side of Heather's red BMW.
"Ugh, I don't have time to clean it. Where's DJ Geoff?",asked Heather, slamming her car door shut.

"He should be waiting by the flight to Toronto dude.",said Geoff, helping Bridgette out of the car.

"Oh fun, another person we have to meet.",said Bridgette, frustrated, getting out of the car.

"Bridge, DJ wasn't that bad.",I said.

"Don't waste your time arguing, mood swings remember?",said Geoff, helping her to her feet.

"Yeah, yeah let's go people.",said Heather, grabbing her bags and walkong to the door.

I rolled my eyes. She was still sassy, but not as much.

I followed her in grabbing my bags, and grabbing Bridgette's bags as well. Being a waitress paid off in another way than money after all.

We entered the airport, watching people going up and down the escalators, and people dragging their luggage across the floor.

We got our tickets, and went to the Toronto flight area. There, we saw DJ, waving gingerly and smiling.

DJ now a small afro, and a goatee. He also dumped his usual look on the show and had a green blazer, brown slacks, and a white shirt with a maroon tie.

While Geoff was a radio station person, me and Bridge were waitresses, and Heather was a fashion designer, he was a big CEO in one of the biggest businesses in Canada. Good for him I guess.

"Hey DJ dude!",said Geoff, giving DJ a quick manly hug.

"Hey man! Wassup?",said DJ, smiling.

"Oh not much.",said Geoff.

"Doesn't look like it. Bridgette, you're pregnant?",he asked, staring at Bridgette's huge belly.

"No, I ate a basketball. No shit sherlock.",said Bridgette, folding her arms.

"Sorry man, it's the mood swings.",said Geoff, putting an arm around her.

"Don't touch me.",she growled.

Geoff immeadiatly put up his hands in surrender, "Sorry babe."

"Guys, we have a twenty minutes till our flight. What should we do?",asked Heather, checking her phone.

"Oh oh! I'm hungry! Go to Burger King! And Starbucks! Ooh, and Taco Bell!",said Bridgette happily, "Geoffy, can you go for me?"

"Babe, me and the boy got some catching up to do.",he said, causing her to frown.

I sighed, feeling empathy towards Bridge.

"I'll go get it for you.",I said, smiling and putting my bags down.

"Really?!",she asked excitedly.

"Sure, I was gonna go get food anyways.",I said.


"Cool! Thanks Court!",she said, enveloping me in a hug.

I squirmed a little, but then returned it,"No prob!"

I waved, and went to the nearest food place. I was behind two boys, holding hands. And they looked really familiar.

"Noah and Cody?",I asked, tapping their shoulders.

They turned around, and gasped.

"Have I met you before or are you just a fan of the show?",asked Noah.

I couldn't bring it to myself to tell them it was me. Matter of fact, I can't even believe I started the conversation.

"Um, I'm a huge Noco shipper! I love the scene in season one where you accidentally kissed Cody's ear.",I said, fake smiling.

"That's what they all say, here's an autograph.",said Noah, pulling out a pre-signed piece of paper with both of their signatures on it.

I looled at it with disgust.

Looks like someone hasn't changed.

"Order 203!",screamed the lady at the counter.

"That's us, it was nice meeting you!", said Cody smiling and shaking my hand.

"You too.",I said, fake smiling while the couple walked away.

I then ordered, and went on to the next resteraunt where I saw someone I was definetly not expecting to run into.

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